Birds are my morning routine. I wake up on the second floor and eagerly look out the window to see if they're below on the feeder. They really do so much symbolic heavy lifting for me, just watching them live their lives is like hearing a good sermon.

I'm glad we have this fondness of birds in common.

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This is a beautiful story and a very profound analogy.

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Recently, I saw you in a dream again. This time, you were driving and speaking to me about something, explaining to me some perticular point about mass formation. Soon, we reached your home and the journey came to an end. A woman, presumably your wife was looking through the windows while she combed her hair.

I got down, as I was going somewhere else. I started walking, but I did not know wherr exactly I was headed. Sun was shining beautifully and brightly. It was a sparsely populated place, with houses standing apart from one another like we see in villages. Children were heading to school, and there was a group of nuns walking around talking. It all felt so good.

I realized that since I was speaking to you, I must be in Belgium (I have never actually been to Belgium) I started to wonder how did I end up in Belgium. Than I saw a portal ahead of me. I thought to myself that I must head home and the dream ended. Good dreams such as this one are very rare to me.

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The birds were first inanimate, golden.

Then their eyes were mailed

from the depths of the ocean,

God squeezed feathers out of his own pillow,

beaks were made from forest thorns

One dawn they were borne out of dark

inside of the marine-blue body of dew

only to find their nest behind man’s forehead

Ana Brnardić

Reference: Struga Poetry Evenings,


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There is beautifull poem by brazillian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto


One rooster cannot weave a morning.

He will always need other roosters:

one to catch the cry that he

and toss it to another, another rooster

to catch the cry that a rooster before him

and toss it to another, and other roosters

that with many other roosters crisscross

the sun threads of their rooster cries,

so that the morning, form a tenuous tissue,

will grow by he weaving of all the roosters.


And enlarging into a fabric involving all,

erecting itself into a tent where all may enter,

extending itself for all, in the canopy

(the morning) that floats without any frame:

the morning, a canopy made of a weave so airy

that, one woven, it rises by itself: balloon light.

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Rise and shine! Mattias's bird analogy is on full display in this unique historical recording of Ceaucescu's very last speech. We can actually see history happening in real time. Experience the switch in just a few minutes from fear to power (for the people), from life to death (for the oppressor). Truly remarkable and chilling images. I agree with Mattias, be that little kid that says the emperor has no clothes on. In part 1, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWIbCtz_Xwk, the cheering of the masses seems to have a positive meaning (for the regime), but how different these cheering become in part 2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3muDjmU2ozQ. At 9:45 (in part 2), you can see that very moment where Ceaucescu loses his power, instantly, and shows what he in fact has always been, a little old fragile man on a balcony. Only in unity we can beat 'evil'. They are trying to divide us in many many ways for the last years. Don't be fooled. Sing like Mattias bird.

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Speak the truth.

Even if your voice shakes.


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I especially appreciate that you said “speak THE truth” not “your” truth. There is TRUTH. And it should be spoken.

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"A Thousand Names For Joy" Byron Katie is an aware human with a spontaneous awakening. Bottom line; we suffer when we believe our thoughts, fall in love with ourselves and end suffering when we live in acceptance and harmony with what is. She was given for questions to ask ourselves to free up the tangled mind. "Living in harmony with the Way Things Are" I'm practicing being aware of my thoughts, and not believing them. talk about a full time experience!

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This was beautiful and touched me deeply. I love birds and cherish them as I have gotten convinced through life that these splendid creatures are god's signature on the artwork which is our Earth with everything on it. If you observe them carefully you cannot possibly ever again believe that all those colorful and detailed tiny feathers in all the specific places came about solely through evolution - through evolution we got sparrows and crows maybe but not peacocks, phaesants, robins, tits, all the paradise birds and so many more fascinating other birds that enrich our life with their beautiful presence.

Thank you Mattias for sharing your personal revelations with us.

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Sparrows and crows are just as intricately designed, just not as colorful. :) They also show exquisite design. Anything that can fly absolutely must be designed. Irreducible complexity. The bones, the muscles, the tendons, the feather shape and placement. Beak at front, tail feathers at back. Retractable landing gear in place. A bird without all of these put together at the same time would not be functional. No one would say an airplane evolved, yet supposedly intelligent human beings claim birds evolved. Yet birds are far superior in their design, function, agility, and they even self replicate. :)

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Beautiful. Thank you. Happy Monday from south central Montana, USA.

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As a bird lover this touched my soul ✨

I read it is Robins who first break the silence. It has to do with the shape of their tiny little eyeballs, they are the first to notice the light.

According to Yuval Harari birdsong is purely mechanical. Of course, everything is to him. But we know better. We know and feel and sense birds sing for a new day, light, a new beginning.

And as you see the tiniest creature can spark a symphony with a simple 'tweewiep'. What an inspiration 💚

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Profound and beautiful 👏👏👏

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Nice read on a Monday. Hello from New Delhi Mattias Desmet.

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Morning, fellow Substackers,

Join the Bird Club indeed by publishing the stories that need to be noticed! I'll give a helper example here of how a friggin' little bird can contribute to cutting short certain dreams early in the morning:


What's the status of the "subsequent essay" about our Ego, by the way, as mentioned here on July 18? That would serve as an important discussion at the Early Little Bird Club in formation as it catches public attention instead of paying it to all the context-sensitive expert observations and other currently popular semipropagandist noise in the world, let's hope.

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