Dear friends, It's been a while now - it seems like forever. I'm busy writing my next book. That book is about the psychology of truth speech and the end of totalitarianism. I have to say, it's nice not to be too absorbed by social media for a while. I like to use that time to anchor my roots more deeply in the earth.
Excellent points. I work for a financial services business and the US administration continues to find new ways to strangle banks with regulations and consent decrees. The number of departments and employees has exploded. Then there’s the discriminatory DE&I edicts that are contrary to their apparent intent to be inclusive while being exclusive. Our stakeholder overlords require annual reports that monitor the company’s dutiful compliance and virtue signaling. More regulations, paperwork, bureaucracy, and interminable time to get anything done. All this with the need for productivity. Good luck 🍀 with that!
I am looking forward to your new book. So much of what you have said explains things that I was seeing but didn't have such a thorough explanation of them. I just read your last book yesterday (binge read on audio book). I was shocked at how many similarities in thoughts I had with what you explained. I too had a feeling in Sept of 2019 that something was going to happen. "They are building an army" I told my wife. I don't know what they are going to do, but something big is coming. I prepared for a fake nuclear threat and for some reason didn't think virus. I told my wife, we need to pay off our duplex before the new year since I don't know what is coming and I don't want to be owing anyone money on it if income will be uncertain. Your comment about your visit to the bank in September was similar.
I see 8 current psyops (for lack of a better word) going on right now as I explained in this article:
Your 4 requirements for Mass Formation to occur explained a lot. Friends and family that are affected and who I can't talk about certain subjects have all of these requirements in their lives.
I look forward to your new book in helping me speak truth to people who don't realize what is going on.
Hannah Arendt wrote wrote about the pit of tyranny that increasing beauracracy created. No one is the tynant but we are tyrannized none the less. Every additional sign, every additional, rule, every new line adds it's miniscule amount to the tyranny of our times until we are caught like flies in a web. We can struggle, for a while, but the blood will be sucked out of us nonetheless.
Hannah Arendt wrote wrote about the pit of tyranny that increasing beauracracy created. No one is the tynant but we are tyrannized none the less. Every additional sign, every additional, rule, every new line adds it's miniscule amount to the tyranny of our times until we are caught like flies in a web. We can struggle, for a while, but the blood will be sucked out of us nonetheless.
The decline of sincere speech...impersonal relationships to blame, and I would disagree.
Manners matter most.
Sincere speech 💬...
Today, I was booted out of a Zoom retreat because I said I was attracted to the 80 year old Presenter. I was highly influenced by the topic, sexual in nature, and I am highly sensitive.
The rule dickster host a repressed misogynist punched me in the gut, ripped my clothes off, and pushed me off the stage. A rapist.
When I first began watching your interviews and discussions about Mass Formation Psychosis (2-3 years ago?), I welcomed the information. I had already been down so many rabbit holes seeking understanding and felt worn out and discouraged. Living in Portland, Oregon, did not help because disbelieving and not complying with the mandates felt quite lonely. Your words spoke to my Heart-Mind and helped immensely when you told us how important it is to hold onto our humanity no matter what. Then you spoke words about the Torah that I will remember for the rest of my life, how those teachings warn us that knowingly speaking insincerely and telling lies over and over will eventually kill the Soul. I believe this with all of my Heart and Soul. Thank you.
Over-regulation, it appears, is inevitable. Then comes slavery, then revolution. Ben Franklin anticipated that when he said the United States is “a republic, if you can keep it.” James Madison described the problem this way: “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.” Civility and civilization are perpetuated by a moral code, the spirit of the law. The letter of the law will never be sufficient to curb immorality because Men are not angels.
You will also enjoy immensely the work of Iain McGilchrist, the main one being The Master and His Emissary, if you haven't read it yet. Another monumental endeavor, this time by a clinical psychiatrist.
Mattias, if you haven't already read The Dawn of Everything: The New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow, this is a revolutionary monumental work you will greatly benefit from for your work.
Writing and talking is what keeps us glued to the media. If we were to come up with a plan to effect all citizens of the world against the technicians of the Laviathan it must be clandestine and not in writing,video and audio. Control is through surveilance and lack of privacy and you know the rest. The monetary system it seems is the only method to motivate a population that is missing all the opportunities and luxuries it had and is now struggling to survive. Why do we have homeless and extreme poverty? You cannot make money helping the poor. We are programmed and controlled by media and monetary system. There is so much to unpack with these thoughts and it is very apparent to me that complacency and fear is at it highest level. We are all experiencing it. We have been shaped into it. This will go on forever until the controlling factors are gone or not of concern any more. Mr Desmet you are the breath of fresh air to reality. You can see that we don't chat text to each other directly. There is a fear behind that comunication from the heart where the exposure is too much for most people. Open conversation to the the extent that we all get on the same page with a direction then go silent only to discuss in person. Can you imagine if we all stopped communicating online even just for a brief period. Thats the power and control that is needed. What do we have to lose? Everything? Nothing?
Desmet, you are far too naive. The rules are there to make us smaller, the mandates to make slaves, the regulations to make us obey even more regulations, in the end self destruction like in Canada. It all serves t he great Reset, aiming ultimately at diminishing the populations by 85 %. Some distance, so they have to play at all theaters.
I do not know what is worst, but I think the children are most vulnerable and exposed to all these gender attacks aiming at destorying their libido of course, and no more little babies.
Your comment on Sweden I dont recognize but if you say so. Our birth rate goes steep down, in spite of Arab immigration known for lots of children. So Swedish people will not put children to East Germany like Sweden any more....looking forward to next chapter.
Excellent points. I work for a financial services business and the US administration continues to find new ways to strangle banks with regulations and consent decrees. The number of departments and employees has exploded. Then there’s the discriminatory DE&I edicts that are contrary to their apparent intent to be inclusive while being exclusive. Our stakeholder overlords require annual reports that monitor the company’s dutiful compliance and virtue signaling. More regulations, paperwork, bureaucracy, and interminable time to get anything done. All this with the need for productivity. Good luck 🍀 with that!
I am looking forward to your new book. So much of what you have said explains things that I was seeing but didn't have such a thorough explanation of them. I just read your last book yesterday (binge read on audio book). I was shocked at how many similarities in thoughts I had with what you explained. I too had a feeling in Sept of 2019 that something was going to happen. "They are building an army" I told my wife. I don't know what they are going to do, but something big is coming. I prepared for a fake nuclear threat and for some reason didn't think virus. I told my wife, we need to pay off our duplex before the new year since I don't know what is coming and I don't want to be owing anyone money on it if income will be uncertain. Your comment about your visit to the bank in September was similar.
I see 8 current psyops (for lack of a better word) going on right now as I explained in this article:
Your 4 requirements for Mass Formation to occur explained a lot. Friends and family that are affected and who I can't talk about certain subjects have all of these requirements in their lives.
I look forward to your new book in helping me speak truth to people who don't realize what is going on.
Hannah Arendt wrote wrote about the pit of tyranny that increasing beauracracy created. No one is the tynant but we are tyrannized none the less. Every additional sign, every additional, rule, every new line adds it's miniscule amount to the tyranny of our times until we are caught like flies in a web. We can struggle, for a while, but the blood will be sucked out of us nonetheless.
Hannah Arendt wrote wrote about the pit of tyranny that increasing beauracracy created. No one is the tynant but we are tyrannized none the less. Every additional sign, every additional, rule, every new line adds it's miniscule amount to the tyranny of our times until we are caught like flies in a web. We can struggle, for a while, but the blood will be sucked out of us nonetheless.
Say hi to BigGnome Malone for me.
Great article, however your statements about Bitcoin Mining are not correct. We recommend a series of articles covering this topic here:
You can also read a great research paper by the Bitcoin Policy Institute here:
That's wild last night I had a dream that I needed to use the public restroom and the lady said I had to pay 21.00 dollars to pee
Very interesting and thought-provoking. Thank you.
The decline of sincere speech...impersonal relationships to blame, and I would disagree.
Manners matter most.
Sincere speech 💬...
Today, I was booted out of a Zoom retreat because I said I was attracted to the 80 year old Presenter. I was highly influenced by the topic, sexual in nature, and I am highly sensitive.
The rule dickster host a repressed misogynist punched me in the gut, ripped my clothes off, and pushed me off the stage. A rapist.
When I first began watching your interviews and discussions about Mass Formation Psychosis (2-3 years ago?), I welcomed the information. I had already been down so many rabbit holes seeking understanding and felt worn out and discouraged. Living in Portland, Oregon, did not help because disbelieving and not complying with the mandates felt quite lonely. Your words spoke to my Heart-Mind and helped immensely when you told us how important it is to hold onto our humanity no matter what. Then you spoke words about the Torah that I will remember for the rest of my life, how those teachings warn us that knowingly speaking insincerely and telling lies over and over will eventually kill the Soul. I believe this with all of my Heart and Soul. Thank you.
I look forward to reading your new book and pondering it. Thanks
Over-regulation, it appears, is inevitable. Then comes slavery, then revolution. Ben Franklin anticipated that when he said the United States is “a republic, if you can keep it.” James Madison described the problem this way: “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.” Civility and civilization are perpetuated by a moral code, the spirit of the law. The letter of the law will never be sufficient to curb immorality because Men are not angels.
You will also enjoy immensely the work of Iain McGilchrist, the main one being The Master and His Emissary, if you haven't read it yet. Another monumental endeavor, this time by a clinical psychiatrist.
Mattias, if you haven't already read The Dawn of Everything: The New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow, this is a revolutionary monumental work you will greatly benefit from for your work.
Writing and talking is what keeps us glued to the media. If we were to come up with a plan to effect all citizens of the world against the technicians of the Laviathan it must be clandestine and not in writing,video and audio. Control is through surveilance and lack of privacy and you know the rest. The monetary system it seems is the only method to motivate a population that is missing all the opportunities and luxuries it had and is now struggling to survive. Why do we have homeless and extreme poverty? You cannot make money helping the poor. We are programmed and controlled by media and monetary system. There is so much to unpack with these thoughts and it is very apparent to me that complacency and fear is at it highest level. We are all experiencing it. We have been shaped into it. This will go on forever until the controlling factors are gone or not of concern any more. Mr Desmet you are the breath of fresh air to reality. You can see that we don't chat text to each other directly. There is a fear behind that comunication from the heart where the exposure is too much for most people. Open conversation to the the extent that we all get on the same page with a direction then go silent only to discuss in person. Can you imagine if we all stopped communicating online even just for a brief period. Thats the power and control that is needed. What do we have to lose? Everything? Nothing?
Desmet, you are far too naive. The rules are there to make us smaller, the mandates to make slaves, the regulations to make us obey even more regulations, in the end self destruction like in Canada. It all serves t he great Reset, aiming ultimately at diminishing the populations by 85 %. Some distance, so they have to play at all theaters.
I do not know what is worst, but I think the children are most vulnerable and exposed to all these gender attacks aiming at destorying their libido of course, and no more little babies.
Your comment on Sweden I dont recognize but if you say so. Our birth rate goes steep down, in spite of Arab immigration known for lots of children. So Swedish people will not put children to East Germany like Sweden any more....looking forward to next chapter.