Aug 25Edited

"This was not the first time I reached out to Dr. Breggin. In September 2022, after he published a series of offensive articles, I also invited him to have a public conversation with me. He refused."

I too have had a run-in with Peter Breggin. He was offensive and manipulative, always using deceitful tactics to portray himself as the good guy, and the other party who disagreed with him as the evil enemy. He reminded me very much of Cluster-B personalities I have known. Where's the garlic?

I have never been overly impressed with his books either. I consider his ideas rather basic, for someone who brands himself as an amazing Psychiatrist. I think his skill is in knowing how to grab the spotlight.

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Played by the Pentagon. Maybe (unconsious) controlled opposition after all?


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Thank you Mr Desmet for introducing me to Dr Breggin. Historically conversations with progressive insights were done by letters, written correspondence. What is wrong with that?

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Here’s Where Breggin’s Analysis

Comes Out In The Wash:

Did They All Know Someone Close To Them

That Warned Them About Vaccine Dangers?

Answer That

And You’ve Cleaned Up That Mess.


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"Rather than punish culprits, the Wendats insisted the culprit’s entire lineage or clan to pay compensation. This made it everyone’s responsibility to keep their kindred under control. ‘It is not the guilty who suffer the penalty’, Lallemant explains, but rather ‘the public that must make amends for the offences of individuals.’ If a Huron had killed a Algonquin or another Huron, the whole country assembled to agree the number of gifts due to the grieving relatives, ‘to stay the vengeance that they might take.'" (“The Dawn of Everything", D. Graeber / D. Wengrow, p. 42)

The Noble European American. And a frenchman. Thoughts on Desmet's and Graeber's invitation of indigenous American tradition.


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You are so right, Dr. Desmet. Discussion and debate are the only tools to move society forward. The censorship and silencing of those who have other opinions is never right. It has hurt us in so many ways, not only scientifically, but educationally, medically, religiously, ethically and morally. I hope Dr. Breggin will soon understand the importance of that conversation. Thank you for your persistence.

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Ok, you have convinced me. I am going to read the Dawn of Everything.

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You helped the world greatly when you came out with your mass formatino psychosis and you will again with your sincere speech articles. You will win the nobel peace prize one day. Keep going. This mad world needs a compassionate rational person like you.

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You're welcome!

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Let us take a different perspective and drop the judgment of others and especially ourselves. Whatever we do, including our thoughts, our feelings, they exist temporarily in a space of awareness. Our true nature rests in peace without concern for or judgment of egoic life. Live with an uncensored mind. No mistakes. Just be. If action is called for, do in peace. Pursuing truth in the human sphere is too knotted and tangled. Be comfortable in yourself and the heart will know what is true.

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"cuando mayor es la ignorancia, mayor es el dogmatismo". William Osler. NO merece distraer su atención.

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It was reiterated to me just yesterday that to really understand the psychology of the so-called predator mind, how each of us are infected in varying degrees and then to clear those patterns, is essential along our pathway to freedom. Such is the stacked deck, there is no denying these classic divide and conquer tactics are particularly nasty to deal with. Good luck in getting through though, I suspect you will not. The incoherence of the article was somewhat troubling, only pointing to a sharp polarisation of thoughts by a pied piper whose desire is only to defend, so as to win, his side of an argument, rather than seek the truth frequency from a holistic perspective and in unified cooperation. To my mind anyway. As is the way in separation consciousness, it is either ‘they’ or ‘us’ and if you blame the ‘us’, then you are the ‘they’, and all to the benefit of wow, geez, I wonder who? Just confirms the significance of shadow work and negative ego clearing. But that is mere “psychobabble” apparently in what becomes a continual reinforcement of one’s own ignorance.

Started to read the book as suggested. Interesting, if admittedly a little frustrating but will hold discernment until finished. However I will say, can we not talk about both how we fell from the stars and came to find ourselves trapped inside the box parameters of our spatial intellect and therein doing some incredibly brutish things? I may not be bright compared to you men of scholarly might, but the difference hinges upon direct access to consciousness memories. Thus please allow me to be stubborn in my insistence to the necessity of coming into an awareness of what happened to us as a species when we, indeed, “fell” during the cataclysm of the last Ice Age (Atlantis, not from grace) and why and how it got this bad. It goes hand-in-hand with the above paragraph. It is all too easy to fixate upon a point of contention from a one-dimensional perspective, i.e. Christian, which will equally produce a one-dimensional understanding then deemed unworthy of modern attention in an attitudinal stance dominated by a bi-wave, finite (consumptive) either/or logic. Unruly power arises in tandem with resource scarcity produced by bi-wave, finite (consumptive) energy systems. I recommend Dr. Leonard Shlain, who also has an interesting perspective which no doubt has been discredited by academia but made some interesting observations on language and the brain.

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I Support Your Statement Mattias, a new life goal. ♥️

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I start from a point that there have been many theories advanced by Psychologists and Psychiatrists. I have regarded we the people as free to favor any, parts of any, as useful. I find this useful enough.

Dr Bregin describes himself as a part of a 'tribe within that public space consists of freedom fighters, resisters, and victims.' He evidently feels in useful to identify 'oppressors' as the villians.

One might suggest a focus on each of our objectives as useful.

i see myself as pursuing freedom.

I see Dr Malone as an invaluable Freedom Fighter, who has been making headway in combating both those responsible for the covid and the world ills. Along the way he has been sharing strategies to address the harms we've experienced.

My impression is both yourself and purportedly Dr Bregin as focused on helping those damaged by the impacts of the covid crisis. You in particular have been helping us to understand and help the damaged.

Attacks on you and Dr Malone do nothing to further the objectives you've all been pursuing! Dr Bregin wastes his time and tears himself from satisfying the goals he asserts to pursue. His attacks divert your pursuit of the goals you gentlemen are pursuing. in fact they harm others perceptions of yourselves and your efforts.

There is need and untold opportunities for each of us to pursue positive contributions. To attack, obstruct each other is reprehensible IMO.

I fully understand and support (including litigation) efforts to bring the effort to get these realities recognized.

i have minimal expectation that Dr Bregin can be refocused onto his supposed goal of helping the damaged.

I'm hopeful you, Dr Malone and I can carry on with our efforts less impeded. Thank you for all your contrbutions.

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This is what I wrote to Dr. Breggin: Dr. Breggin, your comments are too simplistic. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “A mature person is one who does not think only in absolutes..." I worked with victims of domestic violence. To become survivors rather than victims, they had to accept responsibility for their own denial and, sadly, their own reasons for staying. I encouraged them to decide that they were worthy of not being abused. It begins at that base level. Their recovery involved their becoming strong enough to accept the reality that although their partners were charming and sometimes seemed, "nice," they were actually psychopaths. In the meantime, I worked to have the abusers arrested. Former victims went on to establish healthy relationships and meaningful careers. This black and white world in which you live is not reality. Domestic violence is not all the responsibility of the abusers -- the victims are not at fault, but they do play a role when they are unable and or unwilling to leave.

Vaccinated folks who are not strong enough to look at reality, which is all Mattias asks of them, at some point, leave victimhood for volunteerism. Many I have seen will die defending Fauci. Pointing that out is not blaming the victim. We can have compassion for victims while simultaneously encouraging them to step out of victimhood. That is not a "hateful and even murderous attitude." That is engaging in a compassionate attitude.

Desmet is not Malone. You are fighting the wrong battle here, and you do so in a (sorry to say it) typical narcissistic way, using such outrageous examples, that there is no way to have an emotionally- mature discussion. It appears that your intention is to look, "smarter," not to find peace. That is a shame.

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I remember Dr Breggin from 50 years ago when he stirred up a controversy about brain lobotomy. My point is not so much about the accuracy of his views here (I believe his criticism is non-responsive to Mattias views), it is about the Breggins' style of stirring up a fight. I ignore them.

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