Dear friends,
A few musings emerge in the still air of the summer evening. It was a historic day. Julian Assange is once again a free man.
Or is he really? What does freedom mean if one must pay for it with a coerced confession of guilt? This is what I read in the twilight of this sun-drenched day: Julian Assange and humanity will only truly be free when cowardly attempts to make him a criminal are abandoned and he is honored for what he is: someone who spoke and broke through the façade, even when he knew he would lose everything.
It is indeed a bittersweet moment re Julia Assange. I am so ashamed of our government (especially Mike Pompeo, who claims to e a conservative and a Catholic!) for the lengthy and unjust trauma they have caused this brave man. If Biden is doing this s some sort of election ploy, may he lose bigly! He should not benefit in any way from the experience of Mr. Assange. There are so many shameful details to this horrendous saga that show that we are clearly NOT a free country. I hope what is left of Julian's very broken existence can bring him some peace and comfort. He surely deserves it.
What Desmet says is so true. We have subjected to increasing repression and loss of freedom of speech for quite a few years now. Covid was a major case in point with the Government going after all venues the public uses; ie, social media and independent journalism. The gaslighting and blatant name calling. The loss of income imposed on medical people who speak out. The refusal of media of all varieties refusing to publish highly credible researchers, writers and practitioners. The imposition by the government of toxic drugs and other control mechanisms like isolation, loss of human contact, etc. This Assange case is the culmination of the oligarchy's efforts to destroy democratic prinicples in our life. When will people wake up en masse and refuse to accept this abuse!