Freedom? Is any human being truly free, in the context of our subconscious motivation? Generally speaking, are we guilty of assuming that the perceptual-pretense involved in creating a consensus-reality means that we are satisfactorily, conscious? What was it that Jung said about the generational problem of making our overwhelmingly subconscious motivation conscious? Something to do with the implicit meaning of the truly ancient wisdom injunction, know thyself, and how our subconscious directs our lives, while historically we feel this as the fate of not being reality-wise?

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So true, so true..... what a cost to pay to be "free" on paper. Just like Assange, we are not truly free, till we again may speak, without sensure, from our hearts, without any fear.

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In this absolute sea of lies and deception I've often wondered if the Assange story/imprisonment is even real. Characters like Assange and Snowden seem like caricatures of propaganda just designed as warnings to stifle dissent. "Big Brother is watching you"...

Real threats to this evil system are cancered, suicided, disappeared or outright publicly murdered. The lengthy "imprisonment" saga seems highly suspect.

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What does freedom mean? For Julian Assange, freedom now means something completely different than for Mattias Desmet. Namely freedom from TORTURE. Interestingly, almost nobody talks about torture. Even though everyone knows that journalism, as interpreted by Assange, has never really been interpreted that way in history, but torture, as clearly suffered by him, at least lately has been.

Are there any words that have historically been used more hypocritically than those of freedom and truth?

And wasn't most of the state's "masks on – masks off" kind of Covid fear porn actually psychological mass torture? For example open absurdity in treatments which is used to effectively brake the will of political prisoners...

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Freedom means the same thing if one must pay for it with a coerced confession of guilt when one is living in a society where it is entirely imaginary and administrative.

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Good for Julian. And long overdue. I don't think it will be quite so easy to get Ed Snowden exonerated. But at least he's not currently incarcerated.

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Ed Snowden doesn't need to be exonerated since he is living freer in Russia than Assange did anywhere in the last twelve years.

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Perhaps so. And yes, his situation is not as dire as Assange's. But don't you think he would prefer, for his mental well being at least, to be able to live in his homeland, rather than in forced exile? Even Solzhenitsyn got to go home eventually...

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I was born in America, but my America was dead before I learned that it had died.

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I sympathize. I was born in America, too, and I enjoyed the privilege of growing up in an America that still valued honesty, fidelity, and moral values---and in which it was actually safe to walk the streets at night. I.e., not a Gotham City.

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I was home sick from school, playing with my LEGO blocks in front of the television when I became the first member of my family to hear about the murder of JFK. It took another couple of decades before I became aware what was meant by the end of Camelot. The real Joker, Riddler, Penguin, and Catwoman took over on that day.

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Interesting metaphor! I could subscribe to that. Speaking of JFK ... You should look into James Douglass's book "JFK and the Unspeakable." It's the absolute best analysis of hi assassination ever written https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JFK_and_the_Unspeakable

For instance, did you know that an attempt on his life three weeks earlier, in Chicago, was thwarted at the last minute by an FBI agen in that office who contacted a friend in the Secret Service? JFK was 10 minutes from getting on Marine-1 to Air Force-1 at Andrews for the trip to Chicago. And they canceled the trip. Best-documented analysis ever. Nearly 800 footnotes in one chapter alone. Read it!

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Need Accountability -- the Criminals who imprisoned him for telling the Truth need to be Sentenced and Jailed.

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A secret meeting last week decided Julian’s fate. Why secret? Who attended? Who made the decision? Why now?

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I guess he hardly knows how to carry himself any more, being imprisoned for such a long, long time. It certainly is a day to celebrate for Mr Assange, even if free speech lost out!

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Criminal psychopaths in charge in Canada. Do you know our Prime Minister John Diefenbaker knew this day would come?

We almost lost everything because we have haven’t been taught our real Civics since the 1960s.

Good news is, we are bringing it back and we are winning in the courts.

Assert your rights, stand tall.


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Hear HEAR!!

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As happy as I am to hear of Mr. Assange's so called freedom, he and his loved ones will sadly never be able to regain all the losses that took place while he was persecuted by the very system which is supposed to protect him. He can however be very proud of what he achieved for as long as he lives and that, hopefully, his sacrifice will endure in our collective minds and give us the strength to somehow try to be, even if by a fraction, the sort of courageous soul he is.

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Yes indeed, a bitter-sweet day wasn't it and he probably won't be able to speak against injustice again; he should never have been charged in the first place. Praying for his full recovery 🙏

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if he was freed under conditions, until the trial starts ( in Australia?), then they will confiscate his passport in Australia. How can he escape?

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Mattias, you are one of the few people on the planet I would like to meet—why? In one extraordinary paragraph you defined the essence and the profundity, the measure of a human willing to sacrifice all for pure truth.

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It's great that Assange is "free" but he had to plead guilty to one count of violating the Espionage Act, which is a direct assault on the first amendment. Exposing government crimes should be applauded but instead the guilty plea is a shot across the bow to every citizen that we are NOT free to reign in a government that is out of control.

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What "government" seems not to understand is that it has been erected to serve the people, not the other way around.

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The Trudeau government should be dismantled. Minister by Minister.

Beginning with the Prime Minister.

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