I would be careful doctor. I have a fear of luxury. Every time I go to an posh restaurant or a mall, I can feel the ambience beginning to ensnare my senses. Strange desires, which appear nothing more than frivolous greed when dining at a roadside stall, begin to appear in my mind.

These places are built to hack one's mind. To artificially induce in oneself, a longing for them, when in reality, they are in sense built of illusions, and promises of a life one cannot quite ever get to. Enthralled by them, many give up on some of things which are most valuable in life, a honest mind and a pure heart. Such instilled desires can play weird tricks on one's psyche, and many have ended up unconsciously in the arms of evil.

My assumption here is, that your residence here was paid for by those who invited you. Ask yourself, such money does not fall ideally. May be they are nice people treating you well as a good man should be, but grand designs often start simply.

This is not idle worry. I am quite confident that you are aware of the science side of the Epstein scandal. A lot of good scientist got captured by luxuries they never had, and never needed. It is reasonable to assume that such tricks are not isolated to a single person.

Here is another piece of unsolicited advice. If you are married, take your wife with you most places. There are certain temptations even the strongest men find hard to resist, you are the last man I want to see torpedoed.

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I like your comment because I do not understand why Mattias Desmet describes all these beauties which are really amazing but they are not relevant for this moment of history. I understand the beauty of American nature, and super artists etc. but I would like to hear something about Mattias's interview and his feeling about people that he had met.

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Snoepkont Matthias..op de golven van het geheim tijd ..pas op de deining. Tijd kronkelt zich overal omheen. Weer `n wiegend woord en laat me even meegaan. Dank je! En ga door.

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Arvo Pärt is the best.

This song too is so beautiful it hurts.

It is an appropriate song for today.

But it is in Dutch:


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You have quit the lobotomized followers for sure. Ignorant and uninitiated in reality.

Try catching up to the 20th century. The UnUnited $nakes of Amerikkka will make Goebbels and Himmler and Mengele look like hippies.


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What a poetic piece Mattias, and a little more of a reveal of a heart within you that sparkles and resonates within all of us ❤️🙏.

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My Mothers favorite color was Lapis Lazuli.

She had jewelry of the stones in small/medium/large assortments.

My daughter has her antique collection.

It makes for fabulous memories of days gone by.

Cool reminder, Thanks Mattias!

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Wow. Beautiful, poetic description of those intangibles that, as Helen Keller says cannot be seen but must be felt with the heart. ❤️

Glad you got these moments… there is much to love about the beautiful places many of us call home. 🙏

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Nice to hear that. Some different angle.

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Arvo Part is a good choice.

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Mattias, I love your poetic writing!

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Enjoy the marvels , All the best , en nen dikke mercie ;)

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Reading about the finer things in life and especially a pianist who can weave music with his fingers makes me shed a few appreciative tears for the potential of mankind. Imagine what a cathedral can inspire!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed our beautiful nation. I would like it very much if you moved here. Become part of the fabric of this beautiful land, where you can be supported and grow academically. We welcome you back at your earliest opportunity. 🇺🇸

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This is so pathetic, and you might not know that. Belgium? ANd this dirty Hillsdale College? Right wing nut jobs, of course, and it's a Christian College for the Rapist in Chief Trump?

Then you talk about your fine food needs and the wine and the bloody music.

You are dead weight, dude, and yes, we can still read your drivel without being banned by the Belgium.

Again, another UnCollege put on by Baptists?

This week: President Trumps many executive orders, how the media gets Trump wrong, and the dismantling of the administrative state. Dr. Larry P. Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, joins Hugh Hewitt on the Hillsdale Dialogues.


What the school’s website doesn’t say is that cosponsors of the “James Madison Fellows Program” include decidedly non-socialist organizations such as The Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society. A monthly lecture series has included such conservative luminaries as David Horowitz (a onetime lefty who made a sudden turn to the far right) and John Bolton (conservative then and now) .

A survey from the dipshit school:

Hillsdale College believes that socialism isincompatible with America’s Constitution and heritage of liberty. What are yourchief concerns, if any, about socialism taking root in America? (Please checkall that apply.

- America cannot afford the steep costs of socialism.

- Socialism undermines faith and religious liberty.

- Socialism is the enemy of econmic freedom and opportunity.

- Socialism undermines responsibility and encourages dependence.

- Once imposed, socialism is almost impossible to undo.

- I have no concerns about socialism.

- Not Sure/No Opinion

I was waiting for a choice such as “socialism would lead to a system in which human need is valued over private profit.” But that choice never appeared, so I chose “I have no concerns about socialism.” (Although that wasn’t strictly true; I was concerned that under socialism there would be so many meetings to attend that I’d run out of excuses to skip them).

For decades, too many American K-12 schools have failed to provide young Americans with a solid grounding in American civics — the study of American history, government, and economics. This has contributed to the attraction so many young people today feel for socialism. Do you think K-12 schools in your area should be doing more to teach young Americans about America’s great heritage of liberty?

- Yes

- No

- Not Sure/No Opinion

Darn tootin’ they should, and I proudly clicked “yes.” They should be teaching more about the heritage that gave plantation owners the liberty to enslave Africans and, once slavery ended, gave racists the liberty to deny African Americans their constitutional rights; gave the military the liberty to exterminate Native Americans and invade third-world countries; gave giant corporations the liberty to deprive workers of a living wage and the opportunity to form unions – I could go on and on. There’s so much about American liberty that our kids don’t learn!

America’s colleges and universities are now hotbeds of progressive and “politically correct” ideology, including socialism, and are increasingly denying free speech rights to students and others who hold non-progressive viewpoints. Do you believe that colleges and universities should defend the free speech rights of students and others who oppose socialism and other aspects of progressive ideology?

- Yes

- No

- Not Sure/Don't Know

I also answered yes, although that colleges were denying free-speech rights to non-progressives was news to me. It seemed to me the business schools were doing a booming business and the law schools were pumping out corporate lawyers in as great a quantity as ever. It seemed to me that for a long time it was left-wing speech that was censored until campus activists fought for real free speech. So “yes” was my answer, so long as socialists actually got equal time.

The news media is increasingly biased towards Left-wing politicians, including those who are self-proclaimed socialists, and increasingly aligned against policymakers who challenge ideas that would dramatically expand government control of the economy. Do you consider the media biased in favor of progressivism, including socialist politicians and policies that tend toward socialism?

- Yes

- No

- Not Sure/No Opinion

I scoured TV news and major newspapers for bias toward left-wing politicians and ideas and came up empty. I did land on Fox News for a few minutes, and I wondered if the creators of the survey were actually familiar with the major media. So I had to vote “no.”

Recent polling suggests that nearly half of younger Americans would “prefer living in a socialist country.” According to one analysis of these polls, “The word ‘socialism’ does not carry the same stigma it did in the past, now that it has been resurrected by celebrity politicians.” Do you believe lawmakers who encourage young people to embrace socialism are doing a disservice to the country?

- Yes

- No

- Not Sure/No Opinion

Hmm. Bernie, AOC and the other socialist lawmakers want living wages, Medicare for All, free college (at public universities, not Hillsdale) and cuts in the military. So no, they’re OK in my book.

Hillsdale believes that citizens who have been taught American history, who understand the principles and meaning of the Constitution, and who are proud of our nation’s great heritage of liberty, will not fall prey to the fantasy of socialism. So that Americans nationwide will better understand the Constitution and see that socialism is incompatible with liberty, which of Hillsdale’s educational outreach programs would you like to see expanded?

- Free online courses on topics such as the Constitution and free-market economics.

- Imprimis, Hillsdale's free monthly speech digest of liberty.

- Scholarships for undergraduate students to attend Hillsdale.

- The founding of Hillsdale-affiliated K-12 charter schools nationwide.

- Delivering free pocket Constitutions to America's K-12 students.

Definitely the last of those. I want more young people to learn that Article II doesn’t give the president the right to do anything he wants, that the constitution has only seven articles and not 12 as President Trump thinks, that slaves were once considered three-fifths of a person, and that the Bill of Rights consists of more than the Second Amendment.

Somehow I was not surprised that when I submitted the survey I landed on a page that asked me to make a donation to the school. I took a pass. Nor was I surprised when a few days after taking the survey Hillsdale emailed me to say the overwhelming majority of respondents regarded socialism as a menace on par with COVID-19, giving the school another opportunity to solicit a donation

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How long have you been a member of the flat earth society?

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Ahh, that's your buddy Mattias' favorite school, Hillsdale. Talk about Flat Earth and Flat brains:


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"There are certain things that are true no matter how much someone may deny them. In the economic realm, for instance, you cannot legislate the poor into independence by legislating the wealthy out of it. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it. Government cannot give to people what it does not first take away from people. And that which one man received without working for, another man must work for without receiving." - Kenneth W. Sollitt

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Ahh, those robber barons and Doctrine of Discovery thugs? Ahh, that's the ticket -- not one penny of any of the millionaires and billionaires was made without government for and with the wealthy. You know that! You are just in LaLaLandia.


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“People are not socialists because they want to share their wealth with others, but because they want a share of others’ wealth.” Deanne R. Sanville

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Again, more of the same Hallmark quotes. Get a life: Get educated


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Hey, you're overly foregrounded on be a total dick. Take a hike why don't you?

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Thank you for this story about life presenting itself.

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Such eloquent writing, a joy to read

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