Dear friends,
Two days ago, I arrived in Iceland, for a lecture about my book on totalitarianism. I am often abroad for that reason, but Iceland is one of a kind. This morning the window of my hotelroom showed me the scenery below. The quiet of this frozen, volcanic world is a liberation for the soul. And the warmth of the people here is a blessing for it.
From time to time I wonder, like most of you, I guess: why am I doing all this? And from time to time life sends me a little piece of the answer, through a sincere sign of gratitude of someone who read my book, or through the warm glow in the voice of someone who exchanges some words with me after a lecture.
We speak because we are humans in relationship to other humans, we speak to harmonise disharmonious relationships - disharmonious relationships with other human beings, with nature, with ourselves … Here in Iceland, I find a piece of the answer to the question as to why I speak. And in this way, I share it a little bit with you.
When we realize this
and ACT to CHANGE it, we'll then be ready to actually Speak as "Human Beings"!
Until then...
Iceland eliminated Downs Syndrome babies by killing them. All of them. No thanks.