Read Matthias’s book and you will be wiser. It will help you understand why the vast majority of our friends, family and acquaintances believed and continue to believe the lies told by the establishment about Covid and the entire Plandemic artifice. You will also understand why this majority in fact becomes hostile when you question their beliefs on Covid and label you a heretic, a science denier and an egotist with no social conscience.

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Mattias is right. Though in different ways using different methods of knowing, both Ivan Illich & David Bohm warned us decades ago about what was to come.

The Antichrist is the liberal fantasy of the “institution” wearing the mask of “care” while presuming to do better for people what we can do for each other - ‘love thy neighbor as thy self.’

The inevitable “demolition” of the counterfeit “greater good” began to accelerate in 2011 as documented in Google Trends

“We live, therefore, according to Illich in an apocalyptic time, a time of revelation. Declining confidence in modern institutions, he said, expresses not the end of Christianity, but the unveiling of that mysterious evil that came into the world with Christianity. This evil was identified by the writers of the New Testament as Antichrist, an evil, that they claimed, would ripen within the church as the intimate and ever-present possibility of a betrayal of the gospel by those who would falsely claim to speak in its name. The Antichrist, in other words, was precisely that perversion about which Illich has been trying to speak. Only now, he says, its consequences lie fully revealed.”


We survive the inevitable collapse of all institutions by nurturing conviviality with each other while discarding the rational materialist worldview. Indeed, the Universe is not made of matter, it’s made of what matters. It’s made of meaning.

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So I finally read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. I am a big fan of Desmet's ideas, & seeing him talk makes me happy. So don't shoot me for what I am about to say.

The first half of the book is brilliant, and I recommend it to all. The second half ranges from weak to terrible. Basically, Desmet carries water for the psychopaths. None of the aspects of the totalitarian turn is caused by their agency, it all just sorta kinda happened cuz Enlightenment and modernity and associated phenomena. Huh?

Ok. Feedback welcome. :-)

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Mattias Desmet has been a courageous and honest voice for reason that has helped people all around the world to recognize, and adapt to, the psychological mechanisms which allow propaganda to circumvent rational discourse. Mattias has allowed me to see the problem for what it is, in a way that preserves dignity for all of us, regardless of our various stances. He also recognizes the danger of the loss of cultural and spiritual cohesion. You helped me very much with your book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

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Any plans for Truth Speech zoom workshops in English? My husband and I would love to be a part of this movement.

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Thanks for sharing and for your Work!

I love you reminding all the people that want to hear it, what Enlightenment was and is.

We need more people that are aware of the upcoming and already very present technocratic totalitarianism.

I hope (and am willing to contribute) that more people will continue speaking and listening. It s important that every person continues to search for his own truth. The way to do is talking and listening, being allowed to keep the feeling with our heart and emotions, and using our head to try to keep a clear mind.

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You described what a enlightened citizen is superbly.

Wonderful speech with a undeniable logical focus on the flunkies of the WHO.

Flunking enlightenment 101.

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I very much appreciate your work, Mr Desmet, and your book was really good. My only criticism is that the phenomenon of mass formation needs more historical context with Nietzsche (who anticipated it), but all my love and appreciation regardless


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Mattias, could the placebo effect in part be people simply getting better over time without treatment? I read an academic paper proposing such a thing recently.

If that is true, it would make sense to add two control groups: one that takes a placebo pill and one that does nothing at all. This might further specify the power of the placebo effect.

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Very interesting analysis. But does not the enlightenment process and its development though scientific endeavour lead inevitably (without God) to a merely temporary and illusory "freedom" before the development of the internet and totalising surveillance systems (as well as nuclear fusion and so on), i.e. to the destruction of human life and freedom? Surely Artificial General Intelligence is the logical end-point of enlightenment thinking. This is why most people accept it, indeed welcome it!

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Hi Mattias, I have just discovered you. Your teachings on the art of truth speech are giving me hope towards the future. Thank you! Please tell more soon.

I received training in Non-violent communication many years ago, as taught by Marshall Rosenberg. It was a step in the right direction. Much later I discovered Verbal Judo by George Thompson, who was spreading similar ideas and practices to a different audience. Hoping to take it to another level with your help. Blessings.

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Thank you Mattias, for using your eloquent voice in bringing attention to the administrative branch of shadow governance which seeks to undermine our Constitutional protections and gain control over the masses of humanity's healthcare through edicts.

The acceptance and recognition of the authority of a government or political system by its citizens, based on the belief that the government's actions and decisions align with the will of the people, is a crucial component of the democratic process.

As we, the governed, do not consent to such a power grab by the WHO, it is an affront to the Constitutional provisions afforded us by our very framers to protect individual rights and prevent the tyranny of a few or even the masses.

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