Oh, I do think some of me will survive, those that I cannot mention here that is! ;-)

Each of us should become legion on social media! And that needs to be done now while it is possible to set up multiple accounts on old phones and so on...

Be the spanner in the works, always!

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ty Mattias for what you are doing but I have a question. You mention Stalin and Hitler which I totally see as Mass Formations but what about Mao in China? I haven't heard you mention him even though he turned their kids on them then sent them to the farms to starve once he regained power. They destroyed their faith and history for him. Do I have something wrong about Mao? Is that not also a Mass Formation leading up to a totalitarian state? Please explain why or why not. As I am sure you know it is very difficult to get info about China and well the propaganda there is huge on all sides so your honest opinion would be welcome tyvm. And do you think it is possible that the "they" knew about Mass Formation and intentionally triggered this over the years to bring in their cultural marx ideology? James Lindsay has done a deep dive on wokeism and believes it's a Maoist cultural revolution type thing. So could a Mass Formation be used as a tool? Could that even be possible? Maybe all of you guys coming up with ideas across the planet could come together and hash some of this stuff out for us. It obviously is a worldwide issue and being played out everywhere in different ways #StayFree

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Mattias, ken je het werk van Matt Taibbi (Racket) en Michael Shellenberger (Public) op Substack? Check this out: We Are Turning The Tables To Fight Totalitarianism by Shellenberger.

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Love the article. Love the wit.

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Mattias et all: The panopticon is now in operation.

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Foundring @foundring1 song on Mass Formation is very good if you haven't seen it.

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Foundring @foundring1 song on Mass Formation is very good if you haven't seen it.

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Have you heard this talk by James Lindsay warning of cultural marxism invading Europe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwdQZlHJ5Dc

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I was just about to share the same video. Lindsay frames it brilliantly. The "mass formation" is being imposed on western societies, much like Mao's cultural revolution. Dr. Desmet would do well to take the time to watch it.

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Given the corruption we're seeing in all the major scientific disciplines, it's not surprising—though no less alarming—that you are experiencing such "cancelling" at your own university, Mr. Desmet. As the saying goes (using a war metaphor), when you're getting flak you must be directly over the target. I'm just starting to read Hannah Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism and in a footnote to the Preface to Part 3 she writes: "No doubt, the fact that totalitarian government, its open criminality notwithstanding, rests on mass support is very disquieting. It is therefore hardly surprising that scholars as well as statesmen often refuse to recognize it, the former by believing in the magic of propaganda and brainwashing, the latter by simply denying it..." (Mariner Books edition, p. xxiii)

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Absolutely true as our modern day Robespierre’s will learn someday soon.

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I call it the Neomoral Paradigm. I knew I was in trouble when I could be labeled Cisgender instead of a Heterosexual. Now the pronouns we use must be carefully examined before utterance.

I remember reading that domestic violence rates among the "New Morality" adherents were much higher than the Heterosexual adherents. Now the hate and vitriol is directed to those who do not seek to justify such nouveau morality in their own lives.

I recently saw a Blake Lively video where she calls for action against the sexual exploitation of children that is clearly demonstrated in the child porn productions.

If someone declared themselves to be Napolean, they would be diagnosed as insane. What do we do when the little Napoleons dictating their Neomoral Paradigm battle anyone who doesn't adopt their ideological beliefs?

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Well written. Reminds me of an article where Fauci wrote, “ Recent study doesn’t say vaccine is ineffective.”

The article goes on to say the paper does say that that the vaccines don’t work. ( as well as they could)



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I have to say that your book was one of the best books I've ever read and I thank you for it.

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Had to laugh at your ironic humour.

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I'd like to learn how to become anonymous online, and how to use burner phones for whatsapp .

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Use VPN or Proxy servers - I can recommend ProtonVPN or NordVPN (https://protonvpn.com, https://nordvpn.com/)

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Weelll....count moi GUILTY!!!!!

I NEVER got vaccinated against Corona. As a matter of FACT I like to drink one once in a while. I did NOT vote for Biden and I wear my MAGA hat whenever I can. OH! One more thing I'm a SUPER STRAIGHT MALE and I will NOT change my sex in any way shape or form!

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