How about you admit that this was a mistake too....and a pretty big one for someone of your stature:


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This is lovely. I wonder, do you think sincere speech resolves cognitive dissonance? Leonid Perlovsky believes civilization proceeds through musical forms, that it is music that resolves cognitive dissonance, and that the "barbarians" always win because their totalizing belief systems banish cognitive dissonance. Religion, for instance, reduces error-related negativity spikes. So many people seem to be swept up into not being able to comprehend the scale of what is occurring as recognition of it would shatter their worldview, though this isn't conscious. I think of the liberators of the concentration camps, who describe standing there, seeing the emaciated people beyond the fence, and not being able to comprehend what they were seeing with their own eyes. A mass formation, I assume, has no cognitive dissonance. Will sincere speech, like a solvent, or like a quantum entanglement, if practiced in a group, resolve this?

Merry Christmas and thank you for your courage and commitment.

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Dear Mattias Desmet.

I believe your work is of immense importance, and I thank you!

I believe that what you say about sience is very accurate and true. I myself has written extensively on this topic with a call for hermeneutics which I believe has been pushed out of the scientific realm all together. We are left with what I call pragmatism, which is basically one single method for all scientific diciplines, and it disregards the need for reflection and intiutive connection with the world and other people.

I very much look forward to your new book about truth-speaking. I have a feeling it will be a huge inspiration.

I wish you a wonderful christmas!

Best regards with much appreciation

Camilla Fadum (Norway)

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One problem, there is artificially created financial support by the powers to keep the necessary momentum away from the group that needs to be stronger to gain that support from the masses

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Thanks for posting the interview; a very interesting point you made which is key in all that happened. The connection between the elite and the masses; I think you’re completely right when you look at the masses because that’s where the weight is. If masses get awaken, that’s the end of the silly game the elite plays on us.

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Letting go of needing to be ‘right’ is the gentle path leading from being a somebody to everybody.

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Beautifully clear, thoughtful, and rationale. Thank you. May the tide continue turning to “open-mindedness and sincerity . . . energetically stronger than the mass” aligned against people of good will.

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THANK YOU for COURAGEOUSLY and SACRIFICIALLY sharing your EXCELLENT wisdom and insights these past several years. I PRAY that ALMIGHTY GOD will help me grow personally in order to be part of this group so instead of cursing the darkness...I shine His light into the world:

"...we see the emergence of a group based on resonant speech—a group that connects people with the most divergent opinions, that prioritizes open-mindedness and sincerity. Once the group becomes energetically stronger than the mass, the era of totalitarianism is over."

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Deeply insightful... thank you so much for sharing this very comprehensive analysis of the current fiasco; and for the validation of the 'silence' response that I have sometimes - probably not often enough - adopted myself. Let's pray that 'the group' prevails, for the sake of our sanity...!!

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Beautifully said. I wonder if those threatened by your work do so because they are ashamed of themselves or getting paid?

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The Art of Speech and the role sincerity plays to reveal the truth seen by many in different ways was a delight to read.

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Courageous men like you...this is what our world is desperately lacking. Thank you.

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I feel compelled to thank both Mattias Desmet AND Florentin Tuca for this lucid conversation.

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It is always so refreshing to encounter your thoughtful positivity, unhinged by hysteria. Resonant speech (which of course must acknowledge mistakes or it fails on its own terms) is something I have consciously practised, especially since awakening, and I love the idea that enough of it can eventually tip the balance.

Thank you for all you think and write, and wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!


(P.S. "Don’t be too anxious to make a mistake" might be better put as "Don't worry about making mistakes"; as it is, it is ambiguous but leans towards telling your audience not to want to make mistakes, which I believe is the opposite of what you meant.)

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