Dear friends, Below you find a podcast with Dr Naomi Wolf. I rarely publish the podcasts I participate in on my Substack page, but this time I do. It is all about the theoretical and intellectual background of my mass formation theory and in this respect it is unique content. I appreciate Dr. Wolf’s kindness to invite me to a podcast with her, and, much more importantly, the way in which she has spoken out throughout the last few years.
I don't know how many times I've re-read Naomi Wolf's book, The Bodies of Others. Her analysis of the evil that's been permeating our societies is profound. For those who haven't read it, I did a short review on it a while ago.
Peter Breggin is a descendant of the tribe that wrote the Middle Eastern Abrahamic religious tradition. In the Holy Bible, which was written in the Middle East by Middle Easterners and for Middle Easterners when said Middle Easterners were at the superstitious, magical/mythological level of psychological development, roughly the level of late elementary school/middle school, this book states that "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was god..." and so forth. Mattias Desmet is a man who states that words, ideas, logic, reason, and the material/mechanistic way of looking at life can never capture the 'essence' of life. It is my sense that this dichotomy is at the very crux of their contention.
Seeing what following the dogmatic 'WORD' in the Middle Eastern book can bring forth, i.e. Gaza, I stand firmly with Mattias Desmet and adamantly against Peter Breggin.
It is too bad that people seem to feel they can/should/need to make judgements and pronouncements without fully reading or understanding what a person has written. Will those who have attacked Mattias retract their too-quick conclusions or have they moved on to the next issue coming to the fore of their attention? I don’t understand why prominent people feel they need to make public statements about things they could not possibly have thoroughly read and understood, but it seems to be what happens. Why say anything if they haven’t had a chance to dig into the issue? I continually see/hear it in regards to those who question virology as well.
Thank you both for a very good interview - Naomi, for knowing to ask the right questions and Mattias, for clear explanations.
This pandemic is definitely an opportunity for personal growth. To merely blame it on the other, is to short-change oneself. My thinking has grown leaps and bounds. How many would fall prey to the narrative again? Much fewer, I think. If they analyze why that is, they can use that to their benefit in general ways.
I find Mattias' ideas very interesting, but I would caution on the idea of subjective truth. Perhaps subjective experience would be a better idea. The idea of truth being inaccessible through language is... something that would require a lot of thought to consider even what exactly that means (and I don't currently have time to study and think about that).
What was the difference between those who fell easy prey to the narrative and those who did not? I would say critical thinking. The wake up call for all people should be... critical thinking - in every way possible, in every aspect of their lives. Those most susceptible to the narrative are those who specifically consider themselves "science and data based," which is likely fueled by a psychologically rewarding underlying pretense. The power of group-think is powerful and the understanding by the members of the group that they are reinforcing each other instead of increasing their chances of being correct through other confirmation needs to be recognized.
(As an aside, I would say people can reduce their anxiety through meditation, breathing techniques, and journaling/building new cognitive-emotive paradigms to deal with stress and build strength, self-discipline, and effective and moral behaviors and attitudes.)
The pandemic was easy to solve. Didier Raoult was reporting substantial reductions in hospitalizations and death with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Zelenko improved on the protocol using additional medicines. Fareed-Tyson had their own HCQ-based protocol and had no deaths and no hospitalizations within a high comorbid population if treated early - 7,000 patients ultimately. All of these protocols were known in March of 2020 with additional results from other physicians and researchers coming in daily. If any of these protocols had been put in place in an official way and the results tracked tracked over a large enough patient base, we would have known in 2 weeks (the approximate time it took to go to the hospital) - at which point, the pandemic would have been over. The fact this is true shows how utterly bad relying on group-think and outsourcing critical thinking is.
I was surprised to hear that Mattias doubted himself so much before giving those TV interviews about Mass Formation. I consider his voice to be one of the "Top 10" most valuable voices during the pandemic. The irony of intelligent, freethinking voices is that they constantly consider themselves to be quite mediocre and unqualified. Thank you for speaking up
They did it! They showed that our rights and freedoms were violated, and the court ruled in favour of our Charter Rights. WOW! Chris & Kerry with lawyers Leighton Grey & Jeffrey Rath about their landmark case in which the Alberta Chief Medical Officer’s Health (CMOH) Orders were ruled unconstitutional and illegal. And the implications of the ruling going forwarrd. July 31, 2023
Mattias are you aware of the organisation called Common Purpose that is using NLP to “train” future leaders in disrupting the status quo? it is infiltrating british councils, education establishments and businesses since the 1990’s. seems the civil service in the uk was taken over by their philiosophy early on which explains a lot of the dysfunction in government behaviour now. When i learnt about it I immediately thought of your work on mass formation and how the ‘state’ becomes peoples first allegiance . seems this is one of their tools here in uk.
An excellent expansion on his very detailed discussion on Tucker Carlson Today--both this and that interview are crucial revelations of his ideas and thought processes. Superb job on reviewing the intellectual background and evolution of his theories, Ms. Wolf--your broad and deep education is a wonderful shovel digging out meaning.
Your interview was really insightful (AS WAS NAOMI WOLF'S ON THE RECKONING with Timothy Shea) explaining that If you read the books written by Yuval Noah Harari you will realise the ideology that drives the system. They blindly believe their transhumanist technocratic materialist ideology is necessary and will eventually bring people to a new paradise where they will no longer die, there will be no suffering any more. Totalitarian leaders blindly believe and follow the ideology that it represents BUT they usually do not believe the narratives they use to promote their ideology. The narratives they use to promote the corona narrative, the climate narrative and so on ARE TO MAKE THE POPULATION ACCEPT ALL THE IDEOLOGICAL CHANGES…those at the top of the pyramid don’t believe the narratives they use. They do however believe the ideology.
Thismorning my Whotube algoryhthm spouted up A PRIME EXAMPLE of how the "ideology" of the elite is not the "reality" that we plebs are narrated to live by/beleive. When Ray martin asked in 1994: "Your job must be a bugger of a job. is it?" King Charles replied "Well, occasionally I bump into people in the UK and elsewhere that say I wouldn't mind your job. I would be delighted. try it any time they like. but like ALL people's jobs, you'll find it isn't actually what it appears to be". (From about 1 min 30
One should always stay truthful to first himself and then others. Otherwise you loose yourself and your life energy, become dellusional. Why is that difficult to grasp? And then there is a tendency to see the truth but stay silent. Unfortunately, in a energy sense, you cannot have it both ways. The more you stay silent, the less good energy you have.
always crisp in your articulation of meaningful subject matter, such as "floating anxiety", more recently too, exploring the thoughts of secondary mass formation occurrence
delighted to share some recent insights of mine and be pleased to receive your commentary:
To many of us, refusing to allow the state to inject us with synthetically engineered MRna experimental gene therapies was a no-brainer from thr getgo. Being retired undoubtedly made the decision easier.
Subsequent public attack raged from mainstream media, labelling us as "unvaxxed menaces to society." This assault fueled our desire to search through the dark complex strategic weave of the new global totalitarian monster that was beginning to take shape.
After learning much from our tireless online colleagues we are now ready to accelerate the growth in public opposition to this new beast.
The road ahead is clear.
Too much coverage on too many fronts, is now proving to be counterproductive to our mission. It should be noted that our vulnerable global population have no available capacity to take on any more " fear" at this time.
Five important alternative media focal points below are not only too difficult for your average citizen to understand, but all these roads lead to Dystopia , which is psychologically terrifying to most. No one wants more fear in their life. No one wants the anxiety and therefore no one wants to listen to what we are saying.
1. Grim medical riesearch discoveries by our top professionals - on the impacts of synthetic MRna.
ie... Dr's Meryl Nass, Hooker, McCullough, Malone, Cole al
2. The WHO's formal takeover of our sovereignty in May 2024
3. Devastating increases in "all cause mortality"
4. The Prep Act, Barda and the insidious nature of the contractual structure of DoD countermeasure policies
5. Wuhan virus origins and gain of function research.
But what is understandable to all and carries no fear to the individual pysche is the "Ban on Ivermectin" story. It is all the public needs to know.
As Bobby Kennedy Jr. has voiced many times, "a federal law that very few know about states: In order to initiate 'Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) ' there cannot be a drug or prophylactic that demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of covid 19."
Not only cheap in cost, Iverectin stood in the way of EUA and had to be banned in spite of its global successes as a prophylactic against viral and parasitic attack.
Had Ivermectin been made available
the Emergency Use Authorization would have been disallowed.
There would have been little synthetic MRna take up.
Vaccine passport rollout would not have been accomplished,
personal rights and liberties would not have been trampled,
incalculable harm and sorrow would have been averted,
depopulational tactics would not have succeeded and
equity market participants would not have been enriched
All so easy for the masses to understand without generating fear. Once understood, the dominos will begin to fall.
Expect WHO to have little hope of survival
UN close behind
Demand elimination of Ivermectin ban and ensure over-the-counter availability.
Intellectual fulfillment is incomplete. Articulating your personal truth is different. I quote a commenter on my last poem, Larry Inn, who wrote, "The mind will think and think, and the Heart & Soul will feel and feel and sense everything…."
I don't know how many times I've re-read Naomi Wolf's book, The Bodies of Others. Her analysis of the evil that's been permeating our societies is profound. For those who haven't read it, I did a short review on it a while ago.
Peter Breggin is a descendant of the tribe that wrote the Middle Eastern Abrahamic religious tradition. In the Holy Bible, which was written in the Middle East by Middle Easterners and for Middle Easterners when said Middle Easterners were at the superstitious, magical/mythological level of psychological development, roughly the level of late elementary school/middle school, this book states that "In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was god..." and so forth. Mattias Desmet is a man who states that words, ideas, logic, reason, and the material/mechanistic way of looking at life can never capture the 'essence' of life. It is my sense that this dichotomy is at the very crux of their contention.
Seeing what following the dogmatic 'WORD' in the Middle Eastern book can bring forth, i.e. Gaza, I stand firmly with Mattias Desmet and adamantly against Peter Breggin.
Book tip: the latest book by Naomi Klein "Doppelganger- a trip into the mirrorworld"
A very good interview.
It is too bad that people seem to feel they can/should/need to make judgements and pronouncements without fully reading or understanding what a person has written. Will those who have attacked Mattias retract their too-quick conclusions or have they moved on to the next issue coming to the fore of their attention? I don’t understand why prominent people feel they need to make public statements about things they could not possibly have thoroughly read and understood, but it seems to be what happens. Why say anything if they haven’t had a chance to dig into the issue? I continually see/hear it in regards to those who question virology as well.
Thank you both for a very good interview - Naomi, for knowing to ask the right questions and Mattias, for clear explanations.
This pandemic is definitely an opportunity for personal growth. To merely blame it on the other, is to short-change oneself. My thinking has grown leaps and bounds. How many would fall prey to the narrative again? Much fewer, I think. If they analyze why that is, they can use that to their benefit in general ways.
I find Mattias' ideas very interesting, but I would caution on the idea of subjective truth. Perhaps subjective experience would be a better idea. The idea of truth being inaccessible through language is... something that would require a lot of thought to consider even what exactly that means (and I don't currently have time to study and think about that).
What was the difference between those who fell easy prey to the narrative and those who did not? I would say critical thinking. The wake up call for all people should be... critical thinking - in every way possible, in every aspect of their lives. Those most susceptible to the narrative are those who specifically consider themselves "science and data based," which is likely fueled by a psychologically rewarding underlying pretense. The power of group-think is powerful and the understanding by the members of the group that they are reinforcing each other instead of increasing their chances of being correct through other confirmation needs to be recognized.
(As an aside, I would say people can reduce their anxiety through meditation, breathing techniques, and journaling/building new cognitive-emotive paradigms to deal with stress and build strength, self-discipline, and effective and moral behaviors and attitudes.)
The pandemic was easy to solve. Didier Raoult was reporting substantial reductions in hospitalizations and death with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. Zelenko improved on the protocol using additional medicines. Fareed-Tyson had their own HCQ-based protocol and had no deaths and no hospitalizations within a high comorbid population if treated early - 7,000 patients ultimately. All of these protocols were known in March of 2020 with additional results from other physicians and researchers coming in daily. If any of these protocols had been put in place in an official way and the results tracked tracked over a large enough patient base, we would have known in 2 weeks (the approximate time it took to go to the hospital) - at which point, the pandemic would have been over. The fact this is true shows how utterly bad relying on group-think and outsourcing critical thinking is.
I was surprised to hear that Mattias doubted himself so much before giving those TV interviews about Mass Formation. I consider his voice to be one of the "Top 10" most valuable voices during the pandemic. The irony of intelligent, freethinking voices is that they constantly consider themselves to be quite mediocre and unqualified. Thank you for speaking up
good day Mattias, thank you for postings
pleased to share our “alternative media” press release to your viewers:
“trumpet the good news from Alberta - home of Canada Freedom Convoy"
judge rules "all orders from chief medical office of Alberta were illegal"
we continue to "kick ass" in alberta
big win in the provincial courthouse recently
attorneys Rath and Grey give you a blow by blow description of the unprecedented legal ruling in attached video link
editor note: begin viewing attached at third minute 3:00 ... please let us know should you have difficulty opening link",
social media announcement / Chris and Kerry Show
The BIGGEST , most AWESOME news for FREEDOM!
They did it! They showed that our rights and freedoms were violated, and the court ruled in favour of our Charter Rights. WOW! Chris & Kerry with lawyers Leighton Grey & Jeffrey Rath about their landmark case in which the Alberta Chief Medical Officer’s Health (CMOH) Orders were ruled unconstitutional and illegal. And the implications of the ruling going forwarrd. July 31, 2023
Mattias are you aware of the organisation called Common Purpose that is using NLP to “train” future leaders in disrupting the status quo? it is infiltrating british councils, education establishments and businesses since the 1990’s. seems the civil service in the uk was taken over by their philiosophy early on which explains a lot of the dysfunction in government behaviour now. When i learnt about it I immediately thought of your work on mass formation and how the ‘state’ becomes peoples first allegiance . seems this is one of their tools here in uk.
An excellent expansion on his very detailed discussion on Tucker Carlson Today--both this and that interview are crucial revelations of his ideas and thought processes. Superb job on reviewing the intellectual background and evolution of his theories, Ms. Wolf--your broad and deep education is a wonderful shovel digging out meaning.
They are the expensive. Everything they pay for is expensive and they have the brass to do business at any cost; whatever they deem it to be.
We need to Stop calling these "Megalomaniacs" as Elites!....They Are Megalomaniacs.
Dear Mattias,
Your interview was really insightful (AS WAS NAOMI WOLF'S ON THE RECKONING with Timothy Shea) explaining that If you read the books written by Yuval Noah Harari you will realise the ideology that drives the system. They blindly believe their transhumanist technocratic materialist ideology is necessary and will eventually bring people to a new paradise where they will no longer die, there will be no suffering any more. Totalitarian leaders blindly believe and follow the ideology that it represents BUT they usually do not believe the narratives they use to promote their ideology. The narratives they use to promote the corona narrative, the climate narrative and so on ARE TO MAKE THE POPULATION ACCEPT ALL THE IDEOLOGICAL CHANGES…those at the top of the pyramid don’t believe the narratives they use. They do however believe the ideology.
Thismorning my Whotube algoryhthm spouted up A PRIME EXAMPLE of how the "ideology" of the elite is not the "reality" that we plebs are narrated to live by/beleive. When Ray martin asked in 1994: "Your job must be a bugger of a job. is it?" King Charles replied "Well, occasionally I bump into people in the UK and elsewhere that say I wouldn't mind your job. I would be delighted. try it any time they like. but like ALL people's jobs, you'll find it isn't actually what it appears to be". (From about 1 min 30
One should always stay truthful to first himself and then others. Otherwise you loose yourself and your life energy, become dellusional. Why is that difficult to grasp? And then there is a tendency to see the truth but stay silent. Unfortunately, in a energy sense, you cannot have it both ways. The more you stay silent, the less good energy you have.
good day Mattias, kudos to your podcast lectures,
always crisp in your articulation of meaningful subject matter, such as "floating anxiety", more recently too, exploring the thoughts of secondary mass formation occurrence
delighted to share some recent insights of mine and be pleased to receive your commentary:
To many of us, refusing to allow the state to inject us with synthetically engineered MRna experimental gene therapies was a no-brainer from thr getgo. Being retired undoubtedly made the decision easier.
Subsequent public attack raged from mainstream media, labelling us as "unvaxxed menaces to society." This assault fueled our desire to search through the dark complex strategic weave of the new global totalitarian monster that was beginning to take shape.
After learning much from our tireless online colleagues we are now ready to accelerate the growth in public opposition to this new beast.
The road ahead is clear.
Too much coverage on too many fronts, is now proving to be counterproductive to our mission. It should be noted that our vulnerable global population have no available capacity to take on any more " fear" at this time.
Five important alternative media focal points below are not only too difficult for your average citizen to understand, but all these roads lead to Dystopia , which is psychologically terrifying to most. No one wants more fear in their life. No one wants the anxiety and therefore no one wants to listen to what we are saying.
1. Grim medical riesearch discoveries by our top professionals - on the impacts of synthetic MRna.
ie... Dr's Meryl Nass, Hooker, McCullough, Malone, Cole al
2. The WHO's formal takeover of our sovereignty in May 2024
3. Devastating increases in "all cause mortality"
4. The Prep Act, Barda and the insidious nature of the contractual structure of DoD countermeasure policies
5. Wuhan virus origins and gain of function research.
But what is understandable to all and carries no fear to the individual pysche is the "Ban on Ivermectin" story. It is all the public needs to know.
As Bobby Kennedy Jr. has voiced many times, "a federal law that very few know about states: In order to initiate 'Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) ' there cannot be a drug or prophylactic that demonstrates efficacy in the treatment of covid 19."
Not only cheap in cost, Iverectin stood in the way of EUA and had to be banned in spite of its global successes as a prophylactic against viral and parasitic attack.
Had Ivermectin been made available
the Emergency Use Authorization would have been disallowed.
There would have been little synthetic MRna take up.
Vaccine passport rollout would not have been accomplished,
personal rights and liberties would not have been trampled,
incalculable harm and sorrow would have been averted,
depopulational tactics would not have succeeded and
equity market participants would not have been enriched
All so easy for the masses to understand without generating fear. Once understood, the dominos will begin to fall.
Expect WHO to have little hope of survival
UN close behind
Demand elimination of Ivermectin ban and ensure over-the-counter availability.
Intellectual fulfillment is incomplete. Articulating your personal truth is different. I quote a commenter on my last poem, Larry Inn, who wrote, "The mind will think and think, and the Heart & Soul will feel and feel and sense everything…."