Promoting Tucker Carlson content can be dangerous. Mr Sachs seems have pocketed Russian media appearance fees and whilst he paints a convincing picture, according to a hundreds of his economist peers, pedals the narrative of Russian propagandists:


P.S. people in power spending tax money on materials of death that can harm children should get in the bin.

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I have seen a fair amount of alcoholism in families where non-alcoholic pathological Narcissism also reigns. Where some family members are definitely personality-disordered in this way, but not alcoholic. And others are alcoholic, with some of the non-empathy.

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Mattias, a truly great piece of writing! If we could get the individuals in main$tream media to stand up - it would be great!

What kind of communication vehicle could they be given that the honest newsgivers would be able to use?

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The best joke is when a man is flying from Moscow, American. Talking to the guy next to him he asks why he a Russian is going to America. The Russian says he is KGB and is going to America to study our propaganda. The American looks at him and asks”what propaganda?” Truly funny.

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I don’t believe most of what I hear and read. We may never know what truly happened.

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Finally, Matthias stopped broadcasting leftist narratives. Maybe someday we will hear from him that Trump and Musk are the salvation of this world.

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Leftist? You do realise that there hasn't been a left in America for a long time, don't you?

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I perfectly understand the alignment of political forces in the United States, and if you came here to try to convince me otherwise, then you either don’t understand anything about political trends, or you’re doing it for money.

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That's why I replied that you will get a European perspective. The perspective of someone from the country of former socialist Yugoslavia. It is funny when you talk about the left narrative and at the same time describe the typical liberal degeneration into which capitalist "democracy" keeps falling.

In our milieu, the left is an anti-NATO, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist force that stands for greater equality (economically, equal initial opportunities) for all people, not just some. In reality, it is a very conservative, free-thinking, anti-systemic position that believes this can be achieved through work.

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Mattias, Thx for this post, which I’ve restacked FYI. Notwithstanding the collapse of the Nordstream narrative, the Big Lie will persist for many, the seed of the weed has been planted, and no matter how many times we try and pull the weed out it grows back. Those who plant and propagate the weed, know this all too well.

In 2019 I penned an essay titled “Inside the Submissive Void — Propaganda, Censorship, Power, and Control”. You will see the link and more details below. As the title suggests it touches on some of the key themes you’ve highlighted above. Readers herein might find it of interest. Best, GM 👍🙏====

ARTICLE: Inside the Submissive Void — Propaganda, Censorship, Power, and Control, By Greg Maybury

Brief: The use of propaganda and censorship is more frequently associated with totalitarian, corrupt and/or despotic regimes, not modern democracies in the West. Yet the history of how western governments and their ever-vigilant, ever inventive globalist overlords and their political underlings have controlled the narrative of the time via these means is a long, storied and ruinous one, going back well before 1914. 

No matter how clever we think we are, or how mindful we might be of—and from that consciously resistant to—the corrosive effects of propaganda and censorship, misinformation, disinformation and the incessant lies of officialdom, we’re all susceptible to the forces they unleash, with complacency, arrogance, presumption, ignorance, paranoia, & self-delusion being but a few of them.

Much as the pharmaceutical industry is in the business of poisoning the very life-blood of our physical bodies (on the pretext of protecting our health and well-being), the propagandists and the gatekeepers of the flame are in the business of poisoning the very life-blood of the body politic itself. In their case it’s invariably under the guise of protecting our democracy and preserving our freedom. Or saving us from some vaguely identified, spuriously concocted, yet always existentially threatening, hobgoblin.

Along with serving the contemporaneous political objectives of its perpetrators as contrived, such activities often continue to inform our understanding, and cement our interpretation, of our past. If as Hegel suggested, the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history, we need look no further as to the main reason why we repeatedly do this.

In this wide-ranging ‘safari’ into the fake news, myth-making, misinformation and disinformation wilderness—aka The Big Shill—Greg Maybury does indeed look further, and concludes that in the main, truth is always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

READ NOW: Inside the Submissive Void — #Propaganda, #Censorship, #Power, & #Control

👀🔗👉 https://tinyurl.com/4tty3dc7

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Always be wary of an authority insisting they are doing something for your protection or wellbeing. Oldest trick in the book.

Why do we repeatedly fall for these mind games? That was sorted long ago, Greg. Many thinkers/writers have delved into this. We do have answers.

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I don’t think this is how undersea pipeline looks:)

It is covered by ballast, took >500kg of explosives to breach it (visible on seismometers). Latest story with rogue Ukrainian divers is an insult on intelligence.

Seymour Hersh pointed a finger at a different “diving school”, at Florida. I trust him more than any mainstream media

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As early as December 2022 the thesis that Russia was behind the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline was debunked:


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Well said, Sir!

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You are absolutely correct about this. Thank you for being brave enough to speak freely! The scars of guilt and greed and graft borne by we Americans (because it is our leaders who are responsible for this: Biden, Obama, Nuland, Blinken etc.) will be long lasting and painful. Perhaps our continued blindness to the full reality will act as somewhat of a buffer, shielding us from the true horror we ought to feel; but there is nothing that can shield the devastated Ukrainian people from the reality that an entire generation of their young people are dead and the homes and businesses of millions are destroyed or disrupted. Though there were outraged cries from some Americans (notably, Steve Bannon and Jeffrey Sachs) the dominant narrative bulldozed them to the sidelines while the great bulk of Americans either blindly championed the Ukrainian "cause" or said nothing. On the scales of history, it will be counted to our everlasting shame.

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"Alle speculaties dat sommige Oekraïense activisten de Nord Stream-pijpleiding hebben opgeblazen, zijn onzin. Een explosie van zulke kracht op zulke diepte kan alleen worden uitgevoerd door specialisten, en ondersteund door de volledige macht van de staat, die over bepaalde technologieën beschikt" - President Poetin.

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What makes you think the current story of a Ukrainian blowing up Nordstream is true?this is like the 7th story they have given us.

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Victoria Nuland and our senile president told us who blew up the "Nordstrom" pipeline.

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This is nonsense, either you lived under a rock and missed everything in the fringe media or you are just lying here.

Articles in Belgian media in which the option of Ukraine being behind it was suggested or voiced:

Fairly quick actually

Sept. 28, 2022:


And afterwards with some delay...

March 07, 2023


March 08, 2023


March 10, 2023


May 19, 2023


May 22, 2023: https://duitslandinstituut.nl/artikel/55332/aanslag-nord-stream-nieuw-spoor-zou-naar-oekraine-leiden

June 4, 2023:


June 06, 2023:


June 06, 2023:


June 07, 2023:


June 10, 2023


Jun 11, 2023:


Jun 11, 2023:


Jun 13, 2023:


July 12, 2023


September 26, 2023 : https://nos.nl/artikel/2491914-nieuwe-aanwijzingen-in-nord-stream-onderzoek-meerdere-oekrainers-in-beeld

November 12, 2023:


November 13, 2023:


Question now: did the media want us to believe that Ukraine was in it for nothing? (Quod non m.i., see above).

Or does Mattias want us to believe that the media wanted us to believe that?

Can we say that Mattias is not engaging in propaganda here?

And indeed, propaganda exists, on both sides, and has always existed, in every war.... That's no surprise, is it?

Even if the accusation that the newspapers would hide this is not true on any side, at least it fits Mattias' rant again.

Zelenski is not "suddenly" thrown in front of the bus either, the CIA had already reported this in June 2023. The only new piece of info now is that Zelensky first agreed but then didn't, after which the saboteurs went ahead anyway. It makes you wonder what kind of rock someone must be living under to be so blind to what is happening in the news and then come out of the blue now? And then those followers all agreeing with him when a little bit of their own research proves directly the opposite of Mattias' message....All repeating after him "not in my name". Wilfully gullible...


On his facebook page, Mattias replied to me that people were trying to censor Seymour's story. However, the fact that an article exists about this attempt to censor actually just illustrates that the media did not allow themselves to be muzzled, contrary to what Mattias claims.

On his facebook page, Mattias replied to me that also the fact that I could only apply 1 article from in the first six months confirms his claim.

Of course, it is important to look at the whole timeline if you want to have anything to say about the news.

On Reuters you can search month by month e.g. “Nord Stream”. First Oct 2022, then Nov 2022 etc....

In the beginning there was indeed pointing to Russia, if indeed as you say that is totally nonsensical, everyone saw that and that is why that idea soon disappeared from the reporting.

As stated earlier, De Morgen expressed the suspicion at the beginning that Ukraine might have been involved.

Reuters also suggested that option...:

Oct. 06, 2022:

Whoever can be blamed, Ukraine also benefits:


Afterwards, the accusations generally just fell silent.

Unless then on the part of Russia that accused the British/Americans.

An investigation was launched by Sweden in early October, and of course the court is not going to run around speculating about who it could be so during that period we indeed hear nothing.

During that period Ukraine is not suspected, but at the same time no one in the media is pointing an accusing finger at Russia either.

e.g. October 18, 2022:


October 29, 2022:

Here anyway, room is left for the narrative that it could also be Ukrainians.


December 2, 2022:

the investigation is ongoing, no one is accused....


In the meantime, no info, no “it's russia” propaganda.

Feb 08, 2023

Seymour Hersh believes the USA was behind it:



09 Feb 2023

Meanwhile, there is a suspicion that there was a US plan to blow up the pipeline as far back as 2021.


As happens in a normal rule of law, no idle accusations are thrown around, but as soon as there are new clues as to who might be guilty they are of course eagerly shared....

08 March 2023


And so you have an explanation for that lull. People did not say between Sept 2022 and March 2023 that Ukraine was possibly involved. But neither did they say it was Russia. Russia did continue to accuse the British. In the media they said nothing once the investigation by Sweden started, nothing until March 2023 when they did have indications...

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Interesting analysis

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As an expatriated Briton I am proud to stand up and say "NOT IN MY NAME" and no amount of governmental threats or Police Chiefs trying to terrorise us will stop me.

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