The soul whispers truth from it's infinite wisdom . From ego we sometimes live a very small part of it.

Thank you Mattias for such a beautiful understanding of what mankind is finally finding out.

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"transcend our Ego". I would add 'transcend and include our Ego', as it is a fallacy in some circles of enlightenment seekers that one 'gets rid of the ego', which is not only incorrect, but impossible. Just as we don't get rid of the first 3 Chakras - anus, genitalia, and gut - when we move up to the heart Chakra, but still use them daily, we still use the ego in our daily lives, even if we have stabilized on Mattias' Resonant level and have mastered sincere speech. And I would add that one can never master sincere speech from within the Abrahamic religious tradition, as that tradition arrests psychological and Spiritual development and stunts it down to the first 3 Chakras, as those levels are what the Middle Easterners of 6000 years ago were most concerned with, and that's what the Abrahamic tradition was written for. For example, an Abrahamic/Christian might answer one of your questions, "Oh, that question doesn't concern me. You see, I will be raptured up to Heaven to be with Jesus and will avoid all those troubles." That is hardly 'sincere speech'. It's more like cartoon speech.

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Mattias, your words are the most deeply penetrating perception in a world of deception, that I have played a part in. So magnificent is the concept you convey, so simple in toppling a totalitarian regime I’m gobsmacked. And then… I open my mouth and say something that feels vulnerable. I have assumed that all who went along with the ‘program’ are stupid, when it is I, in my hiding behind acceptable words, who is the stupid one. Thank you for this most profound realization.

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Three Of My Favorite Words:

Safe And Effective.

My Top 3 Favorite Words:

Compared To What ?


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Really a beautiful article. Thank you. 🙏

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People change when they're ready. i don't think America will change its consciousness unless, for one, it owns up to the past and current mistreatment of the Original/Native Peoples. In Latin, Ame Rica means love of riches and that's what rules the country, e.g. destroying sacred Paiute/Shoshone Native lands in Nevada for lithium for electric cars. Also I think "rugged individualism", when it's akin to manifest destiny, is a problem b/c it typically denies working together with people of all colors and cultures.

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"we could consider the human body as a vibrating substance, which resonates with the frequencies of the world around it. And through the vocal apparatus, the human being can creatively return the music to the universe with a singular touch."

That resonated with me - in all parts bar only ONE word: COULD.

I would say that we ARE vibrating substance, we are resonant, we are electro-magnetic beings and so is every other living being around us. We reflect the music of the universe and we contribute to it which is why some animals instantly trust certain people and not others.

Our life vibration reaches way beyond our immediate auric field. It is divine.

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Wow. You achieved something here for which I do not have a term. Perhaps someone could hand it to me as you did with ‘mass formation’. The ability for those of us who are less linguistically capable, to simply point and say, this is that. That term. Yes, I see it. No big expectation needed because that term captures it and now we all see it and understand.

So now, the explanation because I have no term:

The term I need is for when the words themselves are a demonstration of that which they are describing. An example might be, if someone created a poem which conveys what poetry is. The opposite would be, someone who wanted to establish themselves as intellectually superior in a debate doing so by uttering expletives and name calling their opponent, because this is the behavior of a moron (baby). Is there a term for this?

Because if so, I would use here.

Your words do everything you describe exactly as you describe it.

Your words resonate with my soul which is how I can intuitively know, it’s the truth. I could go paragraph by paragraph, line by line… which is kind of cool to do to really grasp the degree to which this piece does the thing for which I have no term. But I probably don’t need to, because anyone who has understood what I’m trying to explain will be able do that and see it for themselves, which is way better.

If I had a term for it, I’d probably make more sense, but that’s the thing I want to complement you on the most. The truth within the truth resonating factor (?)

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I guess you refer to words where the style is isomorphic with the content? I don't know if there is a term to refer to such words, but for me, speaking such words is the essence of good speech.

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The same shape with the content- yes!

But even more than that. Some how there is action in the words. As in, your words ‘do’ what you describe as your describing it.

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Indeed, these are the trials and tribulations of warriors like Gandhi, MLK... Jesus, Buddha. It's a congruent beingness, where one refuses to hide from oneself. This is the test of courage.

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Love the post Mattias. That the political, societal and collective issues we face at present are largely, if not entirely, traceable to the root problem of the now aberrant and malignant Ego-structure is an idea I've been tracing in my own life and it gladdens me deeply to see someone of your eminence and integrity approach from this angle. This, to me, expresses the larger "Spirit" at play in these times, the Spirit of resolution between psycho-spiritual realities and human culture at large, for at base the secularized form of human culture born through the blossoming of the scientific-rationalistic paradigm has severed us from our depth dimension on a huge scale. That you recognize true expression and speech as fundamental to this reconciliation is profound, and accords not only with the Samurai way, but with Buddhism, Taoism, Tantra etc. as you surely know. I wonder, though, as far as the process of shadow integration is simultaneously actualized by external and internal factors, partly instigated by will but largely by circumstance and reaction which originate beyond the personal will, to what extent will the deteriorating world situation drive this process of Ego-dissolution by itself? How necessary, even, might it be to recognize that the Ego itself may not be the agency that overcomes the Ego, and that, in relation to speech and Truth, we ought find a way to "let Truth speak for itself" through us? How useful might it be, psychologically speaking, to start to reintroduce into current discourse a notion of agency or agencies other than the personal-egoic?

Love and joy!

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Great description of the current situation in our society, in regard of the “information”.

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truly wonderful. thank you.

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Right on the money. The truth will set you free.

Also, watch the thing that does the damage, not the thing vying for your attention. They are not always the same.

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"the only way to contribute to the solution of the big crisis of our society is to face our shadow and overcome our own individual crisis and trauma" @mattiasdemest

and this is exactly what I am trying to help people achieve with the Switch Challenge. The Switch Challenge includes a very important component for emotional healing.


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Thankfully, many years ago, in the midst of a deep despair resulting from my own destructive decisions, I came to realize that “ego” serves absolutely no useful purpose. I am not speaking of humble pride, such as one might feel for the accomplishments and general “goodness” of one’s children or grandchildren; but of the sense I might have if I believed I knew pretty much everything that is worth knowing, and that, sadly, you do not.

This excellent article spells out that much more succinctly than I ever could, the consequences of having ego, vs having humility. Thank you, sir, for this.

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