Dear friends,
This morning, I read in Belgian mainstream newspaper HLN that Robert Kennedy happily crushed live mice and birds in a blender to feed his falcons. His niece, Caroline Kennedy, supposedly said this in an interview.
By coincidence, I just saw the interview in question pass by on X. However, the word 'live' was not mentioned. Most likely, he is doing what almost every falconer does: buying day-old chicks as food for his falcons.
I propose that HLN rewrite the article under the following title: "Robert Kennedy had the habit of feeding his falcons."
A touch of corrective humor never hurts in times of disinformation and fake news!
Yes, we can all do with some humor especially after watching the Democrats try to smear Kennedy in the confirmation hearing.
I am a retired zookeeper. everything under my care had to eat to live.
including every description of meat eater.
I have killed to feed my charges. it was done as quickly and humanely as possible.
I sleep well at night.