Wat een woordspeling Mattias! I love it!!

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I wish him a good portion of humor. He'll need it if the US-hawks try to bite or eat him sooner or later. But I don't know if the weapon of humor is actually available in a gun store exclusively owned by Elon Musk et al.

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Some very ugly creatures (the ugliest parts their minds) are sticking their heads above the parapet - though that's what shills like Sanders and Warren get all that money for.

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Aren't Carolyn and RFK Jr cousins?

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I bet Carolyn eats meat killed by others. Does she condemn them? What a useless bitch.

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Caroline's a pharma puppet, who in addition to holding Pharma holdings, pimps HPV vaccines and brags about it. Her display of disgust is shocking. She says her cousin (she's not his niece - their fathers were brothers) is unfit for this position, yet she supported Biden who was not fit enough to stand trial, but fit enough to stay in office. Her hard line Democratic Party support is more important than the truth. Bobby's skeletons have always been known. He wrote a book about some of them. He's in his 70s now, has been sober for decades and not hosting debauched parties to his younger cousins. She looks like a reptile, and she certainly puts a different ending to the Camelot story of her parents. Wow. . .

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But all talking about falcons is not important. We have to look at his decisions:

RFK Jr Refuses to Say Healthcare Is a Human Right at Confirmation Hearing


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Health care is NOT a human right. Only EARNING it is - the same thing as housing, food, transportation, education, etc are not rights. Nada has the same confusion all communists have about rights. They all believe that one person has a right to the fruits of the labor of capitalist workers and businesses. They are OPM, Other People's Money, addicts who are incapable of earning their way in life by voluntary trade so they extort and defraud..

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I agree that people do many mistakes regarding their health; but where to start? Situation becoming worse and worse ... poor people get more and more uneducated, they eat more and more "bad food" ... We have to start with an education on each level and to help poor people ...

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The left just can't get it that each individual is responsible for his or her own life. One thing that has killed us is 'free' education teaching every student that government is the solution to every problem. Each person is responsible for getting a real education on his or her own. That means that poor people, like me, have to help ourselves and I do. But criminal government forbids me from earning money on Substack by requiring me to have a SS number, which I don't and don't want. I am 83 years old and I don't want anything to do with government agencies like SS, Medicare and Aid, welfare, Ofuckicare, etc. Government is the official criminal class in every society and the sooner man does away with them, humans will progress magnificently.

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I want to add a comment about the helping relationship. When I was in the Peace Corps, we had a special training project about the helping relationship by Dr. David Berlew trained in industrial psychology at MIT. He was very good, but this was before Reagan came along with his analysis that the 9 most feared words in America, and the world, were, "I'm from the government. I' m here to help you." Government only helps criminals because it is composed only of criminals who harm everyone. They harm their victims from whom they tax and regulate to get the loot to do good and they cripple those they pretend to help by making them dependent rather than self-reliant. Every human on the planet needs help, from pennyaires like me to billionaires like Elon Musk. But the proper helping relationship is between equals - I'll help you solve your problems if you help me solve mine in a voluntary trading relationship. I can get help in the form of a cell phone from some rich people who developed it by trading a small amount of money in exchange to help them, which all ads up to societal advancement.

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Zephyr the falcon was a top-tier hunter—*the best of the best.* The falconer beamed with pride as he released him for the hunt.

Zephyr spotted a plump pigeon and dove like a missile, talons outstretched for the kill and a tasty treat. But just as he was about to grab his prize—

💨 The pigeon did a barrel roll mid-air.

Zephyr, now grabbing thin air, flapped awkwardly—completely bamboozled.

The pigeon, meanwhile, stuck out a foot and gave Zephyr a little “boop” on the beak before flapping away.

Zephyr landed on a fence, staring into the distance, with a questioning look in his eye.

His falconer wiped away tears of laughter. "You just got out-falconned by a pigeon, buddy."

Zephyr, still stunned, looked as if he made a mental note: “Pigeons are NOT to be trusted.”

Which one is RFK Jr... the falconer, the falcon, or the pigeon? The Kennedy's have been a sly and crafty clan for generations, escaping authentic public scrutiny while flashing that bright smile with blinding charisma that has hidden all manner of addictions, crimes, pathology, and gross immorality behind the scenes and decades before Camelot. I may not trust any of the Kennedy's but there is hope RFK Jr may be a useful asset to give big Pharma a "boop" on the beak and to out-falcon the falcons.

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This rubbish piece also appeared in our MSM in Australia under a slightly different shlock horror headline. The article also went on to describe how RFK was a drug dealer and he would kill the animals and blend them to freak out the stoner visitors. No surprise from a Dem and this woman should know better as an Ambassador, though I doubt she will be for long.

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It seems that papers over in Mattias's corner are just as much propaganda rags as the New York Times.

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Bobby Kennedy is wildly eccentric and totally individual in an era hungry to categorize, label and force people into group identification. He is part Maximilian Kolbe, part Gerald Durrell, part Thoreau and part Rachel Carson. But hardly anyone reads, or knows who these people are. Today I was thinking how there is a great wealth of literature and poetry and history written under fascism and communism that could guide and instruct us all, only no one reads. It is as if we as a species have so poisoned ourselves that we've become allergic to water and are dying slowly of dehydration.

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Grouping people, with labels designed to further totalitarian aims by 'divide and conquer'. Pitting the subscribers from each against the other. Same with political parties, divide and conquer. Distracting people from what is really going on. I don't care what group or ideology they follow. They are all useful idiots of those driving the totalitarian dream they want to inflict on the human race. They think they are the ones who will win and be in charge. So wrong, useful idiots are useful till they are no longer useful or a threat. They become a threat when they realise they have been had and will never get the power. End result, the old adage. 'Totalitarian utopia is always one bullet away'.

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Wow, the Beligium Mattias is using verification codes to those of us not paying him shekels for his silly silly things?


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Oh, darn. More defense of this creep, RFK Jr. by Mattias, the warmonger now, the racist Belgium academic warmonger? Believer in genocide against Palestinians ..... ?

He is a dry heroin addict, and rich and full of C-PTSD, I will give that to him.

Someone called someone else a coward, some dude calling himeself Guert?

Well, when RFK Jr ran against Trump, RFK Jr. called Trump, well, a pathological liar and psychopath?

Hmm, these cowardly attacks, no, until RFK Jr. comes a groveling to the Rapist in Chief, Trump LLC.

And what's dipshit RFK Jr say about murdering Palestinians?

And we care about his fucking falcon fetish?

RFK Jr is the racist that the previous Rapist in Chief, Biden is. May he go the way of the dodo.

Independent U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr offered staunch support for Israel in a Reuters interview, calling it a "moral nation" that was justly responding to Hamas provocations with its attacks on Gaza and questioning the need for a six-week ceasefire backed by President Joe Biden.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubled down on his opposition of a cease-fire in Gaza and pointed to what the allied forces did to combat Nazi Germany in the 1940s.

Kennedy joined “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on Thursday and explained his point of view.

“I would say that hostages have to be returned and Hamas has to be disarmed, or else how can you have a peace?” Kennedy said.

Morgan interjected, asking the candidate how he would plan to disarm Hamas.

“We’re not sure how many are left but certainly thousands of them. When they’re embedded now in refugee camps amongst hundreds of thousands of civilians, millions of them,” Morgan said. “And so, every time you … launch an offensive against them, as we saw with the apparent targeted attack of two Hamas terrorists in the Rafah camp, and as you saw with the rescue of these hostages.”

Morgan noted that at least 210 Palestinian civilians were killed by Israel during its rescue operation of four hostages. He then posed another question for Kennedy.

“Roosevelt said we have to denazify Germany and if we don’t denazify Germany … the Nazis are gonna rise up and do the same thing again. Churchill did not want an unconditional surrender for the Nazis. He said, ‘We’re gonna have to kill too many civilians to do that and everybody will fight for the death,’ but Roosevelt won that argument,” Kennedy said.

“We killed about 2 million Germans during World War II in order to get to Berlin and denazify it,” he continued. “Today, Germany is the richest country in Europe, it’s one of the most powerful economies in the world. I think it’s the fourth most powerful and nobody’s scared of Germany because it’s a peaceful country.”

Kennedy argued that he doesn’t see how people are making the argument for a cease-fire because Hamas has proved it only has one goal: to eliminate all Jewish people.

He said a cease-fire would reward Hamas “for taking the hostages and they’re gonna keep taking hostages to get more and more advantage.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr has apologised after a video was leaked of a private phone call in which Donald Trump is heard apparently trying to coax the independent presidential candidate to support him.

“I would love you to do something,” Trump can be heard saying in the clip. “And I think it’ll be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re going to win.”

Mr Kennedy then says: “Yeah.”

Trump and Mr Kennedy, a longshot third-party candidate, are political rivals who have occasionally criticised each other during the campaign.

The footage is said to have been recorded on Sunday, a day before the pair met in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the Republican convention is taking place, stoking speculation that Mr Kennedy might be about to exit the race and endorse Trump.

But Kennedy spokeswoman Stefanie Spear said on Monday that he was not dropping out.

Robert F Kennedy Jr posted on X on Tuesday: “When President Trump called me I was taping with an in-house videographer.

“I should have ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately. I am mortified that this was posted. I apologise to the president.”

It was Kennedy’s son, Robert F Kennedy III, who posted the footage online early on Tuesday.

The younger Kennedy said in the post on X, formerly Twitter, that he wanted to expose Trump’s “real opinion” on immunisations, but he swiftly deleted the clip.

Trump can also be heard in the video discussing discredited claims about the health risks of childhood vaccines, a longstanding concern for Mr Kennedy, but one which the scientific community has said is misinformation.

“I agree with you, man. Something's wrong with that whole system, and it's the doctors you find," Trump can be heard saying.

Also on Tuesday, Donald Trump Jr, the former president’s son, was asked about rumours that Mr Kennedy could join forces with the Republican presidential nominee.

Speaking at an event in Milwaukee, he said “maybe there’s a great place for him somewhere in an administration”.

Mr Trump Jr said he didn’t have any “inside scoop on that, certainly not now”, but he would “love to see that happen”.

Opinion polls suggest that Mr Kennedy could draw votes equally from Trump and the Democratic President Joe Biden, including in swing states, in this November's election.

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What a cowardly attack in the back of a brave man by these woke Belgians. Stick to your frites with mayonaise

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Ha! Listening to the scripts coming from the left is like watching a bacterial cell pop after a phage has completed the lytic cycle. Complete nonsense ensues and spreads like wildfire. Love your content btw, you are a light in these times and a big reason for the dawning we are hopeful for. But, as your research shows, you already know that. 🫶

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Who else read the series “My Side of the Mountain” about the boy who ran away from NY to the Catskills and raised a hurt damson he named “Frightful?”

I’ve loved falcons and other birds of prey ever since.

RFK no doubt does as well.

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There is also a wonderful book about falconry and grief by Helen MacDonald called H is for Hawk.

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I red an article on this information and also a story about bear: https://www.thecut.com/article/what-did-caroline-kennedy-say-about-rfk-jr-and-animals.html

There is not mentioned a word "live". But all these is really bizarre - to feed falcons; but on the other hand such feeding is also in a zoo.

I only wonder if mRNA technology will spread to all vaccines for children; I am afraid of this. Will Robert Kennedy change this trend?

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