I love how you use humor as a weapon. 😊🤗😂💪

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Of course, it is not possible for you to be critical of the person who gave you a stage. In that respect, you are as good as "independent researchers" paid by Big Pharma you criticise.... But ok, a little thingy to stumble over, while conspicuously saying nothing about the totalitarianism that has long announced itself there and now seems to be manifesting itself in the USA.... Remarkable for a supposed specialist in the matter....

Special also that at the time, in your book, you also did not give any attention to what took place at the Capitol that January 2021, surely one of the clearest examples of mass formation that could have illustrated your theory. Do we detect a bias there...?

Or the fact that Kennedy claimed that vaccines would cause autism, which has been shown to be manifestly untrue on numerous occasions.... As a psychologist, how do you feel about that, about that claim?

How come you shift the focus of attention to such a small detail so that nobody looks at the elephant in the room.... "Hypnotizing" again, Mattias? Trying to make everybody look away?

It's at least special to see this happen, but then again, not entirely unexpected, is it?

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sorry - off-topic. Thought you might find this interesting.

James Lindsay reads paragraphs from "Account Rendered: A Dossier on My Former Self" (https://amzn.to/42rimB2) (1964). A letter to Hannah Arendt - how did a middle class, 15-year-old become attracted to join the Hitler Youth. What lessons for today's youth (woke/MAGA right)?


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Mattias is feeding red herrings to the gullible.

The real issue is that RFK Jr. has been spreading desinformation & lies (e.g. vaccines cause autism) for decades and makes money from vaccine lawsuits.


RFK Jr. makes a lot of money at Children's Health Defense. In 2021, for example, he was paid more than $500,000 for his role as chairman and chief counsel. In 2023, however, his salary was about $326,000 for about 15 weeks of work.


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Robert Kennedy sold himself to Trump to get into politics. He spoke like a hungry scavenger in the hearing.

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Eagerly waiting for your next book. I seek some answers from it. The question of how to speak genuinely is sometimes most tricky in one's personal relationships and family.

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Onze kranten zijn echt Dag-Allemaal-vodden geworden.


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'feeding one's falcons ' needs to be an idiom!!! Let's make this happen!!!!

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Well, at first I wept at the low-levels of the shit show. It was not funny. It was shameful.

Once I got my sadness out of the way- it made me see more clearly from higher levels. There’s a divine order at play as a part of to this process.

I don’t believe Bobby is meant to be a part of the unraveling of the collapse of this deck of cards. There’ll be others who can run HHS during the dismantling. No doubt about that .


Trust Bobby will know exactly what to do at the right time and take em on. Warp speed!

Let them senators who cannot see the game is over- at their own time.

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Wat een woordspeling Mattias! I love it!!

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I wish him a good portion of humor. He'll need it when the US-hawks try to bite or eat him sooner or later. But I don't know if the weapon of humor is actually available in a gun store exclusively owned by Elon Musk et al.

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Some very ugly creatures (the ugliest parts their minds) are sticking their heads above the parapet - though that's what shills like Sanders and Warren get all that money for.

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RFK is paid by ant-vax lobbyist, courtcases against companies producing them. He has spread a lot of misinformation.


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Aren't Carolyn and RFK Jr cousins?

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I bet Carolyn eats meat killed by others. Does she condemn them? What a useless bitch.

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Caroline's a pharma puppet, who in addition to holding Pharma holdings, pimps HPV vaccines and brags about it. Her display of disgust is shocking. She says her cousin (she's not his niece - their fathers were brothers) is unfit for this position, yet she supported Biden who was not fit enough to stand trial, but fit enough to stay in office. Her hard line Democratic Party support is more important than the truth. Bobby's skeletons have always been known. He wrote a book about some of them. He's in his 70s now, has been sober for decades and not hosting debauched parties to his younger cousins. She looks like a reptile, and she certainly puts a different ending to the Camelot story of her parents. Wow. . .

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But all talking about falcons is not important. We have to look at his decisions:

RFK Jr Refuses to Say Healthcare Is a Human Right at Confirmation Hearing


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Health care is NOT a human right. Only EARNING it is - the same thing as housing, food, transportation, education, etc are not rights. Nada has the same confusion all communists have about rights. They all believe that one person has a right to the fruits of the labor of capitalist workers and businesses. They are OPM, Other People's Money, addicts who are incapable of earning their way in life by voluntary trade so they extort and defraud..

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Westley Deitchler you old fool, a typical representative of American ignorance and a sheep that feeds on stupid, satanic American propaganda. Human rights are fundamental to a dignified life and should not depend on one's ability to "earn" them. There is no difference between you and OPM addcits. Go to the library and read Plato. But do you have libraries in America? Of course you don't, because you are a brood of uneducated drug addicts.

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I agree that people do many mistakes regarding their health; but where to start? Situation becoming worse and worse ... poor people get more and more uneducated, they eat more and more "bad food" ... We have to start with an education on each level and to help poor people ...

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The left just can't get it that each individual is responsible for his or her own life. One thing that has killed us is 'free' education teaching every student that government is the solution to every problem. Each person is responsible for getting a real education on his or her own. That means that poor people, like me, have to help ourselves and I do. But criminal government forbids me from earning money on Substack by requiring me to have a SS number, which I don't and don't want. I am 83 years old and I don't want anything to do with government agencies like SS, Medicare and Aid, welfare, Ofuckicare, etc. Government is the official criminal class in every society and the sooner man does away with them, humans will progress magnificently.

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"The left just can't get it that each individual is responsible for his or her own life." These are the exact words of Edvard Kardelj, a communist. It is no coincidence that he wrote about self-rule, which is not capitalist, corporate rule, but when people take the rule into their own hands for the benefit of society, not just corrupt politicians and big capital. The American left has absolutely nothing to do with the political left. The American left is degenerate liberalism, while communism is beyond "left-wing democracy".

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I want to add a comment about the helping relationship. When I was in the Peace Corps, we had a special training project about the helping relationship by Dr. David Berlew trained in industrial psychology at MIT. He was very good, but this was before Reagan came along with his analysis that the 9 most feared words in America, and the world, were, "I'm from the government. I' m here to help you." Government only helps criminals because it is composed only of criminals who harm everyone. They harm their victims from whom they tax and regulate to get the loot to do good and they cripple those they pretend to help by making them dependent rather than self-reliant. Every human on the planet needs help, from pennyaires like me to billionaires like Elon Musk. But the proper helping relationship is between equals - I'll help you solve your problems if you help me solve mine in a voluntary trading relationship. I can get help in the form of a cell phone from some rich people who developed it by trading a small amount of money in exchange to help them, which all ads up to societal advancement.

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I think that I understand the essence of your message and I agree what you have sad about "voluntary helping"; but there are so many people who are ill and in they are in bad condition or they work in bad condition ... and they need organised help.

I also think that art can also help to point the problems:

Hard Graft: Work, Health and Rights

Wellcome Collection’s powerful new exhibition tells a compelling history of undervalued work and its effects on the body


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