Thanks for this alarming post! It ties in with the elite's dystopian plans to reduce the world's population in order to substitute robots for humans. Don't they call it "Transhumanism?". But this plan has many other dimensions: apart from just reducing human fertility, promoting abortion and infant exposure, wrecking marriages and faithful family bonds, they seem altogether too interested in bioweapon research and toxic 'countermeasures', as well as harsh social surveillance and control with lethal penalties for those who resist (think China model). By abandoning our traditional morality, and allowing ourselves to be corrupted, we have walked willfully into this state of dissolution and dystopia. We should all accept personal responsibility, repent and seek the 'kingdom of heaven', while there is still time! Thank you Desmet for pointing us in the right direction. For those who practice a life of truth, propaganda has a recognizable stench!

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Self-destructive behaviors are a logical consequence of negative self-image, self-loathing, and self-hatred. When one lives a life of unresolved cognitive dissonance brought about by disregard for the prodding of one's conscience, one becomes self-condemned, and willingly embraces the ultimate self-destructive act, that of suicide.

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If states want to involuntarily euthanize us like dogs, we may have to euthanize them first.

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The enemy of God, Jesus Christ, our Creator cares not if death is the result of suicide or nihilism, as long as destruction of a person is the consequence of the pressure.

Our souls are created by Jesus and for His honor. He seems very soul to return to Him, in acknowledgement and confession of needing Him for the redemption of Life, a life hidden in His Divinity and Holiness .

Satan only kills, steals, and destroys.

The Lord Jesus Christ is ever drawing His creation to Himself for the promised everlasting life He gives. It is a choice to live and move and gave being in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.

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Unknown to humanity, we’ve been in the process of losing our ”binding glue” over the past 240 years, as part of the transition to the next order. The “binding glue” is our genetic imperative to bond, to ritualize and find the spirit.

In a way, we’re being “shut down” and it’s not done in a nice way, to say the least. It’s evident all around us in many shapes and forms. Why do you think every 75% of the entertainment content is of a horror genre, filled with murders, dead bodies, gore and bloodshed?! and as it seems, we want more and more of it. This is what Interests us. It reflects the vacuum that’s forming as a result.

Part of this metamorphosis brings forth a much greater affinity to a state of fragmentation. Observe the average individual - particularly the younger generation - and you’ll see exactly what I mean. This fragmentation between body, mind and spirit is extremely dangerous because in multitudes, it’s exactly what feeds the “Nazification” of the human species, as I call it. The automatonlike behavior, that follows orders without scrutiny and personal discernment, but only for pleasurable rewards.

Physiologically speaking, it’s very detrimental to one’s psyche and wellbeing. There’s no connection to and no presence in one’s body anymore. A vacuum is formed, the spirit becomes empty and the body desensitized. This, then, drives the fragmented individual to fill-in the “empty cup” in extreme and perverted ways.

The lust for lucre - more and more evident in the young - to acquire as much as possible with no added return - is a derivative of such predicament. When more and more are spellbound by lust, with no desire to give something in return, you know why our civilization is at the brink of collapse. There’s no more added value being generated, only parasitic existence.

These individuals are extremely vulnerable in so many ways. They have no solid pillar of themselves.

What do you think will happen when the lights go out and there’s no electricity (and it will happen at some point)?! You’ll see throngs of youngsters jump off balconies and rooftops to meet the grim reaper, because they had nothing of their own to fill the “empty cup”.

It’s a reflection of what goes inside our spirit. Human beings are turning into cold, apathetic sociopaths. Our “humanness” is being taken away. The transition marks a tension between becoming automatons or to individuate, in which the evolutionary process is favoring the former.

Therefore, it’s important to understand that there’s a spiritual crisis that’s brewing under the surface in which it’s only up to the individual to confront on their own, particularly young parents, who in their awareness or lack of it will determine whether their children will become deadmen walking or fully integrated humans who are their own authority.

This is it!

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The Spiritual Consequences of Suicide from an Anthroposophical perspective: https://anthropopper.com/2024/05/01/assisted-dying-and-the-spiritual-consequences-of-suicide/

N x

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A demoralized society shrugs its shoulders at the possibility of an all-out nuclear war. To paraphrase Bush’s cocky statement, “Bring it on!”

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"Society is Suicidal" is a "coarse grained truth"

Please look DEEPER.

Everything makes sense and is 100% predictable if you have the right model.

We are witnessing the culmination of a war between 2 "gene survival strategies" which has been raging since the birth of civilization and will end in either (1) extinction or (2) ascension for humanity

A war between the "zero-sum game" vs the "positive-sum game" gene survival strategy.


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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

You article resonates with my personal thoughts as well only I described this suicidal tendency in terms of a Thanatos drive and more focused on the the youth, or what we call 'woke'. Such a movement is expressing a large scale alienation from their culture - a culture nearing its end - which represents an innate aspect of identity that most take for granted. Not only do they hate their culture, and therefore themselves, they actively seek to undermine and destroy it. Like a macrocosm of the microcosm represented in an addict, for example, whose alienation from themselves ultimately drives the destructive addictive behaviors that often lead to premature death. They know it, but their suffering tells them there's worse thing than death in this life. A slow suicide if you will.

I see a similar dynamic in youth alienation only It's more collective in nature.

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It is both gratifying and terrifying to read your article because it is exactly what I thought was happening when I first realised what Covid was all about. The idea that human beings can be forced to take the pharmaceutical poisons that are killing us in so many different ways in the name of ´health care´ is totally outrageous to someone of my age (79). Please continue your work and speak out. Thank you

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Catholics have long called it the "culture of death." I believe our "suicidal society" is the result of our refusal to accept and cherish life. It all starts with birth control and abortion. If life isn't sacred from the beginning, it's not sacred at the end.


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"The many people who took the vaccines and died — up to two million in the U.S. — were not trying to die but instead were trying to stay alive and to maintain their livelihoods. They had been systematically terrified of the pandemic and told that they would lose their lives, as well as their livelihood and their place in society if they did not go along. They were so eager to live that it took a fake pandemic and fake “vaccines” to set the stage for their being killed, wounded, and genetically injured by the jabs." - Peter Breggin https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/desmet-and-malone-strike-again-no

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Suicidal Society??? WTF!!! People are trying to murder us because of their greed!!!

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i wonder how humanity made it through all these millenia if what you say is true? 100's of 1000's upon 1000's of years of having children and loving them and providing for them- even in the face of the predator class that seems to have been with us throughout history. Understanding that we are Man- made up of men and women- co-creators with god. Schwab and company like to talk about humans as if we are animals. It seems that you are of the same opinion. As some of Schwabs friends brag- they are now channeling demons- what a thought! and you say that WE the humans,- that we have a death wish? This seems like really crazy thinking. My experience over all with people is that they are caring and loving. My neighbors are here for me when I need them- we still live in a neighbor hood where we have neighbors that we know. We've watched each other's children- taken care of the pets, talked about good times and bad times- eat good food together- occasionally help each other financially. When people are not led into confusion, are not overly propaganized- and wow- are we ever now. I am sure you have read about how entire countries are targeted with chaos, through bribes, seduction, blackmail- bringing countries down via utter chaos. Central and south america- look at Chile.The predators that i see are the wealthy ones- like schwab /gates/blackwater/vanguard/blackrock /the chinese government and now even the US and other fascistic ones- who want to control everyone and everything and at the base of that sickness is fear. Lust for power. I think mr desmet- that you need to cultivate in yourself the power of love, strive to find your humanity again instead of propagandizing people into even greater despair, bring yourself back to reason. I certainly hope that people will not be fooled by your crazy talk.

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Interesting observation how human rituals have been removed from peoples life. They tried to eliminate shaking hands and they're even trying to sideline Christmas which is probably the biggest ritual of them all. Perhaps removing rituals allows them to break down social bonds so that they can impose their own rituals such as mask wearing and displaying signs of obedience etc. I dont think we really understand the power that rituals play in controlling our behaviour, we see them as trivial but they're important.

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Agreed. Although materialism, the denial of the spiritual, is not a new phenomenon, it has existed from ancient times, it has never been so prevalent as it is now. In fact, I would say materialism (scientism if you prefer) is the de facto religion of modern western man. And the world is much the poorer for it.

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