I see you are so wrong on these suicide salespeople. My CRT instructor has helped me to understand that these people have progressed significantly.
They are now willing to kill everyone in society equally and no longer focus strictly upon the Jewish problem. I think you are understating the great leap forwards that these suicide salespeople have made.
- transition from egalitarian, bartering and independent hunter-gatherer societies never exceeding the Dunbar's number to modern, industrialized, highly interdependent and hierarchic, fully financialized mass societies as well as
- inception of monotheistic, extremely egocentric religions.
Imho, both are a DEAD END as current, real events in global trade, energy, finance, health, environment and Gaza show ...
"- inception of monotheistic, extremely egocentric religions"
That's a modern myth. Those religions were a solution and response to the egocentricity of paganism - which was all about the individual and worshipped raw power and status.
Pagamism saving grace at the peak centuries of Greece and later Rome, was the concern for the polis / empire (the "commons" were the province of man, at least for those participating in goverment). That was transitory though, and those societies became increasingly individualistic and "every man for himself", also falling for all kinds of excess and lack of care for the commons. The paganism was also dilluted (in both cases) with all kinds of bullshit imported esoteric religions and gods from Egypt and elsewhere, to the point that the classical era gods where mostly abandoned for .
Christianity came to fix that, and was based on brotherhood, and elevated it above personal affairs and concerns (it's made explicit everywhere, not to mention the whole notion of the "Church" or the early christian brotherhoods with shared communal diners and so on).
Islam also had a similar role, while also providing a moral and life framework and catering to the differentiation of arab peoples (religious splits are based on cultural and ethno-political differences between populations that take the form of the adoption of a new religion or a variant of a previous one, like protestants vs catholics).
Societies are rule based, rules are fictions and fiction is antithetical to life. Suicide or spiritual escape is a normal reaction to a society that imposes overwhelming control. I saw the Covid years as a mass suicide event, I watched from a distance the MKULTRA Jonestown massacre.
Desmet & Breggin are BOTH right AND at the SAME time wrong. Anyone does not see this and/or choose a side, is also wrong. And no, I am not right, but just stick to the facts.
Facts are:
- There is a power elite that wants to decimate us bc we are with too much for them to control + we The People with the REAL power, let them do this to us. We still believe in voting and look where we still are with all our voting!
So Desmet, you cannot forgive them at this time. You are 10 years to early & that is just wrong because they are still at it and Breggin, We The People let them do it because of our ego's and most are not into see the facts open & unbiased. We have to much invest in our own egoistic beliefs and that makes us more closed minded, whereby we cannot see them clearly for what they really are & that is corrupt murderers that only think for their own best interest.
So stop please with this silly words-war because you both will lose. Choose for The People and bring people together like him: https://www.youtube.com/live/V6uwpWT46N8
Watch the first 30-40 minutes or so bc he is not wrong here 👌 and he is the only with a clear solution and that is a bottom up movement by, for & with The People. This is the way...
In the end it is always about the suppression of the truth and when that happens, in terms of society, it always leads to death.
This also reminded me of a recent article I read titled Why Everything Is Becoming A Game and one I also personally wrote about on my own Substack referencing the belief structure of Ted Kaczynski where he referenced that technologically advanced civilizations are doomed to be trapped in fatal games. As an add on I concluded that these fatal games are driven by the destructive ambition at the center of human nature that subscribes to the Conquest Ethic.
As an example of this Kaczynski uses a compelling thought experiment inside a model that he describes with the idea of a forested region that is occupied by several rival kingdoms.
The idea of his model is that the kingdoms that clear the most land for agriculture can support a larger population which in turn would allow them to develop a larger military advantage based on the sheer numbers of people. Therefore, every kingdom must aim to clear as much forest land as possible, or face the consequence of being conquered by its rivals due to mankind’s desire for the conquest ethic.
The resulting deforestation eventually leads to an ecological disaster resulting in the collapse of all the kingdoms. Therefore, what each kingdom is doing in order to expand and put them at an advantage in terms of their short-term survival inevitably leads in the long-term to the kingdom’s ultimate demise. Kaczynski called this a “self-propagating system,” because he viewed the model as a negative-sum game that would take on a life of its own that would ultimately end up defeating every player while the system itself would end up becoming the only winner.
As the old quotes goes: “In war, truth is the first casualty.”― Aeschylus
Because the first casualty of war is the truth this directly leads to human casualty.
This all relates directly to what you discussed here in this article and the suppression of the truth always leads to destruction, or more specifically the suicide of a society.
Thanks for this alarming post! It ties in with the elite's dystopian plans to reduce the world's population in order to substitute robots for humans. Don't they call it "Transhumanism?". But this plan has many other dimensions: apart from just reducing human fertility, promoting abortion and infant exposure, wrecking marriages and faithful family bonds, they seem altogether too interested in bioweapon research and toxic 'countermeasures', as well as harsh social surveillance and control with lethal penalties for those who resist (think China model). By abandoning our traditional morality, and allowing ourselves to be corrupted, we have walked willfully into this state of dissolution and dystopia. We should all accept personal responsibility, repent and seek the 'kingdom of heaven', while there is still time! Thank you Desmet for pointing us in the right direction. For those who practice a life of truth, propaganda has a recognizable stench!
Self-destructive behaviors are a logical consequence of negative self-image, self-loathing, and self-hatred. When one lives a life of unresolved cognitive dissonance brought about by disregard for the prodding of one's conscience, one becomes self-condemned, and willingly embraces the ultimate self-destructive act, that of suicide.
The enemy of God, Jesus Christ, our Creator cares not if death is the result of suicide or nihilism, as long as destruction of a person is the consequence of the pressure.
Our souls are created by Jesus and for His honor. He seems very soul to return to Him, in acknowledgement and confession of needing Him for the redemption of Life, a life hidden in His Divinity and Holiness .
Satan only kills, steals, and destroys.
The Lord Jesus Christ is ever drawing His creation to Himself for the promised everlasting life He gives. It is a choice to live and move and gave being in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.
Unknown to humanity, we’ve been in the process of losing our ”binding glue” over the past 240 years, as part of the transition to the next order. The “binding glue” is our genetic imperative to bond, to ritualize and find the spirit.
In a way, we’re being “shut down” and it’s not done in a nice way, to say the least. It’s evident all around us in many shapes and forms. Why do you think every 75% of the entertainment content is of a horror genre, filled with murders, dead bodies, gore and bloodshed?! and as it seems, we want more and more of it. This is what Interests us. It reflects the vacuum that’s forming as a result.
Part of this metamorphosis brings forth a much greater affinity to a state of fragmentation. Observe the average individual - particularly the younger generation - and you’ll see exactly what I mean. This fragmentation between body, mind and spirit is extremely dangerous because in multitudes, it’s exactly what feeds the “Nazification” of the human species, as I call it. The automatonlike behavior, that follows orders without scrutiny and personal discernment, but only for pleasurable rewards.
Physiologically speaking, it’s very detrimental to one’s psyche and wellbeing. There’s no connection to and no presence in one’s body anymore. A vacuum is formed, the spirit becomes empty and the body desensitized. This, then, drives the fragmented individual to fill-in the “empty cup” in extreme and perverted ways.
The lust for lucre - more and more evident in the young - to acquire as much as possible with no added return - is a derivative of such predicament. When more and more are spellbound by lust, with no desire to give something in return, you know why our civilization is at the brink of collapse. There’s no more added value being generated, only parasitic existence.
These individuals are extremely vulnerable in so many ways. They have no solid pillar of themselves.
What do you think will happen when the lights go out and there’s no electricity (and it will happen at some point)?! You’ll see throngs of youngsters jump off balconies and rooftops to meet the grim reaper, because they had nothing of their own to fill the “empty cup”.
It’s a reflection of what goes inside our spirit. Human beings are turning into cold, apathetic sociopaths. Our “humanness” is being taken away. The transition marks a tension between becoming automatons or to individuate, in which the evolutionary process is favoring the former.
Therefore, it’s important to understand that there’s a spiritual crisis that’s brewing under the surface in which it’s only up to the individual to confront on their own, particularly young parents, who in their awareness or lack of it will determine whether their children will become deadmen walking or fully integrated humans who are their own authority.
Everything makes sense and is 100% predictable if you have the right model.
We are witnessing the culmination of a war between 2 "gene survival strategies" which has been raging since the birth of civilization and will end in either (1) extinction or (2) ascension for humanity
A war between the "zero-sum game" vs the "positive-sum game" gene survival strategy.
You article resonates with my personal thoughts as well only I described this suicidal tendency in terms of a Thanatos drive and more focused on the the youth, or what we call 'woke'. Such a movement is expressing a large scale alienation from their culture - a culture nearing its end - which represents an innate aspect of identity that most take for granted. Not only do they hate their culture, and therefore themselves, they actively seek to undermine and destroy it. Like a macrocosm of the microcosm represented in an addict, for example, whose alienation from themselves ultimately drives the destructive addictive behaviors that often lead to premature death. They know it, but their suffering tells them there's worse thing than death in this life. A slow suicide if you will.
I see a similar dynamic in youth alienation only It's more collective in nature.
It is both gratifying and terrifying to read your article because it is exactly what I thought was happening when I first realised what Covid was all about. The idea that human beings can be forced to take the pharmaceutical poisons that are killing us in so many different ways in the name of ´health care´ is totally outrageous to someone of my age (79). Please continue your work and speak out. Thank you
I see you are so wrong on these suicide salespeople. My CRT instructor has helped me to understand that these people have progressed significantly.
They are now willing to kill everyone in society equally and no longer focus strictly upon the Jewish problem. I think you are understating the great leap forwards that these suicide salespeople have made.
Humanity's probably most lethal sins are:
- transition from egalitarian, bartering and independent hunter-gatherer societies never exceeding the Dunbar's number to modern, industrialized, highly interdependent and hierarchic, fully financialized mass societies as well as
- inception of monotheistic, extremely egocentric religions.
Imho, both are a DEAD END as current, real events in global trade, energy, finance, health, environment and Gaza show ...
"- inception of monotheistic, extremely egocentric religions"
That's a modern myth. Those religions were a solution and response to the egocentricity of paganism - which was all about the individual and worshipped raw power and status.
Pagamism saving grace at the peak centuries of Greece and later Rome, was the concern for the polis / empire (the "commons" were the province of man, at least for those participating in goverment). That was transitory though, and those societies became increasingly individualistic and "every man for himself", also falling for all kinds of excess and lack of care for the commons. The paganism was also dilluted (in both cases) with all kinds of bullshit imported esoteric religions and gods from Egypt and elsewhere, to the point that the classical era gods where mostly abandoned for .
Christianity came to fix that, and was based on brotherhood, and elevated it above personal affairs and concerns (it's made explicit everywhere, not to mention the whole notion of the "Church" or the early christian brotherhoods with shared communal diners and so on).
Islam also had a similar role, while also providing a moral and life framework and catering to the differentiation of arab peoples (religious splits are based on cultural and ethno-political differences between populations that take the form of the adoption of a new religion or a variant of a previous one, like protestants vs catholics).
Societies are rule based, rules are fictions and fiction is antithetical to life. Suicide or spiritual escape is a normal reaction to a society that imposes overwhelming control. I saw the Covid years as a mass suicide event, I watched from a distance the MKULTRA Jonestown massacre.
Desmet & Breggin are BOTH right AND at the SAME time wrong. Anyone does not see this and/or choose a side, is also wrong. And no, I am not right, but just stick to the facts.
Facts are:
- There is a power elite that wants to decimate us bc we are with too much for them to control + we The People with the REAL power, let them do this to us. We still believe in voting and look where we still are with all our voting!
So Desmet, you cannot forgive them at this time. You are 10 years to early & that is just wrong because they are still at it and Breggin, We The People let them do it because of our ego's and most are not into see the facts open & unbiased. We have to much invest in our own egoistic beliefs and that makes us more closed minded, whereby we cannot see them clearly for what they really are & that is corrupt murderers that only think for their own best interest.
So stop please with this silly words-war because you both will lose. Choose for The People and bring people together like him: https://www.youtube.com/live/V6uwpWT46N8
Watch the first 30-40 minutes or so bc he is not wrong here 👌 and he is the only with a clear solution and that is a bottom up movement by, for & with The People. This is the way...
This was another excellent and powerful piece.
In the end it is always about the suppression of the truth and when that happens, in terms of society, it always leads to death.
This also reminded me of a recent article I read titled Why Everything Is Becoming A Game and one I also personally wrote about on my own Substack referencing the belief structure of Ted Kaczynski where he referenced that technologically advanced civilizations are doomed to be trapped in fatal games. As an add on I concluded that these fatal games are driven by the destructive ambition at the center of human nature that subscribes to the Conquest Ethic.
As an example of this Kaczynski uses a compelling thought experiment inside a model that he describes with the idea of a forested region that is occupied by several rival kingdoms.
The idea of his model is that the kingdoms that clear the most land for agriculture can support a larger population which in turn would allow them to develop a larger military advantage based on the sheer numbers of people. Therefore, every kingdom must aim to clear as much forest land as possible, or face the consequence of being conquered by its rivals due to mankind’s desire for the conquest ethic.
The resulting deforestation eventually leads to an ecological disaster resulting in the collapse of all the kingdoms. Therefore, what each kingdom is doing in order to expand and put them at an advantage in terms of their short-term survival inevitably leads in the long-term to the kingdom’s ultimate demise. Kaczynski called this a “self-propagating system,” because he viewed the model as a negative-sum game that would take on a life of its own that would ultimately end up defeating every player while the system itself would end up becoming the only winner.
As the old quotes goes: “In war, truth is the first casualty.”― Aeschylus
Because the first casualty of war is the truth this directly leads to human casualty.
This all relates directly to what you discussed here in this article and the suppression of the truth always leads to destruction, or more specifically the suicide of a society.
Once again, excellent article Mattias
Like the witch trials.
Thanks for this alarming post! It ties in with the elite's dystopian plans to reduce the world's population in order to substitute robots for humans. Don't they call it "Transhumanism?". But this plan has many other dimensions: apart from just reducing human fertility, promoting abortion and infant exposure, wrecking marriages and faithful family bonds, they seem altogether too interested in bioweapon research and toxic 'countermeasures', as well as harsh social surveillance and control with lethal penalties for those who resist (think China model). By abandoning our traditional morality, and allowing ourselves to be corrupted, we have walked willfully into this state of dissolution and dystopia. We should all accept personal responsibility, repent and seek the 'kingdom of heaven', while there is still time! Thank you Desmet for pointing us in the right direction. For those who practice a life of truth, propaganda has a recognizable stench!
Self-destructive behaviors are a logical consequence of negative self-image, self-loathing, and self-hatred. When one lives a life of unresolved cognitive dissonance brought about by disregard for the prodding of one's conscience, one becomes self-condemned, and willingly embraces the ultimate self-destructive act, that of suicide.
If states want to involuntarily euthanize us like dogs, we may have to euthanize them first.
The enemy of God, Jesus Christ, our Creator cares not if death is the result of suicide or nihilism, as long as destruction of a person is the consequence of the pressure.
Our souls are created by Jesus and for His honor. He seems very soul to return to Him, in acknowledgement and confession of needing Him for the redemption of Life, a life hidden in His Divinity and Holiness .
Satan only kills, steals, and destroys.
The Lord Jesus Christ is ever drawing His creation to Himself for the promised everlasting life He gives. It is a choice to live and move and gave being in Jesus the Christ, our Lord.
Unknown to humanity, we’ve been in the process of losing our ”binding glue” over the past 240 years, as part of the transition to the next order. The “binding glue” is our genetic imperative to bond, to ritualize and find the spirit.
In a way, we’re being “shut down” and it’s not done in a nice way, to say the least. It’s evident all around us in many shapes and forms. Why do you think every 75% of the entertainment content is of a horror genre, filled with murders, dead bodies, gore and bloodshed?! and as it seems, we want more and more of it. This is what Interests us. It reflects the vacuum that’s forming as a result.
Part of this metamorphosis brings forth a much greater affinity to a state of fragmentation. Observe the average individual - particularly the younger generation - and you’ll see exactly what I mean. This fragmentation between body, mind and spirit is extremely dangerous because in multitudes, it’s exactly what feeds the “Nazification” of the human species, as I call it. The automatonlike behavior, that follows orders without scrutiny and personal discernment, but only for pleasurable rewards.
Physiologically speaking, it’s very detrimental to one’s psyche and wellbeing. There’s no connection to and no presence in one’s body anymore. A vacuum is formed, the spirit becomes empty and the body desensitized. This, then, drives the fragmented individual to fill-in the “empty cup” in extreme and perverted ways.
The lust for lucre - more and more evident in the young - to acquire as much as possible with no added return - is a derivative of such predicament. When more and more are spellbound by lust, with no desire to give something in return, you know why our civilization is at the brink of collapse. There’s no more added value being generated, only parasitic existence.
These individuals are extremely vulnerable in so many ways. They have no solid pillar of themselves.
What do you think will happen when the lights go out and there’s no electricity (and it will happen at some point)?! You’ll see throngs of youngsters jump off balconies and rooftops to meet the grim reaper, because they had nothing of their own to fill the “empty cup”.
It’s a reflection of what goes inside our spirit. Human beings are turning into cold, apathetic sociopaths. Our “humanness” is being taken away. The transition marks a tension between becoming automatons or to individuate, in which the evolutionary process is favoring the former.
Therefore, it’s important to understand that there’s a spiritual crisis that’s brewing under the surface in which it’s only up to the individual to confront on their own, particularly young parents, who in their awareness or lack of it will determine whether their children will become deadmen walking or fully integrated humans who are their own authority.
This is it!
The Spiritual Consequences of Suicide from an Anthroposophical perspective: https://anthropopper.com/2024/05/01/assisted-dying-and-the-spiritual-consequences-of-suicide/
N x
A demoralized society shrugs its shoulders at the possibility of an all-out nuclear war. To paraphrase Bush’s cocky statement, “Bring it on!”
"Society is Suicidal" is a "coarse grained truth"
Please look DEEPER.
Everything makes sense and is 100% predictable if you have the right model.
We are witnessing the culmination of a war between 2 "gene survival strategies" which has been raging since the birth of civilization and will end in either (1) extinction or (2) ascension for humanity
A war between the "zero-sum game" vs the "positive-sum game" gene survival strategy.
You article resonates with my personal thoughts as well only I described this suicidal tendency in terms of a Thanatos drive and more focused on the the youth, or what we call 'woke'. Such a movement is expressing a large scale alienation from their culture - a culture nearing its end - which represents an innate aspect of identity that most take for granted. Not only do they hate their culture, and therefore themselves, they actively seek to undermine and destroy it. Like a macrocosm of the microcosm represented in an addict, for example, whose alienation from themselves ultimately drives the destructive addictive behaviors that often lead to premature death. They know it, but their suffering tells them there's worse thing than death in this life. A slow suicide if you will.
I see a similar dynamic in youth alienation only It's more collective in nature.
It is both gratifying and terrifying to read your article because it is exactly what I thought was happening when I first realised what Covid was all about. The idea that human beings can be forced to take the pharmaceutical poisons that are killing us in so many different ways in the name of ´health care´ is totally outrageous to someone of my age (79). Please continue your work and speak out. Thank you