Last week the Think Local festival in Ireland was canceled. I was one of the speakers. Apparently, the organizers were extremists. Please listen to this conference - do you hear extremists speaking? Or is the cancelation a manifestation of the intolerance of our ‘inclusive’ society?
In this follow-up conversation with Dr. Gerard Casey and Sara Haboubi, we talk about the importance of truth-telling in a world plagued by propaganda and indoctrination, where thousands of United Nations’ Digital First Responders hunt down every dissonant voice on the digital steppe and social media algorithms identify and inhibit all so-called fake news (which usually turns out to be truth a little bit later). Truth-telling, as an act of speech, is the opposite of propaganda and it also reverses its effects. It is the ultimate remedy for the major symptom of our society – mass formation and totalitarianism. And it not only addresses the symptom, it also removes the root cause: the widespread loneliness and disconnectedness of modern man. Truth-telling is resonating speech, and as such it is what truly connects human beings and the basis of all truly humane living together.
Can truth-telling counter-act the insidious and all-pervasive electronic behavioral control system which has blanketed the world, and zombified most people on the planet? I know some such system exists, because 17 years ago I was yanked behind the curtain of reality by the theft of the culmination of 28 years research and creation of financial market trading systems.
Within 10 minutes of the demonstration of it's impeccability, I was driven from my trading room in my home, my system was stolen from my computers, and I was made to forget, for an indefinite period of time, that it ever exisited.
Within 3 weeks I was driven from my home by inexplicable, at that time, phenomena. After living with relatives, and sharing homes and apartments, by 08 08 08. I was homeless.
I was blessed to find a Part-time job which enabled me to be accepted a shelter, where I was able to rebuild my mind and finances, to an extent that in 2013 I was able to return to my previous home.
During all of those years I worked fiendishly at improving my concentration, knowing that somehow, that would be my best protection against the V2K, Voice to skull, technology that had been wielded against me 24/7 365.
In 2014 I discovered that all of my thoughts were not my thoughts, that words, Images, video, sounds, were being broadcast to my brain. This was a major turning point. The battle rages daily, and I'm making progress in freeing my mind from this electronic gulag.
The reason I KNOW that I'm not the only one is because I have described artifacts of this system to family members, pointed out external sources of information, seen it in certain behaviors and not one has or can pursue any information on the topic. They are not permitted to do so.
I cannot believe that a topic whose implications turn the world upside down, can be dismissed as something of no significance, to be relegated to the realm of fantasy. Doing only benefits the thieves and murderers who control such systems.
how is it that hate speech bills are being lined up in every western country in lockstep...a disinformation/misinformation bill is about to go before parliament here in Australia...why would all western so called democracies in lockstep try to shut down speech?? What are they trying to stop? Opposition to lockstep social engineering and behavioural modification programs rolled out everywhere...maybe