We must focus on how things must be. The devil is always in the details. So forget the details and talk about the dreams.

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We can master the art of Good Speech by speaking the Truth from our HEARTS. Engaging the heart in navigating is the way around the soul-less phenomenon we see unfolding everywhere in all age groups.

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Harari is a psychopath and so are all promoting the 2030 agenda. People can never lose their soul, praise God, but they can disassociate or be disassociated from it. The former is a survival defence and an antagonistic world, the other is due to psychological warfare played on its people via iPhone and technological take over, inhumane systems, addict culture and a life adjudicated on the premise of ‘separation’. A little love, a lot of community and a swathe of sanity...including removal of mobile phones..will reembody those ‘soulless eyes’ with vibrancy to spare.

Let’s turn our attention inward through prayer and meditation and spend time in the softness there. 🙏🏾

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"In a way, the major social crises of the 21st century all reflect a problem in the relationships in which humans are caught: they all stem from problematic and failing relationships between humans and institutions (banking crisis), between humans and fellow humans (war on terror), between men and women (MeToo crisis), between humans and nature (climate crisis)."

That paragraph impressed me, Mr Desmet, sir.

But not in a good way.

It oozes mind control and propaganda!

You and your WEF friend, Yuval Harari, serve as narrators and nudge-chums for a nasty agenda which is hurtling towards a totalitarian dystopia.

Surely you could have managed to reiterate the trigger word *CRISIS* just a few more times?

Banking, war, terrorism, rape and climate are just a few of the hyped horror, fear porn plots being deliberately rolled out on the unsuspecting public! Are you holding back on mentioning starvation, poisoning, radiation, weather warfare, forced migration and endless false flag events? Or are they the shock and awe surprises on the cards for 2025?

Mr Desmet, sir.

Humanity has not been 'de-souled'. We are seething with soulful righteous anger.

The genuinely soulless predators, who you choose to refer to as 'elite', have torn their own veil and created a warranted death shroud..... for their entire way of life.

Happy New Year, Predators! We see you.

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the soul may still be there, the civility has gone. The little gadgets in the hands of people does not make them robots. Isn’t it not more a over saturation of moral in minds? Moral only exists in individual minds but not in reality no matter how much it is promoted.

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‘What is Truth?’ ‘Truth’ is Christ.

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Your piece called to mind something I had written at the beginning of the scamdemic. It reads:

God? Religion? Who needs it!?

These days we have technology, and science; we’re so advanced!!

See? We don’t need religion.

Well, guess what? People have it whether they think they do or not, whether they want it or not.

You have a religion.

Everyone you know has a religion.

What does the word even mean?

Religion: To bind, to bond.

What have you, we as a society, connected ourselves to? Or disconnected ourselves from?

Every society, and the culture from which it has grown, has the religion of Life, or the religion of Death.

Hitler and Nazi Germany...religion of Death.

Soviet Russia, China, Mao and his goons....religions and cultures of Death.

Stalin, Mussolini, all gods in the religion of Totalitarian regimes inspired by the ultimate religion of Death. Marxism.

The religion of Death hates humans, and wants to destroy them. It does this by way of abortion (forced or otherwise), control and coercion, resentment, power, envy, hatred. Beware, these are snake oils with nice labels; labels that read like “choice”, “protection”, “fairness”, “leadership”, “equality”, and “justice”. Does the snake oil peddler sell night vision goggles too? Because these are illusions, and you’re buying them in darkness. From Darkness.

This religion believes humans are nothing more than glorified animals (evolution), stupid, and good only as work horses to provide for the “leaders”. Its gospel is that all needs of worldly life will be “provided”....at the discretion of the czar of course; but will always come at a cost. Nothing is free in the religion of Death. The price? Only your true freedom. Only your Soul. But the religion of Death doesn’t believe in either one, so it’s no bother. The Religion of Death doesn’t give a damn about your wants, needs, desires; your thoughts, your individuality, you’re freedom, your Soul. In this religion, it’s the We, the Collective, the Commune. Everyman gets crushed under the boot of those in charge of the We.

Because you are deemed incapable, it will “give” you $1000/month (by stealing from someone else), robbing you of the dignity of self sufficiency. If every parent applied this attitude to every child, we would live in a world of non-functioning basement dwellers and overworked parents. If it doesn’t work in a family, how could it possibly work in the larger family, Society? In this religion you are a “parasite” on the planet, and you must be eliminated, and will be, in the name of “health” and the “environment”.

So that all things are “fair”, everyone will have little, while the rest goes to the ‘high priests’ and his group at the top. This religion will fight your battles by controlling the speech of ‘others’, until you say something it doesn’t like. It will “give” you work (whether you like it or not); or take your work/business away if it sees fit. It will decree what to think and how to think, and will know because it watches your every move. Again, you’re merely an animal. Any individual with rights is a wrench in this wheel that grinds the world to a painful and dark death. The end goal of this religion is dehumanize. You are animal. You are machine; a worker bee for the religion of Death. Be anointed, and you will find yourself on the short end of the stick of “freedom, equality, and justice”.

Call it anti-Christian or atheism, either way, it’s God-less. It is all things against Humanity.

The religion of Life, however, loves humans because of their greatness! Because they are made in the image of God! This religion knows Man is Spirit housed in a body. It knows Man is not perfect, but believes in the Infinite potential and seeks to guide souls down the path to goodness, to beauty, to truth, justice and freedom; to dignity, peace and prosperity. To loving your neighbor. To life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Sound familiar?

One religion sees the divine nature of man. The other wishes to destroy it.

One sees that the heart and mind of Man and his potential for goodness, even greatness, is infinite. The other says Man, despite the historical horrors of this religion, is already great! That Man is God. But remember, a few are “greater” than others, and they should rule over all men.

The God of the religion of Life has gotten a bad wrap over the past 50 years, and the Marxist religion that denies a God or the God in Man has grown like a mold in this petri dish we call our culture. It is silent and deadly.

The God of Life is about to clean house.

Today is March 19, 2020 and the circus is on it’s way, I can hear the music in the distance. Beware the snake oil peddler.

Are you the thinking, free, capable, self-governing, people of the Religion of Life that must be destroyed; or at least controlled? This is how the Religion of Death works. Only the compliant are useful as “good citizens”, good followers, good workers, under the constant watchful eye of the ‘supreme leaders’ of darkness.

“When men choose to no longer believe in God, he does not thereafter believe in nothing, he then becomes capable of believing in anything.” - G.K Chesterton

Wise words.

So, what did you say your religion was?

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American culture has embraced a coarse and profane view of life. As a novelist, this is biggest bugaboo. So I turned to writing an epic fairytale set in 950 AD on a fictitious island in Scotland. I get to live there everyday, and I know everyone!

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Well stated mattias. Offline, "common"-sense articulated teaching of our children and the expansion of the lifeskills required to outlast the rise of deathcult, which is nothing more or less than the ever present balance of opposites that permeate all of existence. The remedy to nonsense from over thinking is thoughtlessness... the ancient wisdom pointed at in the Tao te Ching and echoed by any and all spiritial teachers tell us the same thing. Truth reveals itself to those who spend time in silence.. out of which all things are created, and all things return.

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Chai latte with oat milk? Sounds way too healthy for me (LOL). I love a XXX strong full fat milk Caffè latte, but each to their own I say!

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Hey! I’m the 1000th “like”! I feel special, lol 😁

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The de-souling of which you write infects my profession, psychiatry, and more broadly medicine. Its atomization of humans into their parts has erased a central core of transcendent values—our professional soul, if you will. I blame our blinkered worship of Enlightenment values that have estranged us from ourselves

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Yes, they are “desouling” us one fake pandemic at a time now that they have the recipe perfected

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Interesting. Your observation of a sliver of a zombie-life (Donna Haraway) is at best incomplete. The anxiety, the isolation ... the suffering with disease are not non-human. Whether the person choose to express or it remains in the realm of wittgensteinian private language is a choice. This is clearly, trauma and will inhabit our collective unconscious like any other.

YNH is yet another cult-prophet. In the universe of possibilities, he has no crystal ball to the future. As Milan Kundera said of his holocaust experience -" if one man thunk it, another man will do it " ; no need to romanticize dystopia.

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In this Substack, Mattias provides an excellent analysis of the current situation and proposes "sincere speech" as a remedy to change the out-of-control rationalistic-materialistic paradigm.

But sincere speech is the spontaneous result of a profound spiritual awakening, not something that can be deliberately practised and performed. It is an effect, not a cause.

Sincere, spontaneous, true speech is only possible in the absence of all fear. Freedom from all fear is only possible for the self-realized mystic. Every one of us is a potential mystic. It is beyond any individual egoic history or skill. It is beyond morality or intelligence.

What does self-realisation mean?

It is the direct experience of our true nature and, with it, the full recognition of our false illusionary ego nature.

Part of our consciousness identifies with our body-mind and believes to be this separated egoic body-mind. Spirit is not body-mind. Therefore, true spirituality is always beyond the body and especially beyond the mind. It is not a concept and a belief but an individual experience.

All fear springs from this identification with the body-mind. All our problems are body-mind problems. With a little practice, we can observe our body-minds at work. This is called meditation.

So, who is doing the observing? And how can we be what we observe?

There is the content of consciousness - everything we conceive or perceive, including this body-mind we label "I" - and there is the "space" of consciousness in which all that is conceived and perceived appears and disappears.

Be that space and let everything else come and go without attaching to it, and, with grace, you will self-realise and "your" problems and "the world's problems" are seen as what they really are - illusions, mental appearances.

With the "I" comes the world. The "I" is the subject that creates the objective world.

Where is the world in deep sleep when the "I" is forgotten? It reappears when we wake up, and the mental conditioned program runs, "I am this body in a world." And "I" have to survive and be safe. And "I" will never be 100% safe and won't survive.

No "I", no problem. "I" creates this unsettling vulnerability and separation from everything else.

With the "I" dissolved by the pure light of awareness, "I" am everything and everything is "I". Utter peace, no fear. Nothing can harm me because I am everything.

This is the highest understanding, the direct path to God through understanding, and with it comes liberation. Everything else is just illusionary mind games but unavoidable until the dormant spiritual seed suddenly and unexplainable start to sprout.

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A very accurate portrayal of the state of our beingness in the world. Thank you for articulating this so well: we are indeed increasingly de-souled. As much as AI is an attempt to mimic humanity, creating deep-fake identities which we can barely distinguish from real human beings, so we humans are simultaneously being encouraged to divest ourselves of humanity and identify as 'avatars' and digitised beings, become accustomed to acquiring a 'second' life, representing ourselves as disembodied incarnations that exist solely in the digitised world.

This blurring of boundaries between reality and its illusory shadow-facsimile makes it increasingly difficult to even realise there are two pathways we have to choose between. The fork in the road is rapidly approaching and how can we make a conscious choice when we can no longer distinguish between reality and pseudo-reality?

How to recognise that which is true?

I believe we have to work to develop an inner organ of discernment, an awakened awareness to what resonates in the mind/body/psyche as true and what registers as a frequency of simulation, of fakery. This means learning to trust our body's 'yes' and 'no'. Everything in our society has encouraged our disassociation, a rupture of separation from our bodies and our intuition. We urgently need to regain connection to our body wisdom and perception. If this were functioning as it should, it would be impossible for us to be seduced by illusion.

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