Kamala Harris's candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination adhered to the Democratic Party's election rules. Following President Biden's withdrawal from the race and his endorsement of Harris, she quickly consolidated support within the party, securing the backing of over 3,000 delegates . No coup.

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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) established rules requiring candidates to submit signatures from at least 300 delegates by July 30, 2024, with no more than 50 from any single state. Harris was the only candidate to meet these requirements, making her the presumptive nominee. All according to the rules. Those are the actual facts. No coup, no foul play. That's making your followers believe it was undemocratic. It's a conspiracy theory.

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I follow articles on Brownstone Institute portal and today I have red Mattias' article

Anchors in a Sea of Chaos


Mattias Desmet August 23, 2024

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After watching the various earlobes the Biden doppelgängers have paraded. He is either long dead,sequestered or part of the continuing charade. But not in control. If alive then he is told what to do. The wishes of the power structure continue!

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Well written essay and on target, Mattias!

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Indeed, Mattias, indeed. Spot on. Sadly, most people don't get it. They don't see the true enemy.

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LOL, you're an idiot.

Look, I could give a point by point rebuttal of your nonsense (that's entirely adrift from even the meaning of words), but it seems pointless. You're so far up your own ass that the sun has no chance of reaching your eyes.

The one thing that's revealed by what you wrote, is how desperate and angry this situation has made you.

That you dare to talk about "propaganda", when you've dredged up enough that you've completely buried yourself in it, only one who believes hypocrisy is a virtue could be so committed.

Not much else to say, but "LOL, you're an idiot."

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Are you a Biden lover? hahah I can't believe how washed-up you Americans are. You think you are liberals (or conservatives), but in reality you are just stupid nazis.

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Nah, I detest Biden.

You truly do not understand my perspective or my principles at all.

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The sadness/anger that Biden is no longer a candidate is pure cynicism!

American politics is absurd.

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You know that I'm quite happy that Biden is no longer a candidate, right?

It's one bullet America dodged out of the two headed for us.

Now we just need to dodge the other that's even more dangerous than he was.

It is too bad that the GOP has not decided to follow the Democrats' lead and eject their disaster of a candidate in order to provide the American people with an acceptable alternative to Harris. Alas, they have not.

I figure Harris won't be great, but she'll probably be acceptable.

We'll survive it. Maybe even some good things will happen. I don't know.

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You are naive, she is not an alternative. Biden's problem has never been that he is a demented old man, but that he has always been a corrupt and evil politician. Harison is part of his clique. Will some good things happen? I doubt it. Will she end the genocide against the Palestinians? Will she send all those responsible for this war to an international tribunal? Will she stand up against the evil that surrounds her?

Will you survive? Of course you will, you live in the most powerful country, America will not just fall apart.

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If Trump wins again though, America will die. It's already on death's door.

Maybe you can't see that. Maybe you can't see just how much every story about America is already half-unraveled.

There will be nothing to fight for, nothing to believe in, if Trump rips out the last threads of legitimacy that still linger. And he will do that. He'll absolutely do that, if he is allowed to gain the power once again.

Sure, the corpse of the country may linger, animated by insects that eat it, but its heart will be dead. Even now, I'm not convinced it can be saved.

Too many lies. There have been too many lies...

I could survive Harris. I truly doubt I could survive Trump. His supporters or his lackeys would put a bullet through my head, and you don't live through millions of people trying to do that. They've promised to do so plenty of times, and while it's possible that's just 1 more lie, I find their intentions on that matter quite credible.

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Hmm, clearly not a rational comment but aiming to discredit and smear. It won't work Mr. Masters. People are not as stupid as you think. They can see through you with ease. Fuck off, idiot.

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I don't think I will.

You're just as much a brainwashed tool as the drivel you choose to read.

It is pretty funny though, how angry all of this makes you, when nothing wrong has been done.

It's so revealing how angry you are that Biden dropped out, after you spent years saying he was the devil.

You know you live your whole life in bad faith.

You know the rotten pile of trash that is your soul.

It's pathetic.

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Love it. So true.

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Huh, was not expecting you to be proud of all that.

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You convinced me, John Masters. Why does that surprise you? Don't you believe in yourself and your mission?

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Marsters*... but do I actually have a mission? I doubt it. That seems like an exaggeration of the organization and planning behind anything I do.

For myself, I seek to learn the truth. For others, I sometimes feel compelled to call out their bullshit when it's particularly egregious.

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deletedAug 23
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What is there to even say?

You don't debate lies. It's pointless.

The people who want to believe those lies, are going to believe them regardless of what anyone says to them.

Anyone who actually cares about the truth, will see that 1) Biden is not fit to be president, 2) That Trump is not fit to be president, 3) That Biden dropping out was a good thing for the country, and 4) That all these claims about a candidate dropping out from a campaign equating to a "coup" or a "crime" are completely 100% insane.

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The hyperbole surrounding the riots obscures genuine grievances from the victims of this 'globalism', namely the British working class (now rebranded as 'fascists').

We have people going to jail for publishing mild memes or shouting at demonstrations... Me, being a memer, have had my twitter account locked...

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That pic is great!! Doesn’t Biden look like Jeff Dunham’s “Walter”?

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The bad boys are soulless......


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Thank you for this thoughtful paper that hits the nail on the head. I have been amazed at the machinations of the Democratic Party since they announced Biden as their presidential candidate back in 2020. They threw everyone else under the bus and then orchestrated a campaign from Biden’s basement. Then they manipulated the election so that he won. That he is now being treated the same way as his earlier opponents for the presidential nominee should be no surprise. That main stream Democrats and media accept this is the surprise. The crowning of Harris as the nominee is mind boggling. An unpopular, untalented, extreme liberal individual, with no accomplishments as VP, is suddenly thrown into the ring as the darling of the party. She’s completely transformed, along with her supposed running mate Tim Walz. The only thing I can figure out is that the majority of the Democratic Party is suffering from a mass formation psychosis about which you have written extensively. God save America and the world from this horrible nightmare that has been unleashed upon us. Vote for Trump!! He has shown that he is willing to die for America.

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In my opinion, today's politicians are mere puppets whose strings are operated by a cabal of psychopathic billionaire overlords. Harris makes a great puppet for the overlords; able to do what she's told but not think for herself.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

All totalitarians are embroiled in a Shared Psychosis....it gives them their narrative. They let go of their authentic personalities as individuals, and take on a poisonous and absolute groupthink.

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One theory about Kamala's ascendancy is that Biden surprised them all by nominating her in his resignation address. His way of giving the big finger to the coup plotters who had someone else in mind. It sounds plausible to me.

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The long-time rumor had been that Obama wanted Michele Obama nominated.....whoever Michele actually is. Then he could easily run the country from behind the scenes for the puppetmasters.

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No need for self flagellation. Mencken's famous comment will live forever. The American people will eventually come to embrace their servitude and their nickels and dimes incomes that their zombified lives will provide. I would feel far better if only people realized who did this to them, I would feel far better if Zionism was finally recognized as the driving force that led to our demise as it obviously is.

Read Henry Makow, ol' Hank knows the score.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 21Liked by Mattias Desmet

A French translation of this essay:


(dieudo.fr is temporarily down)

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Could not agree more! Thank you for putting this into words: "As Hannah Arendt already said: a totalitarian system always ultimately becomes a monster that devours its own children. Biden now knows this: he became a victim of the beast he himself abundantly fed." Dr. Robert Malone gave an outstanding speech about this. He explains and analyses the currant situation superbly. I'm saving this speech!


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There are people who have known about totalitarianism and studied it since post-WWII, and I am sure many others of previous centuries could also interpret what was going on. It is not a new phenomenon.

There is a lot of gushing over those who bring these ideas to podcast platforms, but really....they are just the ones who decided to use that media. It does not mean they are the first or only ones to know the subject.

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A. Did someone suggest anyone was the first to bring these ideas up now? Isn't the point that old or new, these ideas are extremely relevant now?

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Sorry, Lenora -- being the originator of an idea is vastly important in the rational world. It becomes your Intellectual Property, and on this careers and reputations are made or broken. Mattias works on the basis of Intellectual Property rights -- his book, his work for his university, his podcast interviews. All academics and writers depend on intellectual property being protected. It is a principle of democratic societies. Just like more solid property is protected.

Did you not know this?

That was a very naive comment of yours. Would you deny the Beatles their music property rights, for instance? C'mon, Leonora...this is the adult world. And Mattias is a minor celebrity here only because he claimed the public announcement of these ideas. Though notice that he claims that he announced these ideas, but not that he originated them.

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LOL - So, Mattias did not claim origination of these ideas, he "announced" them and he quoted Hanna Arendt, whose observations and insights possibly happened even before yours... Seems to me it is helpful to welcome everyone who "has eyes to see and ears to hear."

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Leonora, you sound like one of those internet groupies who never knows the topics or the fine points being discussed, but comes to gush. Obviously, you do not understand any of this. And yes, it matters. Mattias Desmet, in his bio, says that he articulated the Mass Psychosis idea, but did not originate it. Do you grasp that?

And I do not believe you have ever read Hannah Arendt. Way beyond you. Stop bluffing.

Run along now.

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LOL - I love you, too!

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You are right. Nothing new usually. When I listened to Malone, it gave me a lot of closure and understanding, because we are living/dealing in/with, a new technocratic computerised world, in which the field and rules of play have changed completely. Maybe you'll find Malone interesting?

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Yes, I might find him interesting. I suppose I am irked by the fact that many excellent persons did the work on totalitarianism for many centuries, including a number of those who were post-WWII.

And then....all it took was 2020s folk using podcasts, and in the eyes of the public they suddenly became THE experts on totalitarianism and the accompanying psychoses. As if they had been the discoverers! When actually, this has been known for a long time. Scholars used to write in-depth books on their ideas rather than take to podcasts. Foolish them...right? You don't pull in the punters and groupies that way.....

I never gush on this site. Because all of these ideas were familiar to me quite some time ago. Long before 2020.

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Must be very irksome indeed. People riding on the popular wave and showing off, while you have reached the shore ahead of them some time ago already, when there was no one to appreciate it. Maybe your groundwork was necessary to keep the concept alive?

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I am one of many who kept the ideas alive, Anne. I bow to my own predecessors in that sense.

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“Biden now knows this: he became a victim of the beast he himself abundantly fed.” This is true if he is aware of reality. I’m not sure he is.

While reading this article, I couldn’t help but be reminded of a book I read a few years ago, and which I highly recommend. Law Without Authority or Limits: Kelsen’s Dilemma by Daniel Gruber

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