Mainstream media have reported in recent weeks that it’s likely President Putin is behind the death of Jevgeni Prigozjin. This speculation is in all respects a conspiracy theory. Indeed, the mainstream media regularly reports conspiracy theories. The Chinese woman who claimed that the coronavirus escaped from a lab is said to be secretly working for Steve Bannon, Putin is said to have financed Trump's election campaign, the Russians are behind the large-scale spread of fake news . . . These are all mainstream conspiracy theories.
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy who took at least a dozen votes of the House to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on national television when the questions of this war and Israel are discussed . . . that the U.S. government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .
Jewish IMF stooge Arseny Yatsenyuk installed as Ukrainian Prime Minister in the 2014 Maidan coup also fought for Chechen Islamists against Russia . . . Nuland and Blinken . . . both Jews . . . both grew up in Ukraine . . . both Israeli dual citizens . . . Mayorkas, Yellen, Sullivan, Garland, and others . . . Jews and dual citizens of Israel.
This article could really have done with an introduction into the meaning of the words "conspiracy" and "theory" in and of themselves, and then, the joint use "conspiracy theory" and its origins (CIA) for use in mass formation.
As to Russia: it indeed took a conspiracy to down his jet, and that is not a theory, that's a fact. As to Putin's involvement: if he wasn't involved then that's a terrible weakness in Russia's defenses for civilian aircraft to be shot down near Moscow. Both ways he's damned on this issue, but what's the most likely real reason? Gaining control over Wagner as it's Africa operations are all too important.
To my mind the word 'conspiracy' is largely misused in the discourse surrounding the current state of world events. There is nothing remotely 'conspiratorial' in the open admission of the WEF and its associated acolytes that a 'Great Reset' is (according to them) necessary and actively being implemented. Once one realises that the component parts of this global plan (population reduction protocols focused on false medicine; false climate hysteria; proxy wars) require a massive coordinated machinery in order to progress, then the destruction of family units, religion, judicial and political integrity, and economic destabilisation tactics can all be understood. None of these developments are mysteries or the phantasies of deluded idiots - they are all there out in the open for all to see, and are merely the current iteration of processes that have taken place whenever a reset was being born in the past - religious revolutions, industrial revolutions, communist revolutions, etc. The masters of the Earth (those who have so much wealth that they can dictate whatever they wish to) rightly regard this earthly domain as their own to reshape in whatever way most enhances the consolidation and increase in their power and wealth. I say 'rightly' not because it is ethically right, but because from their perspective they are merely doing what any sane person does when tending their investments in a prudent and productive manner. We have already seen that socialism does not result in the equitable distribution of the earth's assets, any more than capitalism, so we (the ordinary people) are basically in the position that we are required to fight every day of our lives for a carve-out in the voracious world of the super-rich - a small place where each of us can claim 'inalienable' rights to existence with a semblance of dignity, health and security - while recognising that there will always be the force of the overlords attempting to overwhelm us all. In some respects this is the social equivalent of the propensity for cancer or viral infections to overwhelm our bodies - as long as we diligently manage our health we can keep those forces at bay - we need to learn, as a species that we must similarly keep our intellectual health at its peak in order not to be overwhelmed by the interests of the overlord-class. There are many ways to keep them at bay - but sadly most humans live merely as malleable puppets that enable and passively suffer these resets that occur with sad regularity in world affairs. It was not hard for the planners to put everything in place for this current plan, because they could count on that mass inertia to help things along. Whilst the 'Great Reset' will prove to be the most genocidal of all previous resets, the remnants of human civilisation will continue on their predictable path regardless, as they hurtle towards a new normal and the next reset in due course. Our individual ability to see the process does not change its course ... at best it may reduce its velocity - but we are spiritually obliged to point it out, resist and subvert it in order that the integrity of our own humanity is enhanced notwithstanding external crises.
The best weapon against conspiracy theory (and mass formation), I believe, is the habitual application of critical thinking. Unfortunately, as far as I know it's not taught in any schools, so it's not likely to gain widespread acceptance. Also, critical thinking --- and by extension, examination of conspiracy theories, or any other narrative --- requires hard work, AND an investment of time, neither of which most people are willing to do these days. As Henry Ford once observed, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it." And his friend, Thomas Edison, once said, "“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” Against such odds, what chance do rational thinkers have...?
More and more I am becoming convinced that the mRNA injection was far more effective at preventing critical thinking than COVID. (The seed of yet another conspiracy theory/)
When I first started to look into Conspiracy Theory in 2019, I did not anticipate how complicated and nuanced the topic was. I found the topic to be much more vast and psychologically interesting than I first anticipated it to be. Looking into the phenomenon of conspiracies, response to conspiracies, conspiracy theory and response to conspiracy theory becomes a complex exercise which touches on unexpected areas in psychology and sociology, from exploration of Schizophrenia/Psychosis to an exploration of how understanding occurs.
While we do have quantitative research on conspiracy theory, qualitative accounts are often way too simplistic. Even position you take in this post is rare. Like a lot of socio-psychological processes, conspiracy related processes also are dynamic, and hence require a deep exploration which involves bridging various ideas together.
In your studies did you find the origin of the combined words "conspiracy theory" and also look at the definitions of each word on its own? If so, where did "conspiracy theory" originate, and around when, and what purpose has it generally served? It appears this was coined by (CIA) and used to discredit and easy for people to latch on to these words, use them, and not want to be labelled a conspiracy theorist. And yet, conspiracies are fact and most often the work of criminals of all levels from the "lowest to the highest".
Yes, the assassination of the US President J. F. Kennedy is a major event in the history of conspiracy theory. It marks the beginning of the irrational belief that conspiracy theories are always wrong, which was created by a propaganda campaign.
It is possible, that the state apparatus had started to gain another layer of complexity at that time. It is evident from some of the statements made by the late President as well as his interactions with CIA during his term.
I fear there is something more to this denial of existence of conspiracy theories, some general vested interest of the more conscious kind, which I do not fully understand. I fear that those touched by the tentacles of the the modern deep state kraken in one form or other find it incumbent on themselves to constantly discredit existence of conspiracies or even the possibility of a conspiracy. Both of the above are at best informed guesses, as I have said, it is a complicated topic.
💯. This reminds me of the September 2010 speech of Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi to the UN in NY where for well over an hour he spoke about many conspiracies including JFK, the UN failures over its life time, the dangers coming up, and asked why vaccines were being created and the the viruses being created!? If you watch that it is available on YouTube with English subtitles, you'll see the shock of his own delegation who realized what his speech was going to do to Libya and exactly right the usual suspects walked out, their leaving Libya alone was out the door, and they indeed conspired with France for the next year with rehearsals "Operation Mistral" etc, and put into action throughout 2011 in the greatest Crime Against Humanity.
And now the former (head of intelligence?) in France comes out and regrets what they did. This shows that they don't even know what they're doing as they are blinded by their worldview and only later come to realize it was wrong.
These are all open conspiracies, known and factual, crimes with endless evidence. But as you said anything that isn't yet obvious to many, though the Big Pharma Industrial Complex conspiracies are now coming to light, those that "are touched by the tentacles... in one form or another find it incumbent upon themselves to constantly discredit the existence of conspiracies or even the possibility of a conspiracy" -- very interesting and apt observation!
“A careful definition of words would destroy half the agenda of the political left and scrutinizing evidence would destroy the other half" (Thomas Sowell). Let’s steal a page from the radicals’ handbook and undermine the mockery attached to Conspiracy Theory. Let’s insist on saying Conspiracy Analysis and expose both sides to scrutiny.
The main difference between mainstream and alternative conspiracy theories is that mainstream knows it is false all along and is cynically using it to manipulate the public in its own interest.
Easy and guaranteed. Outside Russian airspace it would also be easily detected by others, Russian fighter jets would have to travel and that causes all sorts of problems, this was a civilian jet. He needed to be gone as Wagner was too important in Africa and Russia wants it to be controlled as it is dealing with African governments and crucial geo-politics.
When just a week after the crash, the EU stated that "they would await further developments" regarding his frozen assets, I knew that the "faked death" explanation in order to recover one's assets had become the most plausible. It's worth noting in this context, that the EU is now in a state of committing the crime of graverobbing.
While the phrases themselves are not new, the use of "conspiracy theory" and especially "conspiracy theorist" as pejoratives dates to 1965-1967, when the CIA, via "Operation Mockingbird" (see ; Operation Mockingbird obviously continues to this day) employed the terms as part of their efforts to discredit Mark Lane (Rush To Judgment) and others who sought the truth regarding the murder of President John F. Kennedy and who pointed out that the evidence demonstrated beyond doubt that his shooting was not the work of one individual (as claimed by the Warren Commission Report--the 9/11 Commission Report of its day--in late 1964).
Needless to say, the notion that large and complex undertakings of any kind--for good or ill--require the work of more than one person, acting with some degree of concert and mutual understanding of their objective--should be a "no-brainer"; sadly, many Americans appear to be missing this vital organ.
Unfortunately this article indeed would have been much better had it included this background, and both words need defining individually. The shooting down of the plane in any case isn't nor could be a CT because it was a fact, and required a conspiracy to execute.
They all benefit, unless Russia is weak and doesn't control its airspace near Moscow, then of course Russia. Wagner was too important role in Africa to be trusted to deal with Africa after the problems surfaced months earlier. The West also won't shed a tear. They all wanted him dead.
Consumption of programmed information threatens to turn us into the human equivalent of social insects. Complexity and emergence leverage automated reactivity and pre-programmed social cues. The system is using playlists of content to manage entire populations, to trigger specific biochemical reactions. I sense we’re in a simulation that is being remotely guided by hormone manipulation and biochemical signaling. See this four-minute clip about neuro-economics and use of oxytocin to induce (or remove) social trust by Elizabeth Phelps of Harvard and Paul Glimcher, a neuro-economist from UPenn.
Ooh. A new one for me. Not far off though. I think Russians are pretty based. Hate Rap but LOVED this song about robots and the new world...
The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy who took at least a dozen votes of the House to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia.
It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on national television when the questions of this war and Israel are discussed . . . that the U.S. government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.
Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff (who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street) is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry in the link below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .
Jewish IMF stooge Arseny Yatsenyuk installed as Ukrainian Prime Minister in the 2014 Maidan coup also fought for Chechen Islamists against Russia . . . Nuland and Blinken . . . both Jews . . . both grew up in Ukraine . . . both Israeli dual citizens . . . Mayorkas, Yellen, Sullivan, Garland, and others . . . Jews and dual citizens of Israel.
As The Men In Black Outside Your House, We're Here To Tell You There's No Conspiracy.
This article could really have done with an introduction into the meaning of the words "conspiracy" and "theory" in and of themselves, and then, the joint use "conspiracy theory" and its origins (CIA) for use in mass formation.
As to Russia: it indeed took a conspiracy to down his jet, and that is not a theory, that's a fact. As to Putin's involvement: if he wasn't involved then that's a terrible weakness in Russia's defenses for civilian aircraft to be shot down near Moscow. Both ways he's damned on this issue, but what's the most likely real reason? Gaining control over Wagner as it's Africa operations are all too important.
To my mind the word 'conspiracy' is largely misused in the discourse surrounding the current state of world events. There is nothing remotely 'conspiratorial' in the open admission of the WEF and its associated acolytes that a 'Great Reset' is (according to them) necessary and actively being implemented. Once one realises that the component parts of this global plan (population reduction protocols focused on false medicine; false climate hysteria; proxy wars) require a massive coordinated machinery in order to progress, then the destruction of family units, religion, judicial and political integrity, and economic destabilisation tactics can all be understood. None of these developments are mysteries or the phantasies of deluded idiots - they are all there out in the open for all to see, and are merely the current iteration of processes that have taken place whenever a reset was being born in the past - religious revolutions, industrial revolutions, communist revolutions, etc. The masters of the Earth (those who have so much wealth that they can dictate whatever they wish to) rightly regard this earthly domain as their own to reshape in whatever way most enhances the consolidation and increase in their power and wealth. I say 'rightly' not because it is ethically right, but because from their perspective they are merely doing what any sane person does when tending their investments in a prudent and productive manner. We have already seen that socialism does not result in the equitable distribution of the earth's assets, any more than capitalism, so we (the ordinary people) are basically in the position that we are required to fight every day of our lives for a carve-out in the voracious world of the super-rich - a small place where each of us can claim 'inalienable' rights to existence with a semblance of dignity, health and security - while recognising that there will always be the force of the overlords attempting to overwhelm us all. In some respects this is the social equivalent of the propensity for cancer or viral infections to overwhelm our bodies - as long as we diligently manage our health we can keep those forces at bay - we need to learn, as a species that we must similarly keep our intellectual health at its peak in order not to be overwhelmed by the interests of the overlord-class. There are many ways to keep them at bay - but sadly most humans live merely as malleable puppets that enable and passively suffer these resets that occur with sad regularity in world affairs. It was not hard for the planners to put everything in place for this current plan, because they could count on that mass inertia to help things along. Whilst the 'Great Reset' will prove to be the most genocidal of all previous resets, the remnants of human civilisation will continue on their predictable path regardless, as they hurtle towards a new normal and the next reset in due course. Our individual ability to see the process does not change its course ... at best it may reduce its velocity - but we are spiritually obliged to point it out, resist and subvert it in order that the integrity of our own humanity is enhanced notwithstanding external crises.
The best weapon against conspiracy theory (and mass formation), I believe, is the habitual application of critical thinking. Unfortunately, as far as I know it's not taught in any schools, so it's not likely to gain widespread acceptance. Also, critical thinking --- and by extension, examination of conspiracy theories, or any other narrative --- requires hard work, AND an investment of time, neither of which most people are willing to do these days. As Henry Ford once observed, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it." And his friend, Thomas Edison, once said, "“Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” Against such odds, what chance do rational thinkers have...?
More and more I am becoming convinced that the mRNA injection was far more effective at preventing critical thinking than COVID. (The seed of yet another conspiracy theory/)
Now, THAT'S a revelation ... who would have thought it? But it makes sense... :-)
When I first started to look into Conspiracy Theory in 2019, I did not anticipate how complicated and nuanced the topic was. I found the topic to be much more vast and psychologically interesting than I first anticipated it to be. Looking into the phenomenon of conspiracies, response to conspiracies, conspiracy theory and response to conspiracy theory becomes a complex exercise which touches on unexpected areas in psychology and sociology, from exploration of Schizophrenia/Psychosis to an exploration of how understanding occurs.
While we do have quantitative research on conspiracy theory, qualitative accounts are often way too simplistic. Even position you take in this post is rare. Like a lot of socio-psychological processes, conspiracy related processes also are dynamic, and hence require a deep exploration which involves bridging various ideas together.
In your studies did you find the origin of the combined words "conspiracy theory" and also look at the definitions of each word on its own? If so, where did "conspiracy theory" originate, and around when, and what purpose has it generally served? It appears this was coined by (CIA) and used to discredit and easy for people to latch on to these words, use them, and not want to be labelled a conspiracy theorist. And yet, conspiracies are fact and most often the work of criminals of all levels from the "lowest to the highest".
Yes, the assassination of the US President J. F. Kennedy is a major event in the history of conspiracy theory. It marks the beginning of the irrational belief that conspiracy theories are always wrong, which was created by a propaganda campaign.
It is possible, that the state apparatus had started to gain another layer of complexity at that time. It is evident from some of the statements made by the late President as well as his interactions with CIA during his term.
I fear there is something more to this denial of existence of conspiracy theories, some general vested interest of the more conscious kind, which I do not fully understand. I fear that those touched by the tentacles of the the modern deep state kraken in one form or other find it incumbent on themselves to constantly discredit existence of conspiracies or even the possibility of a conspiracy. Both of the above are at best informed guesses, as I have said, it is a complicated topic.
💯. This reminds me of the September 2010 speech of Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi to the UN in NY where for well over an hour he spoke about many conspiracies including JFK, the UN failures over its life time, the dangers coming up, and asked why vaccines were being created and the the viruses being created!? If you watch that it is available on YouTube with English subtitles, you'll see the shock of his own delegation who realized what his speech was going to do to Libya and exactly right the usual suspects walked out, their leaving Libya alone was out the door, and they indeed conspired with France for the next year with rehearsals "Operation Mistral" etc, and put into action throughout 2011 in the greatest Crime Against Humanity.
And now the former (head of intelligence?) in France comes out and regrets what they did. This shows that they don't even know what they're doing as they are blinded by their worldview and only later come to realize it was wrong.
These are all open conspiracies, known and factual, crimes with endless evidence. But as you said anything that isn't yet obvious to many, though the Big Pharma Industrial Complex conspiracies are now coming to light, those that "are touched by the tentacles... in one form or another find it incumbent upon themselves to constantly discredit the existence of conspiracies or even the possibility of a conspiracy" -- very interesting and apt observation!
“A careful definition of words would destroy half the agenda of the political left and scrutinizing evidence would destroy the other half" (Thomas Sowell). Let’s steal a page from the radicals’ handbook and undermine the mockery attached to Conspiracy Theory. Let’s insist on saying Conspiracy Analysis and expose both sides to scrutiny.
The main difference between mainstream and alternative conspiracy theories is that mainstream knows it is false all along and is cynically using it to manipulate the public in its own interest.
why would President Putin kill Jevgeni Prigozjin there?
why not over the ocean, where he was, and there wouldn't be much left to find compared to on the ground?
i can think of a lot of reasons why Ukraine would want to kill him, and to kill him there.
Easy and guaranteed. Outside Russian airspace it would also be easily detected by others, Russian fighter jets would have to travel and that causes all sorts of problems, this was a civilian jet. He needed to be gone as Wagner was too important in Africa and Russia wants it to be controlled as it is dealing with African governments and crucial geo-politics.
When just a week after the crash, the EU stated that "they would await further developments" regarding his frozen assets, I knew that the "faked death" explanation in order to recover one's assets had become the most plausible. It's worth noting in this context, that the EU is now in a state of committing the crime of graverobbing.
While the phrases themselves are not new, the use of "conspiracy theory" and especially "conspiracy theorist" as pejoratives dates to 1965-1967, when the CIA, via "Operation Mockingbird" (see ; Operation Mockingbird obviously continues to this day) employed the terms as part of their efforts to discredit Mark Lane (Rush To Judgment) and others who sought the truth regarding the murder of President John F. Kennedy and who pointed out that the evidence demonstrated beyond doubt that his shooting was not the work of one individual (as claimed by the Warren Commission Report--the 9/11 Commission Report of its day--in late 1964).
Needless to say, the notion that large and complex undertakings of any kind--for good or ill--require the work of more than one person, acting with some degree of concert and mutual understanding of their objective--should be a "no-brainer"; sadly, many Americans appear to be missing this vital organ.
Unfortunately this article indeed would have been much better had it included this background, and both words need defining individually. The shooting down of the plane in any case isn't nor could be a CT because it was a fact, and required a conspiracy to execute.
Thanks to Proff Desmet for his observations again. We Conspiracy Theory Optimists have to constantly put the effort in to stay with the facts. Off immediate subject here , Here is an article >> 911 and collective madness << by Jeff Einstein .
"Conspiracy Theorist" no longer has impact...And, IS NOW A COMPLIMENT.
Too many of what the CRIMINALS AGAINST ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET did in the past
and have continued to do as suspected
are now reality.
So, who killed Yevgeny Prigozhin?
They all benefit, unless Russia is weak and doesn't control its airspace near Moscow, then of course Russia. Wagner was too important role in Africa to be trusted to deal with Africa after the problems surfaced months earlier. The West also won't shed a tear. They all wanted him dead.
Mattias, the monsters are there:
Consumption of programmed information threatens to turn us into the human equivalent of social insects. Complexity and emergence leverage automated reactivity and pre-programmed social cues. The system is using playlists of content to manage entire populations, to trigger specific biochemical reactions. I sense we’re in a simulation that is being remotely guided by hormone manipulation and biochemical signaling. See this four-minute clip about neuro-economics and use of oxytocin to induce (or remove) social trust by Elizabeth Phelps of Harvard and Paul Glimcher, a neuro-economist from UPenn.
It's a two minute clip. Correct one?
Ooh. A new one for me. Not far off though. I think Russians are pretty based. Hate Rap but LOVED this song about robots and the new world...