fear and cowardess lack of knobility lack of communication with our heavenly Father the God of goodness truth grace and love.... communication ... common union ication is " I i"action ... Holy Communion.... to comminucate we have to enter common union ,,, to unify with

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Uhhh…You are over “The Target” I am now proud to be a paid subscriber. 17 years in medicine I can see, smell, hear, watch a fake a mile away of which You are not. Peace, Ed

Edit - In evaluations, we did Waddell’s on eveyone. If red flag, we went on to more advanced testing - primary gain, secondary gain, etc. I was fast at running down the back stairs and watching behaviors.

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what happened was perpetrated mind control, so awful

from the frontlines hospital RN


thank you Mattias Desmet!

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The division of society and lack of reasonable discourse has really pissed me off. We had been enjoying an evening at a nice restaurant. My step father-in-law asked me very directly why I refused to get the “vaccine”. My response, we have been drinking. If you want that chat tomorrow over coffee works. How deep down the rabbit hole you wanna go. Spike, LNP, do you even know what mRNA stands for, PEG, VAERS, Eudravigilance, You ever heard of the blood/brain barrier…And like blood clots and “stuff? Let’s Rock and Roll. Ed

Edit - After 17 years in medicine, I have a really nice anxiety disorder. I have seriously thought about flying to Belgium to see Mattias Desmet. The “doctors” in the uk suck.

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Thank you for an excellent column with sources for further exploration.

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Dear Prof. Desmet:

An oversight on the part of academic philosophers seems to be what is driving Western Civilization toward totalitarian rule over its people. The oversight is of the fact that the Problem of Induction has been solved. The problem is of how, in a logically permissible way, to select the set of inferences that will be made by a model of a physical system from a larger set of possibilities. This problem is solved by the rule that the induced generalization expresses all of the available information but no more. This solution to the Problem of Induction produces unique Principles of Reasoning that have been dubbed "entropy minimax" by their discoverer, the late Ronald Arlie Christensen. Circa 1980, Christensen documented his work by publishing the seven volume "Entropy Minimax Sourcebook.

Entropy minimax solves the Problem of Induction regardless of whether the physical system being modelled is complex or non-complex. In doing so it avoids the consequences from mistaking a complex for a non-complex system that you have discovered to be the impetus for totalitarian rule over us. A dialogue between the two of us on this topic would be most welcome and might be fruitful.


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA, USA 94022



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Desmet, who lays the burden on the people (in spite of denying it), through 3 factors:

1. A mechanistic ideology chosed by the individual: “the dominant ideology is mechanistic in nature. This ideology derives its appeal from the utopian vision of an artificial paradise (see chapter 3). The world and mankind are a machine and they can be comprehended and manipulated as such. The hitches in the machine that cause suffering can be “repaired.” In the long run, it will even be possible to eliminate death. Moreover, all this can be done without man having to reflect on his role in his own misfortune, without questioning himself as a moral and ethical being.” “The puppet master is the ideology, not the elite.”

2. An elite staying in power by doing and giving what the masses want: “Plans and visions for the future are not so much “forced” on the population. In many ways, the leaders of the masses—the so-called elite—give the people what they want. When fearful,the population wants a more controlled society.”

Note: he says that in spite of recognizing the media was instrumental into creating fear !!!

3. Manipulation: “mass-formation can emerge in a more or less spontaneous way (as happened in the first stages of Nazism in Germany) or that it can be artificially provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as in the former Soviet Union). In this process, both the elite and the population itself shoulder responsibility—the first because they actively manipulate the population and the second because they prefer to stay blind and, ultimately, commit atrocities towards those who don’t join them.”

Note: it’s another proof of censorship of truth, that people like Desmet seem still unaware of who chose the leaders and funded the initial steps of Nazism and the Soviet Revolution as if that isn’t proof of conspiracy.

Desmet concludes: “examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as: the fact that the definition of “pandemic” was changed shortly before the corona crisis; the definition of “herd immunity” to imply that only vaccines can achieve it;the counting method for corona deaths was adjusted by the WHO so it was higher than the number of flu deaths; that the registration methodology of vaccine side effects led to serious underestimation (by, for example, labelling those that become apparent during the first fortnight after vaccination as not vaccine-related); that all key political positions when the crisis started were held by politicians who were pro-technocracy (all people referred to as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders). These are examples of how an ideology gets a grip on society, not evidence of the execution of a conspiracy.

The enemy is not another human being, the enemy is primarily a certain view of man and the world, a mechanist-rationalist-materialist way of thinking; not another human being.

If you analyse a situation only in terms of conspiracies, in which an evil elite is the one and only cause of the misery, then the inevitable conclusion is that this elite must be destroyed through a violent revolution. Such a revolution, however, would most probably lead to the radical destruction of the ‘freedom movement’ itself. It would, indeed, rather be a Godsent gift for the elite, as it justifies destruction of the opposition through harsh repression.”1

Desmet is right on 2 things:

1. The people shares responsibility, but in a much much lower degree than the elite which has the support of the armed forces (including the police).

2. Revolution is a double edged sword. The same as color revolutions, the French Revolution proved how they could be ignited and lead to imposte a mason Emperor (Napoleon). The French yellow jackets and the Brazilian uprising to the 2022 stolen elections, prove that the people can’t achieve anything by themselves if there’s not a huge majority and leadership capable of prison, like Gandhi.

In sum, either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled repeating structured foolishness.


The PLAN revealed


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Thank You for this important Book…greetings fron Germany

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Life imitates art. In the 21st century, life specifically imitates Kafka, Huxley, Orwell and others like them.

We are so grateful for you, Mattias Desmet, and for your work.

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So great to see you on Substack Mattias! I first came across your content and posted threads on twitter about it before it became mainstream. Sorry to hear about the book, but this is great advertisement, and a pure display of totalitarian behavior in practice to try and eradicate "dangerous information" that threatens the "empire" archetype structure.

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Gaat u ook nog in op kritiek door Pepijn van Erp?

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Dear Prof. Desmet

This is to present for your consideration that some or all of the aberrant kinds of thinking that you describe in The Psychology of Totalitarianism have a common cause. This is the use of the intuitive rules of thumb called “heuristics” in selection of the set of inferences that are made by a model of a physical system. This method induces a model the expresses more than the available information or less. A method that expresses all of the available information but no more is described in the seven volume Entropy Minimax Sourcebook by Ronald Christensen (circa 1980). This method solves the ancient, previously unsolved Problem of Induction.”


Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

27250 Julietta Ln

Los Altos Hills, California



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“heuristics” with prayer ... dear God of truth and goodness please enlighten my / our darkness according to your devine benevolent will ... why prayer ? for me good Gods loveing wisdom and will has to be better than my will... " thy will be done "

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Very good Mattias that you are staying on point and not getting carried away. Wishing you much strength and spirit to go down this painful road.

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Heel fijn Mattias dat je terzake aan het woord blijft en je niet mee laat slepen. Heel veel sterkte en kracht toegewenst om deze pijnlijke weg te gaan

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I purchased and read your book. It was fascinating. I thank God that I was skeptical about the covid measures and remained a part of the minority. As a Christian I know that my reasoning cannot figure everything out. I question "science" as dogma. I would like to know your thoughts on spiritual revival as a reaction to the past several years of totalitarian control. Has God used the evil of men to draw many to Himself? What are your thoughts on the Asbury revival as a response to materialistic culture and totalitarian control?

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