I agree that government employees should be able to criticise government policies publicly, as long as they have a particular distance to the set policies. If their duties require them to be strongly involved with the policies, I think they should voice their criticisms internally, not publicly. If they can not align themselves with the policies they are required to perform, they should find a job elsewhere. And if any government employee were to voice their criticisms, they should never do so from a government employee authority, but they should do so as a regular citizen. Citizens vote for their politicians and for their proposed policies. It is up to citizens to criticise, not government employees. It would undermine democracy in my opinion.

Some time ago there were government employees in The Netherlands protesting because they wanted policy makers to make more haste with climate policies. I found it shameless to be honest. They could protest anytime and as much they want as far as I’m concerned, but not from the authority as government employee.

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Second hand smoking how? If you live with someone for 20 years, sit next to them all day while they chain smoke, sure there’s a risk. Going out in public and having to share space with smokers, in a smoking section, in locales that have systems to clean the air, or outside for that matter, no. And I’m bi-cultural so seeing a different country with different attitudes and love for smoking, with absolutely no increase in cancer incidence as a result, also opened my eyes. But you know what? Who even cares about the mystical second hand smoking since we were all significantly healthier as a population when people widely smoked! My middle aged relatives that smoked all their lives, where healthier than youth today, when I was a kid. And I got a tip for running to the store for smokes for them. Now I am middle age and have to show my ID everywhere and guess what? RFK Jr was just forced into power on the back of a large, nonpartisan movement that’s so fed up with seeing kids and loved ones get sicker and sicker every year, that we defeated the institutional power maintaining the status quo for decades. How on this green earth do you still believe ANYTHING these zeros have been peddling? Where’s your discernment? Isn’t it embarrassing, especially now, after the revelations of “Covid”?

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"every person who considers eliminating risks in life more important than life itself is navigating by a totalitarian compass." I think this might be the heart of the matter. I used to be that person, I used to scoff at mountain climbers.

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What are they going to do when cancer rates and Covid cases don’t go down

only the will to live does?

I will smoke a cig, take a shot, and kiss a stranger today for those under authoritarian rule in Belgium!

My heart goes out to you all 💖💖💖

I just know it was the people who never got asked out to drinks and never got kissed that complained in the first place!

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There is no authoritarian rule in Belgium. It's a red herring.

The US however is rapidly moving towards a cleptocracy. They are currently

1. executing a blitz krieg, a corporate takeover of government.

2. Taking away birthright citizenship as part of his anti-immigrant agenda, razzias are gathering immigrants and he wants to build concentration camps;

3. Take away rights of LGBTQ+ rights

4. Taking out all opposition, put loyalists in place

These are almost exactly the things Hitler did in 1933.

It is a hostile take-over of the US government as prescribed by the Neo-Reactionary movement (NRx), which is an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, and reactionary philosophy.

This is The Dark Enlightenment.

...and Mattias didn't see this coming.

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Als je verder kijkt dan de huidige totalitaire idioten, en de moeite neemt om eens in de geschiedenis van het mensdom te duiken zul je altijd uitkomen op een kleine groep manipulanten. En ja begin maar met roepen, bruinhemd,nazi etc.etc ik heb het allemaal al gehoord, maar als die roeptoeters nu eens hun domme geïndoctrineerde kop uit hun eigen reet halen zullen ze zien dat ik gelijk heb. De holomodor 95% van de daders waren joden, Moses Hess vader van het zionisme, communisme, socialisme, Karl Marx [jood] leerling van Moses Hess, leunde op het kapitaal van Friedrich Engels, want zonder Engels was Marx niets. Als we het hebben over rechtenstudies en medische wetenschap dan is er een tijd geweest dat dit uitsluitend was voorbehouden aan joden, je zult een overgrote meerderheid aan joden terug vinden in de advocatuur toen en nu. Nemen we het Engelse oorlogskabinet dat voor 80% door joden werd bevolkt ten tijde van de 1e WO, denk ook nog even na over de Belfourverklering waarin werd bedongen dat Palestina aan de joden zou worden toebedeeld. En dan de gebeurtenissen voorafgaand aan de 'kristalnacht'. Dan zul je toch in de geschiedenis van de Weimar republiek moeten duiken, daarin zul je zien hoe een kleine groep joden zichzelf verrijkte, bevoorrechtte en de grote groep Duitsers wist te onderdrukken en in totale armoede te houden. Zo zie je maar de werkelijkheid is een heel ander verhaal. Dus beste vrienden voordat je begint te janken over de zielige joden [Khazaren] bedenk dat de werkelijke geschiedenis heel anders in elkaar steekt en dat de jood hoe dan ook zich weet te verschuilen achter de eoa sukkel die zich heeft laten misleiden. Een van de grootste hedendaagse manipulanten heet G. Soros [jood] die als jeugdig delinquent het eigen volk aan de Duitse SS heeft verraden en overgeleverd. Daarmee wil ik niet goedkeuren wat er in de jaren 40-45 is gebeurd maar ik ben het zo langzamerhand zat dat tot op de dag van vandaag het beeld zo eenzijdig wordt opgelepeld in de MSM. Zelfs vanmorgen nog op NPO1 werd de AFD afgekraakt omdat ze het Dresden verhaal naar boven halen "ja die zielige Duitsers toch" op een sarcastische manier je zou die Stalinistische voetsoldaten het liefst de keel willen dichtknijpen. Onthoud één ding de Stalinistische voetsoldaten hebben de laatste 5 decennia meer gesloopt dan opgebouwd.

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Wat een hoop degoutante leugens om je anti-semitisme de vrije loop te laten. Wat een vieze woorden-diarrhee.

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Doet pijn zeker wanneer je het er niet over wenst te hebben, kijk je moet natuurlijk wel open staan voor de historische feiten, en helaas voor jouw kortzichtigheid spreken die andere waarheden dan die jou zijn ingeprent.

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Nazi propaganda blamed the Jewish population for Germany’s economic issues. The Nazi party used the failing of the Danatbank, led by the prominent Jewish banker Jakob Goldschmidt, as seeming proof that Jews were Germany's misfortune.

You are repeating Nazi propaganda

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I don’t drink or smoke. I definitely like to kiss .

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Snitching is wrong

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"The fully totalitarian model citizen finds pleasure in only one thing: strictly ensuring that everyone follows the absurd rules." We like being the boss of something, someone, anything. We used to think we cast ballots for representation that cares about us. Maybe it does at first, but winning an election usually triggers the same delusion that a promotion often does: I'm superior to anyone not on my own level. Humility and respect are due a revival.

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Mattias, you're so right..........and the simplest way to ignore rules, is to say NO and act like that

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Zoals het in de wereld is, zo is het in de mens en zoals de mens is, is de wereld.

In de wereld leeft steeds al het "vorige". Het is het geheim van het verschijnsel tijd.

De tijd draagt veel meer dan wij meestal ons realiseren.

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All work and no play makes Jack a very dull sheeple. It seems that some people just cannot wait until we become humanoids or transhumans who can no longer display any emotion attributed to the human species. In the mean time, it would help if the cabal would refrain from bombarding us with red flag, black swan events that put the sheeple in varied states of fear and confusion. It would seem that non-agitated persons would be easier to control than those on the verge of psychiatric episodes.

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As I focus on Enlightenment under the guidance of Eckhart Tolle I find former pleasures slipping away. I no longer smoke, nor drink, and the occasion for general hanky panky also slips silently away into the dark ---and surprisingly I don't feel any profound sense of loss, although booze and sex have seen me through some tricky patches. Perhaps this makes me a suitable candidate for deep totalitarianism? -----However i would defend with my life's blood the right of others to partake of the pleasures of the flesh---so perhaps not !

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How are you Mattius?

Although it seems SS is becoming "dominated " by the Amerika Pro intel Q tards.......

It's still good to see you here on the Sub.😁.

The "other" channels must be waning after all that "waxing off the public" 😂

Yes, misguided personal enforcement of conformity is the only pleasure left, when all conventional ones are "taken away".


Nothing more than a childish "I'm better than you" mindset by most partially labotomized Godless and Souless materialists.

That's all they have, and will ever be .......underdeveloped doomed adults.

I sit here , smoking and drinking, laughing at the absurdity of the "modern progressive" human psyche.

It will implode, as it lacks a solid construct.

Just waitin' 😂



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Mattias you need to come live in the US. I feel so sorry for you trying to live under the suffocating ideology of the government and people around you over there. Just let me know if you and your family need a place to live - you can stay with us. We need you to stay healthy and strong and you may need to get out of there (Belgium) to keep up your good work.

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That's absurd.

This is about some deontological rules for governmental workers in a small city. It's not a suffocating government.

While a coup takes place in the US, it's taken over by an autocratic extreme Christian regime, pluto/cleptocraty, while unelected people illegally hacking state systems, ICE executing razzias off immigrants, detainee camps are set up, citizens being more & more racist, dep. of education being gutted, governmental employees unlawfully fired, loyalist put in place, checks&balances removed, democracy undermined.

But you, nor Mattias don't recognize that this is a developing towards a totalitarian regime.

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What are you saying? We do recognize a coming totalitarian regime or we don’t??? And if you don’t feel like you’re being suffocated by your government over there I guess that’s good, for your personal happiness at least. Some people do feel that. It’s not for you to pronounce them as being absurd.

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You or Mattias clearly don't.

Making an issue about a news article about a deontological code, but not seeing that a kleptocracy is installed in the US; an extreme-right, Neo-Reactionary autoritarian regime is turning into totalitarian regime,... on the contrary, Trump is a breath of fresh air according to Mattias, no more hypocracy according to him 😆 willful blindness?

It's not about me. It's not even my government.

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I would like to live in a society where people voluntarily refrain from smoking, drinking and shouting. And if they refrain from drinking, they probably will not be loud either.

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Geez, you’d probly like it in Belgium!

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Yes! More than in the Netherlands.

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In my opinion, there is nothing literal about kissing and greeting in the city of Leuven's code of conduct? You can read it here:


Is it an official position then? Perhaps it is part of an accompanying letter and then the question is whether this is binding or legally valid?

In the cover letter we find:

"What don't you do? At the start of the working day at the office, greet all colleagues with a kiss on the cheek, even though you know some colleagues don't like that."


In my opinion, this says that you don't greet all colleagues with a kiss when you know that not all of them like it. So no imposing of kisses. My view is that this text does leave room for giving each other a kiss when both clearly wish it? No prohibition...

As for criticism for policy decisions via social media, I thought you were for true speaking anyway, so why not start true speaking through the normal way, internally and directly with the person concerned instead of going somewhere else to make public drama? This has been a standard policy in so many private sector companies for so long.

E.g. on the jobat site: "The employer has the right to develop instructions around the use of social media, including outside working hours. "Preventing your employee from using social media is not possible, but an employer is allowed to guard against its inappropriate use," it states." https://www.jobat.be/nl/art/wat-mag-je-over-je-werkgever-op-sociale-media-zetten#:~:text=De%20werkgever%20heeft%20het%20recht,gebruik%20ervan%E2%80%9D%2C%20stelt%20ze.

So the bottom line is that a public official should be neutral, even in his private time in the public space. A matter of being able to be a neutral point of contact for anyone from the community. Note e.g. that people also call for not defending the city's policy. So it's not about "censoring criticism" as you frame it here Mattias, but about speaking in the appropriate place and being politically neutral. As if you would allow yourself to be questioned and trusted by an official who is very openly against anti-vaxxers?

Incidentally, this has long been true of employees in the private sector, who are seen as ambassadors of their companies.


There are not so much political interests at play here, rather economic ones.

And yes, smoking, I smoke. Maybe that's why I find that a tricky law? I consider the people around me when I smoke and find such a law undesirable for that reason. It does not prevent children from being seen smoking elsewhere, for example. On the other hand, I don't think it's a bad idea that people want to extinguish smoking within society and are looking for means to do so, means other than this law, although I don't immediately see which ones. Do you have any ideas? What would you propose to extinguish smoking?

Apart from that, I remain curious about your analysis of what is happening in the US. Have you read historian Heather Cox Richardson's blog yet? https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/

What do you think of what she writes about?

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Much of what you write makes sense to me - however, on the matter of then aysmmetries of functioning between the left and right hemispheres, may I suggest you read Iain McGilchrist's extraordinary works, The Master and the Emissary, and then the two volume The Matter with Things. And check his YouTube channel. It is left hemisphere preponderance he blames for much of the collapse of the West.

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In a few weeks I will have a public online conversation with Iain McGilChrist. If you are interested, see link below. A few months ago me and Iain gave a lecture together, in London. https://channelmcgilchrist.com/iain-mcgilchrist-mattias-desmet-in-conversation-the-modern-world-totalitarianism-and-the-brain/

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Matthias, thanks, will check those links. Have a good 50 talks by the good doctor to catch up on. I do find his belief that our hyper left brain society is the root of many of our current evils. Hyper materialistic technocracy; no thanks!

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