The fact that you did't see this coming is unbelievable. You even said the Dems had the biggest chance of becoming autoritarian.

Trump is installing a fascist regime.

The rich oligarchs are stealing governmental money.


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I support decentralized digital currency, but what government is going to let that happen? The more we can surveil, the more we need to cement privacy laws into place. If friends try to live in my pockets regarding money, and I am not doing anything wrong, I will still feel resentment, because at a certain level it represents a violation and threat. Privacy is an ingredient in self-preservation providing space to be. Giving some benefit of the doubt here, maybe Gates requested a meeting. It was a three-hour conversation, HIV was talked about, vaccines in foreign countries were discussed, but we don't know the real impact of that conversation. Trump could have been data gathering on Gates. Gates didn't influence Trump to stay in the WHO did he, I can't imagine he didn't try? What does self-transcendence really mean? It seems to me a whole lot of integration would need to occur, to avoid transcending what needs to be processed. Biometric Tracking - I missed that! Does that mean a level of scrutiny imposed that suffocates the life out of us? To me what is scary is the idea of new generations being born into a prison of surveillance, and by default thinking it is normal.

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I kept pointing my "Blue No Matter Who" friends to the official Biden White House announcement about their development of a CBDC with the Federal Reserve, but none of them would respond other than "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing". They did not get it, and could not connect the dots between covid, the vaccine, global debt, and this central bank digital currency agenda.

Here was that link which has been removed but you can find it with the Way Back Machine: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/16/fact-sheet-white-house-releases-first-ever-comprehensive-framework-for-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/

Meanwhile, just yesterday, Trump made an EO regarding "Digital Financial Technology" that at least mentions CBDCs as a liability to freedom, and something to watch out for:

(v) taking measures to protect Americans from the risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which threaten the stability of the financial system, individual privacy, and the sovereignty of the United States, including by prohibiting the establishment, issuance, circulation, and use of a CBDC within the jurisdiction of the United States.

From: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/strengthening-american-leadership-in-digital-financial-technology/

That said, I ultimately agree with you Mattias – some kind of CBDC situation is probably going to come along, much sooner than we'd like. In one of his town hall (pre-election) rallies in Pennsylvania, Elon stated his enthusiasm for UBI which I imagine necessarily requires a CBDC architecture (and regardless, is fundamentally not money and enslaving of humanity). Elon makes his statement at the 24:00 minute:second mark...


The way I see it from a strictly monetary policy perspective: nobody can stop the global debt bubble, and when that pops there will certainly be a totalitarian response to address the unavoidable austerity that will result from such a burst. Trump perhaps knows about the global debt crisis, or not, but we've borrowed from the future (for the past hundred years) and now those chickens are coming home to roost, big time.

End of the day, it's a good time to take Christian gospel to heart – no populist prince or technological horseman is going to save us; work on your soul starting today.

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Is it so wrong to know the whereabouts of people we let roam around our country? That’s what I grasp about these systems. Am I wrong?

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There is no doubt that USA will follow China's doctrine where each person is "connected" and seen by the government what he/she is doing, buying ...) and I think that the whole world is going this direction.

Today I have red an article about dr. Bhattacharya and I am very disappointed how he is described as a fascist. There are data and you can read by yourself:


The Most Dangerous Trump Pick? Jay Bhattacharya

If you line up all the wicked, unqualified, strange, and misshapen beings who will guide Trump's administration into the stormy seas of fascism, not a single one can be linked to the incalculable measures of suffering that Jay Bhattacharya shepherded into history.

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Semmi sem változott. Szemfényvesztés a politika!


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Oh no. I had no idea about the biometric ID fingerprinting, totally late to the demonic party. How terrifying! :-(Also your substacks ended up in spam via filter. Such innucous things can make one paranoid. I had a bad feeling about this year and sadly it was much short lived. I had so much hope for the 20th.

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well, we know Gates has some skeletons in his Epstein closet that i’m sure he would like remain closed to public scrutiny. wouldn’t be surprised if his dinner came with him making an appropriate donation ;). As for IDs like this for any reason, just backdoors things like COVID IDs and some of the other ones you mentioned, which we already know lead to a destination none will want to end up at.

Unfortunately, given that avoiding the digital ID fate has no entrenched corporate or billionaire interests to help back it, and the various tech companies are poised to try to become the de facto model for such initiatives, this will be difficult to fight ☹️

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I suspect this is in reaction to national security concerns regarding foreign bad actors who have crossed our borders with impunity. He has more information on the scope and seriousness of the problem than we do.

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Mattias, this tendency of the "frenetic urge to control that is intrinsic to our Enlightenment culture" has another dimension that is somewhat lacking in your theory. And that is the sociological and economic point of view. In addition to a more general, philosophical understanding of the drive for power, we should also understand the economics of today's American and global system... and this is where Fabio Vighi comes in. He posts his reflections on this at The Philosophical Salon. It is about how the drive for control is embodied in the social system itself, not just in the individual or in ideology. And this drive has its own path, its own "will" and materiality.

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Gates is a hard NO! I understand Trump has to throw the establishment a bone or 2 but this guy is too horrible. I hope he has RFKJ in his ear who can really explain just how bad he is. Or perhaps it's a case of keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.

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The tribal people will support their tribe. That's why they force a tribal system on us, I hope that this century the West will become more like here in Bulgaria, where we understand better that the establishment is one party not two, and that only we the people can help ourselves, not a billionaire who happens to identify with the "right tribe"

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After yesterday

I seek balance

Be here now

No thing in me

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Some of us expected 100% that Trump would lead us further down the path of technocratic totalitarianism. But calling that out, when it should have been obvious to everyone with a critical mind and a functioning memory, got you canceled by the Narrative Network that has become the new ‘alternative’ media. Those who truly paid attention with an open mind, saw this coming from a hundred miles away and were not fooled by the branded image of Trump and Musk and all the others.

What you describe as the difficulty for humans to let go of (the illusion) of control, is not only difficult, but impossible for the narcissistic psychopaths in control of our world. It is interwoven within their destructive nature, and that includes their self-destruction. The higher up the power piramide you look, the more of these you will see competing for what is essentially their own (perceived) survival, by any means necessary. They literally do not have other options, let alone that they would achieve, or even attempt, self-transcendence. And so, it is a fallacy to judge them by the same human merits as are appropriate for normal human beings.

Furthermore, and at least equally important, is the fact that Trump himself is not the embodiment of the power grab we are witnessing. He is only the face of it, and was SELected to do the bidding for the true power behind the scenes, which was the same power that had Biden in its pocket. Two wings of the same bird, steadily but surely leading the bird towards the decades old (if not longer) goal of technocratic totalitarian control. Each with their own timely tasks to perform on the (literal) world stage.

As long as we don’t truly grasp these concepts and dynamics, we will always be a huge step behind those toxically addicted to controlling us. And their sick personalities will continue trickling down to the rest of society, further leading us down the path of total destruction.

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(((Sabrina Wallace)))

Peter, You must be important🤷🏼‍♀️

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May i suggest that when evil damages societal order as crimjnal immigration has in north america, the die of the police state is cast: win or lose elections, the evil wins. In Canada, our parliament is going to lack an effective opposition, such is the imminent landslide Conservative victory. Such a win will be short- lived as the Surveillance State repeals any freedoms we will seem to regain.

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If you want to understand the Musk-Trump Regime, you have to know Curtis Yarvins theories.

Curtis Yarvin (aka "Mencius Moldbug") founded the Neo-Reactionary movement (NRx) known as the Dark Enlightenment, further developed by Nick Land.

The Dark Enlightenment is an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, and reactionary philosophy. It critiques liberal democracy as inherently flawed, bureaucratic and inefficient.

Yarvin advocates for a radical shift towards a centralized governance model, a return to an authoritarian model of rule, often referred to as "neocameralism," where a single executive holds absolute power, like a CEO, King, a Dictator.

Key aspects of the Dark Enlightenment:

• Core Beliefs: rejects the idea that history inevitably progresses towards greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in liberal democracy. It views democracy as a mistake and equality as an undesirable goal.

• The Cathedral: real political power is held by "the Cathedral," an informal network of universities and mainstream media that shapes public opinion. It needs to be dismantled.

• Neo-cameralism: the state is run like a corporation seeking maximum efficiency and profitability, unconstrained by democratic considerations. A CEO takes all decisions, has absolute power.

• Alt-Right: While considered by some as the theoretical branch of the alt-right, it is more elitist than populist, with a focus on technological and libertarian ideas. Some connect it to white supremacist and anti-immigration groups.

• Accelerationism: capitalism is accelerated towards a Hobbesian state, the submission of the individual to an absolute sovereign authority. Land developed Yarvin's ideas, adding elements of transhuman futurism and accelerationism, envisioning a state controlled by technological corporations. The latter aligns with Musks vision of trans-humanism.

Trumps Project 2025 embodies many principles of the Dark Enlightenment by promoting an authoritarian governance model that seeks to centralize power, diminish democratic processes, and enforce a conservative Christian cultural agenda.

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It seems to me the announcement yesterday was about the development of AI Infrastructure which will create jobs for all types of workers which will be around a long time. President Trump asked the three gentleman who are bankrolling this Infrastructure Project, what ideas did they have for things that could be done with AI. Larry Ellison told about his ridiculous idea, but the other two didn't mention any projects, none that I heard at least, but the expectation is there will be many life supporting project, maybe somebody will focus desalination of water or purifying water, etc. with this new infrastructure, more companies will be able to produce projects ideas, whatever, here in the US...it wont be just the three who are bankrolling this infrastructure. I too am terrified of AI, but chose not to panic at this point. Unfortunately AI it is a reality of our times and Americans should be the leaders of this type of technology, in front of China or other countries/entities that may want Global control or to do us harm. I personally am more like a Luddite than anything else, and avoided getting a smart phone until 2020, now its hard to do anything without it. President Trump will protect our Bill of Rights protections.. He never mandated the vaccine, that gives us some reason to hope. I believe People will have a choice at least in the near future.

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In the this NY post article, Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank of Japan, echoed Trump’s inaugural address remarks from Monday, agreeing that “this is the beginning of the golden age of America.” Golden for whom is yet to be determined.

...“This will help solving many, many issues — difficult things that otherwise we could not have solved.” Son added that “artificial super intelligence will come to solve the issues that mankind never, ever have thought that we could solve.”

His statement seems more like the moment when the promise of artificial superintelligence collides with the reality of technocratic totalitarianism.

Masayoshi Son’s vision of artificial superintelligence (ASI) solving humanity’s greatest challenges reflects his optimism about technology’s potential to drive societal progress. He believes ASI will address issues that have long been considered insurmountable, with the possibility of transformative solutions to problems like global poverty and healthcare breakthroughs. However, this belief also raises critical concerns about the possible rise of technocratic totalitarianism.

In a world where ASI is seen as the ultimate problem-solver, the power to shape society becomes concentrated in the hands of a select few—those who control the technology. This concentration of power sidelines democratic processes, creating a society where decisions are made by a small group of technical experts rather than through ongoing inclusive community and political dialogue.

As ASI assumes a larger role in decision-making, it makes eroding human agency a reality, where algorithms rather than individuals shape policy, economics, and daily life. What happens when machines, programmed to prioritize efficiency and equality of outcomes, make decisions that overlook individual rights, basic freedoms, and/or societal and familial values?

The stark realities of mass surveillance, predictive policing, and social control will become more pronounced, with ASI enabling systems of oversight that track compliance and suppress dissent under the guise of solving societal problems. The technological utopia envisioned by Son will, without careful governance and restraint, devolve into a world where freedom is sacrificed for efficiency and 'safety'.

There are also the ethical implications. ASI-driven decisions will prioritize outcomes that benefit the collective while at best risk harm to the individual. The erosion of accountability in a technocratic regime—where responsibility shifts from individuals and human public representatives to an indifferent system—may well lead to policies that are dehumanizing and unresponsive to the needs of 'the people'.

Son and Trump are undeniably eager of the thought of ASI innovation, but it’s crucial that we establish frameworks and guardrails that promote transparency, inclusivity, and human rights alongside technological progress. Without these safeguards, we will blindly pave the way for a future where technology rules, not for the benefit of all, but for the few who hold the reins.

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Machine or Man - it's our choice now but may not be in the future.

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Mattias, Sabrina Wallace and Juxtaposition1 have been discussing what all this BIO DIGITAL CONVERGENCE is all about . From the initial looks of this - it should terrify everyone !

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