Dear friends, it's 8 AM and I’m sitting in my car, parked in a small lot on a beautiful castle estate in Zutphen, a Dutch village near the German border.
Bedankt Mattias voor deze heldere uiteenzetting . Om het begrijpelijker te maken voor mezelf heb ik tekst vertaald via chat gpt. :-) Het is zo al moeilijk genoeg voor een leek als mij. Desalniettemin bevestigde ze in grote lijnen het gevoel die ik er al over had. Het is alsof ik het intuïtief snapte en het grote plaatje zag, maar jij zorgde ervoor dat de puzzelstukjes die tot dit beeld geleid hadden duidelijk werden . Waardoor ik besef dat mijn gevoel over dingen waar ik in feite weinig van afweet (de puzzelstukjes dus) nog zo slecht niet is.
wow. i don't have words for the things that somehow do not surprise me. it feels like the whole thing is a massive hologram, and that nothing ever changes. i will say that more and more the matrix of propaganda and deceit has hinges that are rusting, and that just maybe the citizenry will not continue to stand for this massive falsehood. the hope is in his last paragraph. would that it comes true.
The neocon/neoliberal paradigm is collapsing. I wrote this one month before the war began in 2022. "Ukraine is just one of many anomalies facing the rapidly collapsing neoliberal paradigm. As Thomas Kuhn pointed out in his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the greatest resistance to change comes moments before the collapse of the reigning paradigm, when its defenders “devise numerous articulations and ad hoc modifications of their theory in order to eliminate any apparent conflict.”
No mention of Victoria Nuland who architected the ousting of an elected president weakens what otherwise is a good analysis. I say this because she is very much at the center of the Unipolar policy that is still at work, responsible for all the death. She has remained in place throughout Republic and Democratic administrations, and I think that is a point that needs to emphasized.
Nuland is the diplomat who mobile phone conversation was leaked and reported in the NYTImes where she very tactfully said “F_ck the EU”. This itself explains the hubris and avarice behind the global elite. People should get to know her, she is a wicked person. So is her neocon husband.
For those who want to associate neocons solely with Republicans, please realize that Nuland worked her magic in the Obama administration. She is Lindsay Graham, but behind the scenes.
Probably my favorite article from you. So well written. Thank you very much.
You define the core problem very well - the rationalistic-materalistic anti-spiritual world view that created this ultimately self-destructive power-greed paradigm currently exploding worldwide. Your analysis is faultless imo.
I applaud you also for trying to offer solutions, raising awareness being the most potent one. Your sincere speech promotion is correct but, imho, more of a result than a cause and too little and not inspiring enough to move the tremendous masses needed to avert the approaching catastrophe.
I find it intriguing that, while rightly blaming the anti-spiritual rationalist-materalistic world-view as the prime cause, you do not seem to want to touch spirituality in an open and conscious effort as the antidote.
I can only assume that you are very wary, and rightly so, to encourage people flirting with the religious powers of old again, assuming that you realize that ALL religions have been corrupted beyond repair, using similar propaganda methods to manipulate the masses, and are deeply anti-spiritual. I get that.
However, when will we collectively wake up to the eternal truth, wise teachings and instructions a great number of mystics have offered us for the best part of 10.000 years?
No social, military, political, ideological or communication practice or teaching will ever solve or reverse this endgame. And "the survival of the fittest" mind set is much, much older than the rationalistic-materalistic worldview.
The only way, imho, this horrible endgame scenario of destruction and total control can be reversed is through adopting meditation and non-dualistic self-enquiry in a urgent and earnest individual manner.
Because the ultimate cause of all this tragedy is our false sense of self, our ego identity, which turns us into these heartless beasts possessed by the fear of survival that causes everything else, accumulating in WW III.
This is the combined message of 10.000 years of mystic wisdom.
Understanding our mind through personal spiritual practices on an experiential non-intellectual non-verbal level is the royal and ancient path of ultimately understanding and realizing the illusionary nature of our ego - the false sense of perceiving ourselves as a seperate individual entity. The ego doesn't and can't be killed. An illusion doesn't need and cant be destroyed. It is just an idea - tbe thin air of mind activity.
It will dissolve on pure understanding of it alone.
With that, any participation in the mad survival of the fittest egoic illusionary mind-games will automatically stop.
We are liberated from the world and its troubles.
As more people do this individually, not as a movement, ideology or religion, as less people will participate.
And, as a side effect, sincere speech is automatic and a given. No practice needed.
Only an individual spiritual grassroot movement can turn this around.
I define a grassroot movement as simply many people doing the same thing completely independently from each other. It has no leaders and no led ones. It has no rules and no headquarters, no banners, no symbols and no communication. It is similar to a leaderless school of fish organically moving in total synchronicity.
There is not even a thought or intention of a movement to change the world. That idea would reintroduce the ego.
There is no me and them. It is a purely unintentional parallel accidental synchronized happening.
The moment we give it a name we kill it and transform it into an egoic power structure.
This, in principle, iis the only way to escape the egoic power-greed paradigm. But the manifestations of that process will be new and unique for each if us. No rules, no knowledge. Pure aware happening.
All egoic endeavours lead to misery, no matter how well intended. Where there is good, there must be evil. They define each other.
We - God - are non-dual.
Non-duality, taught by an enlightened master, is by far the highest teaching I came across in 62 years of searching.
It includes and explains everything else without any contradiction.
This is how we distinguish relative truth from absolute truth. What can contradict itself, what changes, what comes and goes, is transient and ultimately meaningless. Just physical or mental appearance replaced by others. All dualistic activity, all mind activity, all science, belongs to that.
However, everything that appears and disappears has to do so against an unchanging background. How else could we notice its appearance and disappearance?
There is the ever changing content of consciousness experience - everything we perceive and conceive. This is our whole world including our sense of ourselves. All transient and unreal, thin mind-air we give reality by obsessing about it.
And then there is the ever-present unchanging background, this conscious pure awareness in which everything appears and disappears
Reside in that and you and your world truly turns into this amusing stage full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It's an illusionary play altogether.
And permanent peace, joy and bliss is recognized as our true nature.
If that is fully understood, it is easy to focus all our e orgies on being simply THAT. And starts right here right now.
No ego needs to achieve it. It cant be achieved by any doing. It can only be realized by making that our only desire.
I’m wondering whether the Covid 19 pandemic was a test in preparation for a larger scale genetic-biological war, and if this is the background for the ‘compulsory’ mass-immigration (massively mixing the genetic composition of our societies as a ‘protection’ against genetic warfare) we’re seeing in the Western world?
Hello from India Dr Desmet. I sense an underlying melancholy in your postings. When will you visit India? Yes. It’s chaotic. Yes. It’s not the cleanest place in the world. Yes there are many problems here as a developing country. But it’s a country deeply embedded in faith and spirituality. If you were smart and brave enough during the Orwellian 2020 pandemic years, you could avoid the totalitarian vaccine diktats. Many of our Muslim faithful here refused them on religious grounds and were not harassed or maligned. Our Supreme Court eventually ruled such mandates unconstitutional too (although sadly all too many have been - even forcibly vaccinated - against their will). We are not so engrossed in the Ukraine war here. We are non aligned - friends with Russia and Europe - and just signed a peace treaty with China last week. The future of BRICS and the advancement of the Global South presents much excitement and optimism. Yes there are lots of people and crowds which can be frustrating here, but in a different way you can never escape human interaction or have a lonely moment here. Maybe it’s time to visit a different part of the world and post from there. There is hope and optimism for humanity.
Your reflections artfully weave together history’s harsh truths and the sobering prospect of an impending global conflict, eloquently contrasted against your breathtaking descriptive immersion in natural beauty, both within us and around us. It is a testament, delivered with a profound sense of hope and quietly graceful resilience. Bravo!
The line, "Even the total destruction of humanity and humaneness does not compel some to let the ring of power be taken from their hand," immediately brought to my mind the haunting image of Gollum in Tolkien's *The Lord of the Rings*, his slimy desperate fingers grasping for the ring—a powerful symbol of corruption and obsession. Though this resonance was most likely unintended, as you often remind us, the mind travels unique and curious paths.
“My precious, we wants it, we needs it, must have the precious…” – Gollum
Gollum, J.R.R. Tolkien's tragic anti-hero, embodies a mania that consumes him, both physically and spiritually. Once a Stoor hobbit of the Misty Mountains, he was overtaken by the allure of the Ring. The desire to possess it drove him to murder his own cousin, Déagol, and from that moment on, the Ring became his sole reason for being, transforming him from a joyful hobbit into a creature warped by compulsive desire. Brzezinski was clearly warped with loathing of Russia and his consuming desire to destroy it as a world power.
Gollum’s tragedy lies in his inner duality—a battle between Sméagol, the remnant of his gentler self, and Gollum, his corrupted, deceitful alter ego. These two personas clash within him, exposing the devastating impact of his fixation on the Ring. He becomes a symbol of a delusion's power to disfigure not only the body but also the soul, embodying what you've so hauntingly called "the unfathomably dark depths of the human being."
This fixation on power and control, believing it to be the key to happiness and security, ironically ensnares him in a cycle of endless longing and despair. Gollum’s character becomes a tragic reflection of the maniacal darkness that arises from unchecked belief. The fascinations fueled by a steady rhythm of propaganda emanating from a "certain metaphysical force or spirit."
Spoiler: In the trilogy's climax, his fixation seals both his and the Ring's fate. Overcome with triumphant joy, Gollum bites the Ring from Frodo’s finger, only to plummet into Mount Doom’s fires, where he and the object of his desire are finally destroyed. Gollum’s end is a grim parable—his fervent quest for dominion lead to ruin, illustrating the terrible consequences of blind ambition.
“My Precious” has become a cultural meme of our understanding of consumption with blind belief, desire and self-destruction. Much like Gollum, humanity stands on a precipice, teetering over the “darkest abyss,” with the Neocon's blind fixation on power, wealth, and global dominion threatening to ignite a devastating conflict. Gollum’s fate serves as a stark reminder: the very object of attraction, pursued at all costs, can become the instrument of humanity's undoing.
Your fervent pleading for authentic personal testimony sparks the courage in many who are silent and in some who practice the art of sincere speech within their sphere of influence, whether small or large, to steadily pick up their voice and carry on. Much thanks for your own gallantry to surrender to this flow of life.
That's a very important point: "practice the art of sincere speech within their sphere of influence, whether small or large". Exactly - do little if you can't do more, but do the right thing, and do it with integrity. And cooperate with each other in order to be able to do more.
"No one escapes the power of this symbolic framework, neither Russia nor America, Europe nor China. They all use propaganda, they all participate in the arms race,....."
Another reason why it's problematic to compare east to west etc., is that neocons have publicly stated that they want to break up Russia and downgrade China etc. So you could forgive them nations for taking a more aggressive posture....
China sends out building teams into developing nations, while the US sends out bombers to level cities, and occupying forces... I know which business model I'd prefer.
Mattias, your notion that Russia attacked Ukraine because it was threatened by NATO is complete nonsense. It was not Western brainwashing or cunning coercion, but the experience of Russian occupation that made countries like the Baltic states want to join NATO. To get into NATO, we had to actively want it ourselves. It seems that you, far away on the Dutch-German border, view Ukraine (and probably also Poland and the Baltic states) as nasty warmongers who should not have their own will as a nation and people. It is very strange that, as an expert in the psychology of totalitarianism, you have taken such a one-sided position on the issue of Russia.
As far back as 2019, US Army-commissioned studies examined different means to provoke and antagonize Russia who they acknowledged sought to avoid conflict. “
You don't have "own will as a nation and people", you gave that up a long time ago. Instead you live in world of propaganda and pure ideological nonsense. Mattias has described and analysed the situation perfectly; if you don't want to grasp that, that's your problem.
What position? If it's Harris, it'll be business as usual. If it's Trump, he's already promised to end the war on Day-1. So that means stopping the money flow immediately, withdrawing US troops (trainers, you understand, not combatants), and talking directly with Putin (who has repeatedly said that all he wants is self-determination for Donbas, as required by the Minsk Agreement (2014), wjich the Ukraine government unilaterally abrogated.
The question is: Who do you trust to do what they say? Harris, or Trump (kept just about all of his 2016 campaign promises)?
Whoever is elected will not truly be elected but rather appointed by the powers that be (i.e. the very influential families some of which Mattias mentioned in his article). Unfortunately whoever it is, they are both zionists but from a different brotherhood. WW3 is inevitable not because of how world powers are shaking up the geopolitical chessboard but more poignantly because of how these elite families have been planning it all along.
Edward Samuel Herman (April 7, 1925 – November 11, 2017) was an American economist, media scholar and social critic. Herman is known for his media criticism, in particular the propaganda model hypothesis he developed with Noam Chomsky, a frequent co-writer.
'I feel people everywhere becoming aware that only the Act of sincere speaking... ' I am learning to speak my truth without hardening. Yet speaking truth with softness and firm sincerity at the same time. People like yourself give me the courage to step it up.
Bedankt Mattias voor deze heldere uiteenzetting . Om het begrijpelijker te maken voor mezelf heb ik tekst vertaald via chat gpt. :-) Het is zo al moeilijk genoeg voor een leek als mij. Desalniettemin bevestigde ze in grote lijnen het gevoel die ik er al over had. Het is alsof ik het intuïtief snapte en het grote plaatje zag, maar jij zorgde ervoor dat de puzzelstukjes die tot dit beeld geleid hadden duidelijk werden . Waardoor ik besef dat mijn gevoel over dingen waar ik in feite weinig van afweet (de puzzelstukjes dus) nog zo slecht niet is.
wow. i don't have words for the things that somehow do not surprise me. it feels like the whole thing is a massive hologram, and that nothing ever changes. i will say that more and more the matrix of propaganda and deceit has hinges that are rusting, and that just maybe the citizenry will not continue to stand for this massive falsehood. the hope is in his last paragraph. would that it comes true.
Well done Matthias !
The neocon/neoliberal paradigm is collapsing. I wrote this one month before the war began in 2022. "Ukraine is just one of many anomalies facing the rapidly collapsing neoliberal paradigm. As Thomas Kuhn pointed out in his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the greatest resistance to change comes moments before the collapse of the reigning paradigm, when its defenders “devise numerous articulations and ad hoc modifications of their theory in order to eliminate any apparent conflict.”
No mention of Victoria Nuland who architected the ousting of an elected president weakens what otherwise is a good analysis. I say this because she is very much at the center of the Unipolar policy that is still at work, responsible for all the death. She has remained in place throughout Republic and Democratic administrations, and I think that is a point that needs to emphasized.
Nuland is the diplomat who mobile phone conversation was leaked and reported in the NYTImes where she very tactfully said “F_ck the EU”. This itself explains the hubris and avarice behind the global elite. People should get to know her, she is a wicked person. So is her neocon husband.
For those who want to associate neocons solely with Republicans, please realize that Nuland worked her magic in the Obama administration. She is Lindsay Graham, but behind the scenes.
Probably my favorite article from you. So well written. Thank you very much.
You define the core problem very well - the rationalistic-materalistic anti-spiritual world view that created this ultimately self-destructive power-greed paradigm currently exploding worldwide. Your analysis is faultless imo.
I applaud you also for trying to offer solutions, raising awareness being the most potent one. Your sincere speech promotion is correct but, imho, more of a result than a cause and too little and not inspiring enough to move the tremendous masses needed to avert the approaching catastrophe.
I find it intriguing that, while rightly blaming the anti-spiritual rationalist-materalistic world-view as the prime cause, you do not seem to want to touch spirituality in an open and conscious effort as the antidote.
I can only assume that you are very wary, and rightly so, to encourage people flirting with the religious powers of old again, assuming that you realize that ALL religions have been corrupted beyond repair, using similar propaganda methods to manipulate the masses, and are deeply anti-spiritual. I get that.
However, when will we collectively wake up to the eternal truth, wise teachings and instructions a great number of mystics have offered us for the best part of 10.000 years?
No social, military, political, ideological or communication practice or teaching will ever solve or reverse this endgame. And "the survival of the fittest" mind set is much, much older than the rationalistic-materalistic worldview.
The only way, imho, this horrible endgame scenario of destruction and total control can be reversed is through adopting meditation and non-dualistic self-enquiry in a urgent and earnest individual manner.
Because the ultimate cause of all this tragedy is our false sense of self, our ego identity, which turns us into these heartless beasts possessed by the fear of survival that causes everything else, accumulating in WW III.
This is the combined message of 10.000 years of mystic wisdom.
Understanding our mind through personal spiritual practices on an experiential non-intellectual non-verbal level is the royal and ancient path of ultimately understanding and realizing the illusionary nature of our ego - the false sense of perceiving ourselves as a seperate individual entity. The ego doesn't and can't be killed. An illusion doesn't need and cant be destroyed. It is just an idea - tbe thin air of mind activity.
It will dissolve on pure understanding of it alone.
With that, any participation in the mad survival of the fittest egoic illusionary mind-games will automatically stop.
We are liberated from the world and its troubles.
As more people do this individually, not as a movement, ideology or religion, as less people will participate.
And, as a side effect, sincere speech is automatic and a given. No practice needed.
Only an individual spiritual grassroot movement can turn this around.
I define a grassroot movement as simply many people doing the same thing completely independently from each other. It has no leaders and no led ones. It has no rules and no headquarters, no banners, no symbols and no communication. It is similar to a leaderless school of fish organically moving in total synchronicity.
There is not even a thought or intention of a movement to change the world. That idea would reintroduce the ego.
There is no me and them. It is a purely unintentional parallel accidental synchronized happening.
The moment we give it a name we kill it and transform it into an egoic power structure.
This, in principle, iis the only way to escape the egoic power-greed paradigm. But the manifestations of that process will be new and unique for each if us. No rules, no knowledge. Pure aware happening.
All egoic endeavours lead to misery, no matter how well intended. Where there is good, there must be evil. They define each other.
We - God - are non-dual.
Non-duality, taught by an enlightened master, is by far the highest teaching I came across in 62 years of searching.
It includes and explains everything else without any contradiction.
This is how we distinguish relative truth from absolute truth. What can contradict itself, what changes, what comes and goes, is transient and ultimately meaningless. Just physical or mental appearance replaced by others. All dualistic activity, all mind activity, all science, belongs to that.
However, everything that appears and disappears has to do so against an unchanging background. How else could we notice its appearance and disappearance?
There is the ever changing content of consciousness experience - everything we perceive and conceive. This is our whole world including our sense of ourselves. All transient and unreal, thin mind-air we give reality by obsessing about it.
And then there is the ever-present unchanging background, this conscious pure awareness in which everything appears and disappears
Reside in that and you and your world truly turns into this amusing stage full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It's an illusionary play altogether.
And permanent peace, joy and bliss is recognized as our true nature.
If that is fully understood, it is easy to focus all our e orgies on being simply THAT. And starts right here right now.
No ego needs to achieve it. It cant be achieved by any doing. It can only be realized by making that our only desire.
Thank you for this.
I’m wondering whether the Covid 19 pandemic was a test in preparation for a larger scale genetic-biological war, and if this is the background for the ‘compulsory’ mass-immigration (massively mixing the genetic composition of our societies as a ‘protection’ against genetic warfare) we’re seeing in the Western world?
Hello from India Dr Desmet. I sense an underlying melancholy in your postings. When will you visit India? Yes. It’s chaotic. Yes. It’s not the cleanest place in the world. Yes there are many problems here as a developing country. But it’s a country deeply embedded in faith and spirituality. If you were smart and brave enough during the Orwellian 2020 pandemic years, you could avoid the totalitarian vaccine diktats. Many of our Muslim faithful here refused them on religious grounds and were not harassed or maligned. Our Supreme Court eventually ruled such mandates unconstitutional too (although sadly all too many have been - even forcibly vaccinated - against their will). We are not so engrossed in the Ukraine war here. We are non aligned - friends with Russia and Europe - and just signed a peace treaty with China last week. The future of BRICS and the advancement of the Global South presents much excitement and optimism. Yes there are lots of people and crowds which can be frustrating here, but in a different way you can never escape human interaction or have a lonely moment here. Maybe it’s time to visit a different part of the world and post from there. There is hope and optimism for humanity.
Your reflections artfully weave together history’s harsh truths and the sobering prospect of an impending global conflict, eloquently contrasted against your breathtaking descriptive immersion in natural beauty, both within us and around us. It is a testament, delivered with a profound sense of hope and quietly graceful resilience. Bravo!
The line, "Even the total destruction of humanity and humaneness does not compel some to let the ring of power be taken from their hand," immediately brought to my mind the haunting image of Gollum in Tolkien's *The Lord of the Rings*, his slimy desperate fingers grasping for the ring—a powerful symbol of corruption and obsession. Though this resonance was most likely unintended, as you often remind us, the mind travels unique and curious paths.
“My precious, we wants it, we needs it, must have the precious…” – Gollum
Gollum, J.R.R. Tolkien's tragic anti-hero, embodies a mania that consumes him, both physically and spiritually. Once a Stoor hobbit of the Misty Mountains, he was overtaken by the allure of the Ring. The desire to possess it drove him to murder his own cousin, Déagol, and from that moment on, the Ring became his sole reason for being, transforming him from a joyful hobbit into a creature warped by compulsive desire. Brzezinski was clearly warped with loathing of Russia and his consuming desire to destroy it as a world power.
Gollum’s tragedy lies in his inner duality—a battle between Sméagol, the remnant of his gentler self, and Gollum, his corrupted, deceitful alter ego. These two personas clash within him, exposing the devastating impact of his fixation on the Ring. He becomes a symbol of a delusion's power to disfigure not only the body but also the soul, embodying what you've so hauntingly called "the unfathomably dark depths of the human being."
This fixation on power and control, believing it to be the key to happiness and security, ironically ensnares him in a cycle of endless longing and despair. Gollum’s character becomes a tragic reflection of the maniacal darkness that arises from unchecked belief. The fascinations fueled by a steady rhythm of propaganda emanating from a "certain metaphysical force or spirit."
Spoiler: In the trilogy's climax, his fixation seals both his and the Ring's fate. Overcome with triumphant joy, Gollum bites the Ring from Frodo’s finger, only to plummet into Mount Doom’s fires, where he and the object of his desire are finally destroyed. Gollum’s end is a grim parable—his fervent quest for dominion lead to ruin, illustrating the terrible consequences of blind ambition.
“My Precious” has become a cultural meme of our understanding of consumption with blind belief, desire and self-destruction. Much like Gollum, humanity stands on a precipice, teetering over the “darkest abyss,” with the Neocon's blind fixation on power, wealth, and global dominion threatening to ignite a devastating conflict. Gollum’s fate serves as a stark reminder: the very object of attraction, pursued at all costs, can become the instrument of humanity's undoing.
Your fervent pleading for authentic personal testimony sparks the courage in many who are silent and in some who practice the art of sincere speech within their sphere of influence, whether small or large, to steadily pick up their voice and carry on. Much thanks for your own gallantry to surrender to this flow of life.
For me, Wagner's story of the Ring is necessary to appreciate its power.
That's a very important point: "practice the art of sincere speech within their sphere of influence, whether small or large". Exactly - do little if you can't do more, but do the right thing, and do it with integrity. And cooperate with each other in order to be able to do more.
"No one escapes the power of this symbolic framework, neither Russia nor America, Europe nor China. They all use propaganda, they all participate in the arms race,....."
Another reason why it's problematic to compare east to west etc., is that neocons have publicly stated that they want to break up Russia and downgrade China etc. So you could forgive them nations for taking a more aggressive posture....
China sends out building teams into developing nations, while the US sends out bombers to level cities, and occupying forces... I know which business model I'd prefer.
Mattias, your notion that Russia attacked Ukraine because it was threatened by NATO is complete nonsense. It was not Western brainwashing or cunning coercion, but the experience of Russian occupation that made countries like the Baltic states want to join NATO. To get into NATO, we had to actively want it ourselves. It seems that you, far away on the Dutch-German border, view Ukraine (and probably also Poland and the Baltic states) as nasty warmongers who should not have their own will as a nation and people. It is very strange that, as an expert in the psychology of totalitarianism, you have taken such a one-sided position on the issue of Russia.
Who 'wants peace'?
“2019 RAND Paper . . .
As far back as 2019, US Army-commissioned studies examined different means to provoke and antagonize Russia who they acknowledged sought to avoid conflict. “
You don't have "own will as a nation and people", you gave that up a long time ago. Instead you live in world of propaganda and pure ideological nonsense. Mattias has described and analysed the situation perfectly; if you don't want to grasp that, that's your problem.
I don't think it's wise to pick a side in a nuclear conflict but rather solve the problem, and the author obviously knows it. More info:
What position? If it's Harris, it'll be business as usual. If it's Trump, he's already promised to end the war on Day-1. So that means stopping the money flow immediately, withdrawing US troops (trainers, you understand, not combatants), and talking directly with Putin (who has repeatedly said that all he wants is self-determination for Donbas, as required by the Minsk Agreement (2014), wjich the Ukraine government unilaterally abrogated.
The question is: Who do you trust to do what they say? Harris, or Trump (kept just about all of his 2016 campaign promises)?
Whoever is elected will not truly be elected but rather appointed by the powers that be (i.e. the very influential families some of which Mattias mentioned in his article). Unfortunately whoever it is, they are both zionists but from a different brotherhood. WW3 is inevitable not because of how world powers are shaking up the geopolitical chessboard but more poignantly because of how these elite families have been planning it all along.
Mattias, I would like to add a link which is very useful for this subject:
Edward Samuel Herman (April 7, 1925 – November 11, 2017) was an American economist, media scholar and social critic. Herman is known for his media criticism, in particular the propaganda model hypothesis he developed with Noam Chomsky, a frequent co-writer.
'I feel people everywhere becoming aware that only the Act of sincere speaking... ' I am learning to speak my truth without hardening. Yet speaking truth with softness and firm sincerity at the same time. People like yourself give me the courage to step it up.
Thank you! ❤️