A great dream to share, Mattias. Thanks !

Sufficient evidence for the fact that you haven't lost your powerful sensitivity, your excellent 'fijngevoeligheid' in our language. You did not become a scientific robot like some others, who do not even notice any longer how cold they have become ? Or is it only their forced slavery submission, to the all-pervading capitalist spectacle ?

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Jun 13·edited Jul 25

Mattias, you woke up in another dream.

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That is a dream. A dream of how we should all be towards one another.

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It is sad that ideas in heads can destroy friendships and other relationships.

Why can't people agree to disagree?

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What happened then isn’t what the dream is now.

People change .

Consider the dream to be real. It’s proof awaits you as it has from time immemorial.

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That is so damn sad. But, when you really think about it how bright can this guy be? He’s easily brainwashed. Are those who are easily brainwashed as bright as those who aren’t? I don’t remember you mentioning intellect being a factor in your book. I have a feeling brain power has nothing to do with it. Sadly, they are simply part of the majority.

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I hope this dream comes true for you Mattias, and for all of us who dream this too.

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“…a warm desire beneath the frozen and cold rock…”

Had a thought today. That is: how all the sadistic viciousness came from one side and one side only, never from the “unjected”.

In my mind the vaxxed have embedded themselves in permafrost.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Thank you for this, I resonate deeply! This inner realm much deserves honor and articulation on a grief which, like most kinds of grief, goes unacknowledged. As such, it adds to the topic of disenfranchised grief, a body of work with its first scholarly anthology in 2023. Much appreciated.

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I take your dream as some important but troubling realities. Deep friendships share and survive a crisis. Shallow friendships pretend crisis never happens. Our better angels wish everyone the best and crave friendship. I think that’s a good angel to embrace with a little caution and wisdom.

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In one of my dreams, I saw you at my house. Seemed like you were there not to meet me, but there out of some necessity of stay. I was having trouble getting your sleeping arrangements right. I was hopeful of getting time to talk to you, but you weren't much and did not find time by the end of the brief stay.

I had a similar dream about my Uncle, whom I respect a lot. I also saw him at my house. I wanted to talk to him, but he said he had just arrived and was tired. The dream ended before I could talk to him.

There is some memories and worries which have haunted me for years. I have several times thought about discussing them with my Uncle, but he has seemed more remote and unreachable as time has passed.

Another common element in both dreams was that both you and my uncle behaved towards me with some degree of annoyance and possibly disregard or dislike.

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You write so well Doctor. I hope people understand the essence of your message, and how deeply important it is. It is sad to see that some people seem to miss the point completely, trying to ascertain which "side" you are on.

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I had a quite similar, but entirely different type of dream… if that makes sense?


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Ouch! I feel ya Doc, but one day the truth will set everything straight again. And that day approaches quickly. ❤

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Funny to compare your text to the comments.

You, Dr. Desmet have chosen your side. Cope with it.

I am definitely not the one who has to apologize for the ongoing feudalistic power grab.

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I had a resonant dream early in the pandemic where a beloved friend - a fellow writer and empath — and she said, ‘I cannot follow you on this path you’re on’, which was my rejection of the mandates etc. I felt sad but also grateful that we were close enough for her to tell me this at the soul level.

A secular read of your dram is that you are processing loss; an animate read suggests there is still a thread between the two of you. 💛

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So wish I could edit my typos! Oh well. Many thanks Jan for your poignant reflections. I’m sorry you went through that. We all suffered, which is its own litmus test of integrity.

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I did not have a dream (yet) about this particular issue, but a rather shocking 'live experience' involving a neighbour back then. How long ago was it, perhaps two years now, I do not remember any more. When I told him I refused vaccination, he shouted in my face : 'You are a murderer !'. I haven't forgotten that ever since.

Meanwhile things still seem ok between us, we still talk. But not about this incident. How quickly people can turn each other into mortal enemies, just because a microscopic virus suddenly catches everyone's attention, and needs to be 'killed' immediately 'by vaccination', in many's imagination.

Is it all about imprisoning and controlling everyone's imagination, and is that perhaps one of the reasons why our dreams try to break out of that prison ? I'm afraid it is. If people still have an imagination, because theirs was annihilated as well already, in childhood e.g. ?

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