Judging by the way voices are silenced to this day, speech acts are both under- and overrated - but primarily mis-rated (as mere opinions). I say this after having read *The Indoctrinated Brain*, by Michael Nehls MD, according to whom a major objective of the indoctrination alluded to is replacing our (auto-)biographical memories with scaremongering nonsense and Harari-inspired quackery. These people may be materialist in outlook, bit it's our souls they're after.

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Ostensibly the materialist theory of reality denies the realm of the spirit. But really, and sooner or later, it will become aligned with the demonic.

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Our population have their heads in the sand bucket;


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Nailed by linked just liked that. Done gone.

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So succinctly said, thank you.

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These last few weeks has surely seen an aggressive intensification of retaliation and retribution and I would like to add to your speaking out list death threats and culmination of such threats. But Kulldorff’s firing was particularly perplexing and aside from the fact they want to kick off Plandie2.0 as early as next week*, mesmerised on a past transformation with our backs to the future is where the controller forces want us to be. But I do often wonder just how much of this forced silencing is for the sake of silencing itself and something that I have been writing on over the past few weeks.

Why is our speech sacred? Not one personally to use bible verses but if: "In the beginning was the one who is called the Word (λόγος). The Word was with God and was truly God", then creation first expresses itself via the eternal field of sound current. The first cause is indeed sound. But sound is the feminine aspect of the Mother God principle in a dynamic union with the masculine aspect or Father God principle of light: let there be light! Where it is through emanations of light that sound comes into density, together creating perpetual motion. The absolute truth is that everything which exists manifests in gender principle whose metaphysical forces acts upon all consciousness and creation, and the problem is in order to create a dark overlord wonderland on this planet, one needs to usurp and control the mother/feminine principle. Hence the misogyny, the false father God religions, the suppression of divine Sophia’s wisdom which is the true philosophy or Gnosis, yada, yada, yada. They needed to rid themselves entirely of the feminine principle, including us women and all speech, in full knowing that we are not empty automatons. This however is just a consciousness stream and a book in and of itself, and saying such will probably get me burnt at the stake even today. But you did call for a metaphysical revolution. One thing I did learn the hard way recently, be careful what you wish for, they seem to arrive in an 'All' or 'nothing' affair… Enjoy your time in the land of fire and ice.

(*they need to radiate the people with a new source of radiation which acts as the gateway to a planned pandemic which may explain the calling up of the Nuclear Unit in the US as was questioned by RM).

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The late great San Francisco poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti once said: "Poetry is the shortest distance between two humans." No surprise then that this ancient art has also been marginalized and degraded by the power structure. Poetry is a standing rebuke to the transhumanist notion that humans are mere "biological machines" or the brain a "computer," our emotions mere "algorithms." Anyone who has studied poetry will immediately understand that these are metaphors. Only shallow materialists and technocrats mistake the metaphor for reality. Poetry encapsulates the mysterious spirit of humanity and its irresistible urge to communicate on a profound level. Seriously—read a poem a day.

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Thank you. Wonderfully true.

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"...the materialist-rationalist view on man and the world that forms the basis of our society... manifesting in it’s most extreme and pure technocratic-transhumanist form..."

Transhumanism can't be a form of rationality, since its goal is the destruction of humanity. The origin of Klaus Schwab's project is the antithesis of rationality: the kabbalistic concept of "repairing the world", Tikkun Olam.




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Thank you for your advocacy of truthful speech. Its importance is underrated. Why is it there is so little truthful speech? Surely, the majority of people are morally inclined to speak out. Is it that they are still under the influence of mass formation? Or are they intimidated by the strength of those that control government and the mainstream media? We have been strangely silent while our morality, ethics, and society have been suppressed and, even, destroyed. Is there not a sense of obligation, responsibility that should be pushing us to dispense the truth? We have sat silently while authoritarian tyrannical forces have battered our civil society. The foothold these barbarians have gained cannot be underestimated. If we are not to be run over like sheep crossing the road we must be vocal, spreading the truth wherever, whenever and however possible.

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People must also understand that this is a cult. Huxley prophetically wrote that "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats." Fear never yields love, but ever serves power: climate change fear, pandemic fear, race fear, homo"phobia" etc. -- all serve as faux justification to silence or commit violence against "the other." This toxic totalitarianism is being driven by a hate-cult that has replaced -- and reversed -- all Christian precepts. I am an attorney, and I make the case (along with James Lindsay) that what we see is an Establishment" of a world religion. https://johnklar.substack.com/p/woke-theocracy-dominates-america

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Orwell and Waugh were passionate about the importance of words. Now "white supremacist" means "white person" and "Christian nationalist" means "domestic terrorist". The more they tighten their noose, the more vocally I scream back the truth: if we are not on a list, we are lining up to be fitted for our jail cells and coffins....

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"True speech emerges from a place hidden behind the harness of our outer ideal image, from a place hidden behind the veil of appearances."

Hence the vast popularity of social media. Humans NEED to express themselves to each other, because we need to feel connected and validated. Censorship seeks to do more than just control the narrative, it seeks to control our very humanity.

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I encourage anyone who hasn't to read Simone Weil's "The Need for Roots", which speaks to our crazymaking moment of total human deracination and the Controller class' urgent desire to turn us all into malleable lumps of obedient processed humanity.

"....complete, unlimited freedom of expression for every sort of opinion, without the least restriction or reserve, is an absolute need on the part of the intelligence. It follows from this that it is a need of the soul, for when the intelligence is ill-at-ease the whole soul is sick. The nature and limits of the satisfaction corresponding to this need are inscribed in the very structure of the various faculties of the soul.

Generally speaking, all problems to do with freedom of expression are clarified if it is posited that this freedom is a need of the intelligence, and that intelligence resides solely in the human being, individually considered. There is no such thing as a collective exercise of the intelligence. It follows that no group can legitimately claim freedom of expression, because no group has the slightest need of it.

....Uprootedness is by far the most dangerous malady to which human societies are exposed, for it is a self-propagating one. For people who are really uprooted there remain only two possible sorts of behaviour: either to fall into a spiritual lethargy resembling death, like the majority of the slaves in the days of the Roman Empire, or to hurl themselves into some form of activity necessarily designed to uproot, often by the most violent methods, those who are not yet uprooted, or only partly so."

Simone was a prophet trying to free humanity from all forms of oppression designed and sold as pseudo-liberation. There is simply no freedom without freedom of thought and expression.

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Excellent post

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