Hi, I think you're wrong. I think anti Israel / Jew Hate / Pro Palestinian is the new formation. hating jews is like drinking water and breathing air to these people
I’m afraid that we will have to learn the lessons of our ancestors again, that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering, but our lesson may now, unfortunately, be final.
We've seen it before. China's "expert" arrogance led to massive famine, people killing people, being killed just trying to eat after the "expert's" solution to low crop yields made entire crops disappear. Totalitarianism kills like no other form of government.
Paved With Good Intentions: Mao Tse-Tung’s “Four Pests” Disaster
Government interventions to control the natural microbial world can only end in disaster. Man is not God. Men who think themselves gods lack humility and lack respect for the natural world. And those type of men who populate the political class and academia will arrogantly believe their mass murders are "for the greater good" in their social engineering breaking of eggs to make omelets.
Speaking of omelets, an old butter substitute commercial comes to mind:
It's Not Nice to Fool With Mother Nature
(sadfunny ironic that the TV ad is for spread that's man-made buttery-flavored petrochemicals that fool with Mother Nature passing itself off as a more natural butter.)
Human is the most warlike creature on this planet. Carl Sagan mentioned it, whats the reason for it, Nietzsche spoke about it, said ( I paraphrase) "Nature, even the Universe is a Will to Power"
Thanks! We will continue making questions and heal off the toxic quemistry 5 generation military cognitive tools are doing just even saying and laughing about it
Thanks for your article, Mattias! My feeling is that less people are buying into the Ukraine War Narrative than the Corona Narrative, maybe because those who were skeptical with Corona now also see through this, but people who accepted the corona narrative and had bad results (like vaccination damages) are now also waking up to the systematic propaganda behind well, almost everything in the news :)
At least in Germany, 25% of electorate voted for parties who opposed both the corona and the ukraine war narrative. I'm hopeful!
This is probably the clearest and most cogent analysis, in one place, of the Ukraine situation that I have read. At the heart of the mass formation seems to be the strict ignoring of the situation as seen from the Russian perspective. Likewise, the strict ignoring of the fact that Ukraine is probably the most corrupt country in the world. (Why does the West, and the U.S. in particular, seem to repeatedly back the worst actors on the international stage?)
All that is required for a balanced picture to emerge to the world is to listen to/ watch Putin's lengthy interview from the Kremlin with Tucker Carlson. The neocons are content to bury the fact that Russia has life-or-death strategic interests in Crimea (one of only two ice-free ports in Russia ... the other being Vladivostok). You analysis, Mattias, is the ONLY one I've read that acknowledges this fact. The same fallacy is at work here that afflicts the AGW crowd: An abject failure to examine the trends of history. ("Don't confuse me with facts ... my mind's made up!")
Your post should be required reading throughout western Europe and the U.S. I'll get off the soapbox now, but leave you with this quotation by that great philosopher of German thought, Hermann Goering:
"Of course people don't want war. Why should a poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?"
Shortly after I came to Canada I met a German lady, her family was influencial , her father was Goering architect who developed the Berlin underground subway system, her grandfather came to the idea of the helicopter propelers . She met Goering and said of him that he was the most intelligent among the Nazi leaders, how he hated Hitler but never told his feelings in the open and Hilda who become my friend for years, told me Goering he did not deserve to be executed. You corect Harley, Goering was a good philosopher.
I think you may have missed the sarcasm in my characterization of Goering. And to set the record straight, Goering was NOT executed. He committed suicide before his trial was completed, using a cyanide pill hidden in a tube of toothpaste.
My point is that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Similarly, even incorrigible people can be right about some things.
Goering understood the mentality of the crowd and how the collective mind is easy to be manipulated. He for sure would understand the meaning of Mass Formation as well.
What I truly appreciate about you is how you always help us zoom out and see the bigger picture.
What if we could all look beyond the details and ask ourselves: what is the deeper message? How can we truly contribute to peace—not by fighting fire with fire, but by bringing water? By using words instead of weapons?
If we are willing to see the bigger perspective, we can recognize what truly matters. That is where the invitation lies.
Thank you, Mattias, for helping me zooming out and for your courage, dedication, and perseverance.
The quite differentiated opinions in the comments are best evidence that there is no mass formation happening right now. If I try to be a little unfair for the sake of the devil's advocacy, except perhaps on 'Mattias' own 'right' side of the covid-critic spectrum. With a big orange elephant on "Warp Speed" trum p eting the "Adults in the room" right now. There's a new Sheriff in the City, y know ... No "monsters" here to see. But this kindergarten comic stuff doesn't impress me much.
Buckle up Betty, because the story of the Panama Canal will soon supersede Ukraine. Hopefully, people will start seeing the big picture, and it ain’t about children raising children. Although controlling (and eliminating ) the masses is certainly integral.
Phenomenal read. Love your work. The emotional transference makes complete sense. We live in a world where there appears to be two sides. For and against. I know that I cannot get into any discussion with someone when it begins with either, He lies or they lie. No opportunity exists for rational discussion. It becomes all about persuasion. There is no persuading the irrational or illogical. Everything descends into emotion, especially when it comes to Covid (they did what they thought was right) and Ukraine (they are fighting for their democracy, even if it takes the last boy standing).
Hi, I think you're wrong. I think anti Israel / Jew Hate / Pro Palestinian is the new formation. hating jews is like drinking water and breathing air to these people
I’m afraid that we will have to learn the lessons of our ancestors again, that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering, but our lesson may now, unfortunately, be final.
.. logic is .. consecutive .. what does that mean .. for mass formation .. and the new ..
We've seen it before. China's "expert" arrogance led to massive famine, people killing people, being killed just trying to eat after the "expert's" solution to low crop yields made entire crops disappear. Totalitarianism kills like no other form of government.
Paved With Good Intentions: Mao Tse-Tung’s “Four Pests” Disaster
Discover Magazine, February 26, 2014
China’s deadly science lesson: How an ill-conceived campaign against sparrows contributed to one of the worst famines in history
SAGE Journals, September 10, 2018
The Four Pests Campaign: How Killing Sparrows Led to Famine in China
A-Z Animals, March 14, 2024
China’s Worst Self-Inflicted Environmental Disaster: The Campaign to Wipe Out the Common Sparrow
Gizmodo, July 18, 2012
It's not a coincidence that Totalitarian forms of government have the highest Democide (Death by Government) body counts of all. It's not even close:
Death by Government RJ Rummel, 1994
Government interventions to control the natural microbial world can only end in disaster. Man is not God. Men who think themselves gods lack humility and lack respect for the natural world. And those type of men who populate the political class and academia will arrogantly believe their mass murders are "for the greater good" in their social engineering breaking of eggs to make omelets.
Speaking of omelets, an old butter substitute commercial comes to mind:
It's Not Nice to Fool With Mother Nature
(sadfunny ironic that the TV ad is for spread that's man-made buttery-flavored petrochemicals that fool with Mother Nature passing itself off as a more natural butter.)
Human is the most warlike creature on this planet. Carl Sagan mentioned it, whats the reason for it, Nietzsche spoke about it, said ( I paraphrase) "Nature, even the Universe is a Will to Power"
Thanks! We will continue making questions and heal off the toxic quemistry 5 generation military cognitive tools are doing just even saying and laughing about it
Thanks for your article, Mattias! My feeling is that less people are buying into the Ukraine War Narrative than the Corona Narrative, maybe because those who were skeptical with Corona now also see through this, but people who accepted the corona narrative and had bad results (like vaccination damages) are now also waking up to the systematic propaganda behind well, almost everything in the news :)
At least in Germany, 25% of electorate voted for parties who opposed both the corona and the ukraine war narrative. I'm hopeful!
This is probably the clearest and most cogent analysis, in one place, of the Ukraine situation that I have read. At the heart of the mass formation seems to be the strict ignoring of the situation as seen from the Russian perspective. Likewise, the strict ignoring of the fact that Ukraine is probably the most corrupt country in the world. (Why does the West, and the U.S. in particular, seem to repeatedly back the worst actors on the international stage?)
All that is required for a balanced picture to emerge to the world is to listen to/ watch Putin's lengthy interview from the Kremlin with Tucker Carlson. The neocons are content to bury the fact that Russia has life-or-death strategic interests in Crimea (one of only two ice-free ports in Russia ... the other being Vladivostok). You analysis, Mattias, is the ONLY one I've read that acknowledges this fact. The same fallacy is at work here that afflicts the AGW crowd: An abject failure to examine the trends of history. ("Don't confuse me with facts ... my mind's made up!")
Your post should be required reading throughout western Europe and the U.S. I'll get off the soapbox now, but leave you with this quotation by that great philosopher of German thought, Hermann Goering:
"Of course people don't want war. Why should a poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?"
Shortly after I came to Canada I met a German lady, her family was influencial , her father was Goering architect who developed the Berlin underground subway system, her grandfather came to the idea of the helicopter propelers . She met Goering and said of him that he was the most intelligent among the Nazi leaders, how he hated Hitler but never told his feelings in the open and Hilda who become my friend for years, told me Goering he did not deserve to be executed. You corect Harley, Goering was a good philosopher.
I think you may have missed the sarcasm in my characterization of Goering. And to set the record straight, Goering was NOT executed. He committed suicide before his trial was completed, using a cyanide pill hidden in a tube of toothpaste.
My point is that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Similarly, even incorrigible people can be right about some things.
Goering understood the mentality of the crowd and how the collective mind is easy to be manipulated. He for sure would understand the meaning of Mass Formation as well.
Nice try, AI!
Make coffee ,
Not war .
Fight bad coffee ,
Not other people .
What I truly appreciate about you is how you always help us zoom out and see the bigger picture.
What if we could all look beyond the details and ask ourselves: what is the deeper message? How can we truly contribute to peace—not by fighting fire with fire, but by bringing water? By using words instead of weapons?
If we are willing to see the bigger perspective, we can recognize what truly matters. That is where the invitation lies.
Thank you, Mattias, for helping me zooming out and for your courage, dedication, and perseverance.
The quite differentiated opinions in the comments are best evidence that there is no mass formation happening right now. If I try to be a little unfair for the sake of the devil's advocacy, except perhaps on 'Mattias' own 'right' side of the covid-critic spectrum. With a big orange elephant on "Warp Speed" trum p eting the "Adults in the room" right now. There's a new Sheriff in the City, y know ... No "monsters" here to see. But this kindergarten comic stuff doesn't impress me much.
Buckle up Betty, because the story of the Panama Canal will soon supersede Ukraine. Hopefully, people will start seeing the big picture, and it ain’t about children raising children. Although controlling (and eliminating ) the masses is certainly integral.
Excellent writing and unexpectedly.. calming.
Phenomenal read. Love your work. The emotional transference makes complete sense. We live in a world where there appears to be two sides. For and against. I know that I cannot get into any discussion with someone when it begins with either, He lies or they lie. No opportunity exists for rational discussion. It becomes all about persuasion. There is no persuading the irrational or illogical. Everything descends into emotion, especially when it comes to Covid (they did what they thought was right) and Ukraine (they are fighting for their democracy, even if it takes the last boy standing).
De ezel balkt- IA- en zie een volle beker ..schuin / drinken\ Matthias ..tja tijd is als water het laagste punt.