Malone not fooling me … rational thinking not working about Malone

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Jun 19·edited Jun 20

I am a DDS who left practice to enter research. I reviewed and lectured nationally on the clinical implications of current medical-dental research. Much of it was useless, some was intentionally misleading, financed by a corp. Recently, I have been studying geopolitical policies and activities and current medical implications. The only truthful souls are the early Marxists like, Antonio Gramsci who in his "Prison Notebook" told us exactly how Marxists would collapse Western civilization and capitalism. Like it or not, everything we see today, we were warned in advance. This week, I may have discovered that high amounts of aluminum (vaccine adjuvants) are being injected in newborn babies and as boosters (adult dosages), and there has been no toxicity testing to support their use. Aluminum in our bodies has also been attributed to other serious diseases, albeit later in life. Did you see in 2021 that oral polio vaccine contained Covid 40% when compared to those taking placebo (Frontiers in Immunology) at 10 cents a dose? I'm not an expert, verify on your own. Truth is, I never assume truth I can't independently verify. Saddens me greatly. Otherwise, I am a very happy guy. :)

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You are right, it is a life-time of social upbringing, habit and indoctrination over generations. We learn these things in our cradle, so it is very hard to break free.

But we have become slaves to medical tyranny and big pharma.

We just believe taht viruses exist and cause disease, we just believe that medicine helps us, that doctors know best.

We have been deluded for centuries.

To awake from this is not easy, but it is sweet and gives one a new-found freedom to be responsible for one's own well being.

Be healthy and you won't get sick... sounds silly, but it is true.

There are no bugs or viruses out to get you, just don't pollute yourself with unnatural food and pollutants of all kinds.

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Dr. Malone is a true hero. It has been difficult to understand why people are still unable to see the truth. I think mass formation is the only thing that makes sense. I also think it is difficult for people to wrap their heads around the fact that they were wrong, because they were duped by the government. It's that pesky ego we all have. Also scary that they may have poisoned their children. It is easier for them to continue to go along with the nonsense. I do think things are changing and I truly hope that Fauci will be prosecuted. It's nice to see a tribute to Dr. Malone. He deserves the highest praise. What he has done has been a tremendous sacrifice. Thank you Mattias! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Not my hero… his multiple attempts at lawsuits expose him for who he is

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So very lovely. Thank you for this clarification. I have been moving into my heart for years, without necessarily being able to describe the journey.

The fear porn of 'controlled opposition' has annoyed me greatly - and I see it as a product of persons who are themselves in fear and doubt (so I do not follow) or who are seeding fear and doubt (so I do not follow).

It has lead to a much calmer state of being and life. I trust life. I trust myself. I trust my heart. And so, I need not worry. Following one's own heart & purifying it of fear, does allow one to 'see' clearly.

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Unbelievable naïveté in so many of these replies.

Any big voice pretending there was a virus, a pandemic, a novel disease at this stage…

…is deeply deeply DEEPLY suspect.

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You sound very certain.

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Certainty is when you take something that is inherently in doubt, a story, and pretend it is real.

I don’t do certainty.

Read this


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I get it. You're adamantly certain that you don't do certainty, and that's the definition of the avoidance of delusion.

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Just keep the two worlds clearly separate.

Experienced actual truth, green stuff …

and imagined, modelled, representational, abstract, pink stuff.

Certainty is the treating of story as if it was truth. People are only ‘certain’ about things they are in doubt about.

Certainty is treating pink as green. I can’t say I never make this mistake

but avoidance of delusion (mistaking pink and green) is at the core of my thinking.

Doubt and scepticism! The sword that should never sleep.

First be clear

What is the case, and what are the stories.

All else follows.

Or as the great sage Onion would have it:

Kwaag fli Oolphrae Tikay Tikai Phramphele

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Yes. And...

This is useful (as distinct from correct) in the realm of (ego-)mind, of cognition, and in dualistic (binary) consideration. In the human realm, I find four-part logic more often pertains (as useful), as it resolves the paradoxes that are ubiquitous in human experience and process. So, remembering that we have no actual access to the actual ("actuality"), only the personal, perceptual, relative and subjective "reality" as delimited by our senses, our cognitive capacity, and our concepts, no matter how rigorously we strive to perfect a method of reality testing, c'est toujours la pipe. Abiding the both/and-ness and neither/nor-ness of our sense of reality, being at peace with things as they are beyond our conceptualization (and therefore illusion of knowledge) of them, while also diligently exercising the discernment (sword) you reference to differentiate the likely wholesome (true/useful) from the likely unwholesome, allows us to walk the agnostic, non-certain path with the humility of grace, appreciating and enjoying the mysteries that endure.

And, please, what does your phrase mean; and from whence?

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yes. love make it all soooo easy to discern. do no harm. living TRUTH we all prosper. True Wealth IS who and what we ARE. infinite love iamyouareweare onewon

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Malone is clearly deep at the heart of the scam. Mattias, are you compromised or confused?

Is it possible to be confused at this stage?

You support so many obvious falsehoods.


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Don't criticize what you clearly don't understand. I'm deeply tired of the noise of small and poisoned minds that cannot or will not see what is true. Keep your mouth shut, your heart open, and listen better.

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I think you may wish to consider going back to basics.


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May 31·edited May 31

I understand and appreciate your perspective and points on science, facts, stories, and how this relates to "truth" in those contexts. But this is not the Truth in question. A true heart and innocent intent might have bad facts, support "obvious falsehoods", and we can call those out without impugning the person in whole. In my judgement, only arrogance asks if, in the midst of a psy-war of unprecedented sophistication and penetration, one can still be confused... at this stage; and only those entrenched in shadow-projection egoic "self"-defense deny their active and ongoing role in the systemic totalitarian drama playing out.

In my judgment, Malone holds to some bad ideas, and yet I trust his heart, his intention, his best effort. And Desmet is one of the most lucid, self-aware, Truth-telling, and valuable voices in the movement. If you think he's compromised or confused, it's because you have not understood him at all. (And if you can't get over either of them or anyone else holding a bad idea and are letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, then I guess we're all doomed.)

And I apologize for my judgmental, projective first post. Just really tired of defending what is to me self-evident, but to others, you perhaps, is still confusing about the value of speaking Truth, no matter how badly we might at first do it.

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I'm writing a history of one branch of my ancestors (was that word originated from incest?), we've got them documented back to 1560 in Thuringia, Germany, but no earlier. However, it is nearly impossible to weave in European/American history when its all been manipulated. I want some dot points to wake up some of my relatives. I've incl the fact that most wars are bankers wars, the beginning of the Rothschild charade of families etc, that vaxes began in the 1700s (although I'd like a bit more on that, I believe they weren't injections as such) but how long is a piece of thread? There are so many avenues...space aliens, climactic events, economy, govts, immigration/refugees, orphan trains, mud floods. Can anyone recommend some unfettered sources of info please?

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Post the links to the evidence you claim. I am STILL looking for conclusive evidence a 'virus' as a pathogenic agent is responsible for AIDS - since the mid 1980's. Many claiming what appears to me to be circumstantial evidence - '...was believed infected with HIV and the illness appeared to be transmitted so HIV as a pathogenic virus must be the agent'. Fauci et al were involved in that one too. Put enough waste, bio-active agents, into your body and you will likely get ill, and with the same or very similar set of symptoms as others exposed to the same contamination.

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At this point, especially after listening to the word salad that Malone made in his recent interview on Epoch Times, I believe he is likely, at times, "controlled opposition." If one is knowledgeable on data regarding "viruses," methods of uniquely isolating one (which includes making a live cell culture), modifications of Koch's postulates of contagion for viruses, the need for a totally isolated sample for "sequencing" AND/OR for PCR tests, etc., it seems improbable that Malone is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - either that, or he is ignorant. ( https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/everything-you-need-to-know-about-h5n1-avian-flu-fallout-5656583?utm_source=Morningbrief&src_src=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2024-05-28&src_cmp=mb-2024-05-28&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcec%2FZxwszc7B%2BL0BqStaBLm3cRir3EKw4al%2ByR5YKuKy )

This interview falls into the class of bio-terror. With totalitarian hegemons at the top of the totem pole, I wonder what disincentives and incentives were given.

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How's this for rational?

We shouldn't be trusting practitioners of psychology and virology to lead our movement. That's how we got here in the first place.

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how about focusing on content rather than your "feelings" for a change.

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Dr. Baloney to the rescue everyone!

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Dr. Malone is a very noble and trustworthy man. He said, “the COVID vaccine is deadly and ineffective. Do not take it” and he was one of the inventors, if not the inventor.

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May 27·edited May 27

“Men have forgotten God, that is why all this evil has befallen us.” It’s true what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said that the old people were saying in his day and it seems true for us today. The LORD calls us to “Finally be strong in the LORD and in the strength of his might…Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:10-12 Pilate asked the question: What is truth? Start reading the book of John in the Bible and one will discover whom He is. Jesus said: I AM the way, the Truth, and the life. John 14:5. It is He who will equips us for the battle. Praise the LORD!

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Well let's look at the detractors and everyone decide for themselves.

Anyone who gets on Tucker Carlsons show is either approved or controlled opposition, so perhaps you are a good fit for propping up the narrative enforcement operatives.

Let's look at Malone and just ask the question - does this pass the pub test?




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your logic is twisted. Putin is therefore controlled opposition. More likely that you are that which you accuse others of. Which is called projection, by the way.

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A down vote arrow would be useful

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I cant see my comment, but he is. ALL IN THIS TOGETHER- The moniker for all the players in the spoon fed reality we find ourselves. It's the communist playbook actually- accusing the enemy of doing what you are doing.

This has been the most premeditated holocaust in history, I separate this into those that believe in the Kissinger report recommendations, and those who don't.

I find it telling that supposed bastions of truth in the counter narrative camp in parliament haven't discovered the decades and decades and decades upon decades of premeditation.



Then of course there is the unlawful illegitimacy that these operatives keep promoting as an inevitable reality - not because it is reality, but it is the script they are given to set the parameters of reality for the flock

Control / the collective mind = Govern / ment

On international and US legal instruments governing "adjustment of domestic legislative and administrative arrangements" and exercise of political authority during declared public health emergencies.


Government by silent immobility: an effective ruling innovation developed by the globalists, capitalizing on natural human aversion to hard work, conflict and pain.

FOIA requests to Department of State re: delegation of authority for treaty negotiation and ratification.


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Quite compelling.

Though I don't think Malone is a bad guy, but it seems he is incentivized or disincentivized by the totalitarian puppeteers.

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