I had recently read this, and it came to mind as our Pastor was speaking about “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, and he conceded that some people may not love themselves, but he made it sound like that was the exception. IDK. The more we love ourself, the less likely we are to create the “other ego” (Matthias refers to) and the easier it would be to love others. Christianity has the benefit of knowing that past sins are forgiven by God for the repentant. This is a miracle, but usually not instantaneous, cure.
What about a separation of Woke & State; a return to rational debate, devoid of identity politics, censorship and financial interests being weaponised? :-)
You'll still have the oligarchs, but it may stop poor decision making and wasteful spending at a bureaucratic level...
The outer is perceived through ego. It is written upon by ego. To transmute ego is the most flamboyant use of dedication, for it is surrendering belief in the world. The world is but an effect. A hologram, an hallucination by one mind divided into many, all God. The invitation is to return home. Inquire meditate, trauma work, inner child love, emancipate, commune. This is our calling. It's a call to love. As love. In truth we never left love. We are safe, in eternal nature. What I'm struggling with is the request to give up this world. For you cannot see too. This letting go, conceptually, is what broadens heart space to include it all. But ego is tricky, cruel, active. It is a tormentor that is premised on thought. It's reality is the same as the oligarchs, a power premised on fear, like the wizard of Oz, behind the curtain. I like to challenge system. But in so doing I am solidifying it's perceptual reality. A Course in Miracles says 'in defencelessness my freedom resides' Please join me on this radical road of reconditioning. Peace and love ❤️
I would add to that that in these difficult, indeed, frightening and atomised times, that "Love thy neighbour as thyself" becomes very important. At worst, especially if Harris is elected (or able to pull off a heist) the West will be on a precipice.
I will just leave this here as food for thought...
First published in 2012 as EPILOGUE to Heart to Heart Parenting, by Robin Grille 🙏🏼
A question to consider while reading:
How does this apply today?
A letter to US parents, grandparents and teachers
In today’s world, it is increasingly true that no one can thrive unless all are thriving together. Our communities are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. Malaise in one corner will inevitably, sooner or later, affect the whole. On the other hand, a burst of happiness anywhere in the world sends ripples that touch all of humanity eventually, if only subtly. As we strive to create a loving environment for our own children, we should pause to think how the children around us are faring. The babies and children of other families will one day be the leaders of our children’s world. They will be our children’s doctors, lawyers, senators, and community leaders. Every one of us has a stake in the wellbeing of all children; and so it is well worth “taking the temperature” of childhood in our nations and around the world."
"A new society is eminently possible—one that is driven by love rather than greed, fear, or suspicion. All that is needed is a collective commitment to giving more children an emotionally healthy environment in which to grow, play, love, learn, and feel secure. This requires giving all parents a chance, support and enough time—that increasingly rare commodity—to enjoy their children."
Install local boards specialized in artificial intelligence, imbedded in local human rights committees, led by citizens. For, the line between delusional disorder and parallel reality lies in perception. Tip, re-read John Berger, Ways of Seeing. Free download on monoskop . org Thank you Mattias, for your inspirational writings.
It is altogether far too common, but I’m ashamed of the taxi driver’s filthy mouth. I’m ashamed of much of what America has come to be and represent, the things that have been spread around the world in the name of America and Americans. I find myself very out of place in this country I no longer recognize, where filth on many levels flows freely - language, movies, billboards, advertisements, magazines. The immodesty and the bizarre hair, piercings, and body graffiti.
America deserves to reap the consequences of what has been permitted, and even promoted.
What you did on the plane was heart-warming. Thank you for your kindness, especially considering the hate that Jewish people are facing worldwide.
I work in education. A huge bureaucracy. I didn’t fully understand this fact until recently. This bureaucracy stifles honesty, innovation and critical thinking. I have been a slave to my employer. I didn’t expect this when I went into adult education. My goal was to help people learn. Unfortunately, I have bills to pay, and, so, as many here will probably understand, am beholden. But, as I begin to wake up, and feel good in myself- like who I am, and appreciate the skill that I have, i push back. The system does not want us healthy and clear minded I realise. To survive, one has to repress one’s self . I bring up the tyranny of the employer- employee relationship because I believe that this is what holds us back from the connection of which you are speaking .
Soon, I will be free, but the better I feel, the harder it is to not speak .
Remember what you also said, there is 5% of the population who do not succumb to the Indoctrination, I am one of the 5%. I took your message of spreading the truth, keep talking to people (although I was doing that before I heard your interview w Tucker. As of late though, I have come to realize that the mindset of the alt-lfts is UNSAFE for the rest of us.
More People know the truth than ever, YET, they sit in their apathy. There comes a time to stand TF up, and get out of your house.
I'm positive the apathy makes the Puppet Masters clap their 'HOOVED' hands. I'm familiar w the Brownstone Institute because I used to receive International Living. I was headed abroad to find a home base camp, then teach English as a foreign language right up until COVID cm came along.
Well that changed, bc I CHOSE to not get a shot of BS.
We must stand up and fight. Take that any way y'all like.
I agree for the most part. Stand up and fight can be taken many ways and the 'hooved hands' people would like violence so they can rush in with the 'fix'. I believe that is their plan. There are many ways to 'react' that don't involve violence or engaging in their plan. There are so many false dichotomies presented to us when there are an infinite number of options.
I will be presenting a new article later this week that will be a perfect example of alternative ways to 'react'.
A beautiful, as well as thought-provoking piece of writing - thank you for it!
I know you were early to this theme, but I am struck by how many are now coming to talk about questions of cultural dissolution - and from so many different angles. Indeed, the distinction between political schisms and those which split families is superbly made and crucial.
I can't help flashing on one of Adam Curtis' unusually discerning documentaries, where he has a bit of sport with the new-age movement going after "The policeman inside your head". Like so many popular ideas, it was all too often about destroying bonds of loyalty friendship and love connection (the wellspring of duty, and self-overcoming, we suffer so much for avoiding) in favour of the transcendent unfettered self - an ideal which has indeed proved an utterly purposeless useless thing, if ever there was one. (Experimental results we owe the rest of the world honesty about - lest they displace their still intact cultures in the attempt to mimic ultimately nihilistic consumerism).
And yet - like so many ideas, while mis-used at the time, and socially ruinous, there was a tantalizing clue, which we might yet pick up in our time.
In my own scrawlings about the world, I'm trying hard to blend a big dose of realism, with clues to hope and potential yet untapped. Your opening scene of irritability into profound compassion did that, beautifully (and the torque of the bittersweet loss of what felt deep in the moment, is so sad, and of our times).
The bureaucrat layer is again, crucial to keep in mind. As a mostly poor fellow in a fairly rich town, I've had the working class view of this decrease in simple range of freedoms (self-authority) my whole life. Easier to ignore with comforts, less so for those who provide them! Also invisible to the university class is the extent to which credentialism has raised increasingly steep barriers against any dignified employment for the working class, even as the excluding laptop class celebrate the implosion of "Dirty" old industries and ways of working which once let millions buy houses, and now rent trailers for thousands of security guards for the rotting behemoth hulks, instead.
Sorry - don't mean to go on, just really enjoy your stuff and your range of approaches to inquiry, also. "Never explain ALL as malice..." doesn't give us an excuse to ignore what clearly is, and yet as so often, going all-in with just one explanation leaves us clueless and frustrated by the more complicated reality.
Thank you so much for what you do!
PS - just in case you find yourself with a bored moment on your travels, you might find this oddball Canadian's take on the state of our decline, amusing.
(I cannot claim your intellect, but I know you'll hear my heart)
Greetings, God bless and grace to all, What is going on in the USA and the West is another bolshevic revolution in every sense of the word; the kazarian mafia who are pretending to be semetic and are not; Just to be clear this sums it up well: "Zionists are not the original Jews but are actually demon worshipers."
What is the KM? "Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, " .."...[in 2014] Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of [publication Veterans Today] VT delivered a Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. ... Duff explained that what is going on in Iraq and Syria with [Israeli funded] ISIS is not Terrorism, [Israeli funded ISIS] is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of [the Israeli] international Crime Cabal that has gotten control of the American Congress. Yes, this is a large [Israeli] Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause. Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before." "...[Why the KM targets Christians?] "the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty.." https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2014/12/13/historic-speech-in-damascus-sends-shockwaves-around-the-world/
A good lecture on the KM, if you want to start at the beginning, there is loud music randomly so take out your ear buds before around the 18 into the 22 minute mark:
On the tyranny against democracy:
I had recently read this, and it came to mind as our Pastor was speaking about “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, and he conceded that some people may not love themselves, but he made it sound like that was the exception. IDK. The more we love ourself, the less likely we are to create the “other ego” (Matthias refers to) and the easier it would be to love others. Christianity has the benefit of knowing that past sins are forgiven by God for the repentant. This is a miracle, but usually not instantaneous, cure.
What about a separation of Woke & State; a return to rational debate, devoid of identity politics, censorship and financial interests being weaponised? :-)
You'll still have the oligarchs, but it may stop poor decision making and wasteful spending at a bureaucratic level...
The outer is perceived through ego. It is written upon by ego. To transmute ego is the most flamboyant use of dedication, for it is surrendering belief in the world. The world is but an effect. A hologram, an hallucination by one mind divided into many, all God. The invitation is to return home. Inquire meditate, trauma work, inner child love, emancipate, commune. This is our calling. It's a call to love. As love. In truth we never left love. We are safe, in eternal nature. What I'm struggling with is the request to give up this world. For you cannot see too. This letting go, conceptually, is what broadens heart space to include it all. But ego is tricky, cruel, active. It is a tormentor that is premised on thought. It's reality is the same as the oligarchs, a power premised on fear, like the wizard of Oz, behind the curtain. I like to challenge system. But in so doing I am solidifying it's perceptual reality. A Course in Miracles says 'in defencelessness my freedom resides' Please join me on this radical road of reconditioning. Peace and love ❤️
Great summary - so much is relatable & resonates. We have been & allowed ourselves to be disconnected from Soul. This allows tyranny to fill the void.
And this tyranny that CS Lewis describes so well
I would add to that that in these difficult, indeed, frightening and atomised times, that "Love thy neighbour as thyself" becomes very important. At worst, especially if Harris is elected (or able to pull off a heist) the West will be on a precipice.
Someone once said,
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
The Chinese character for "I" is two swords.
I will just leave this here as food for thought...
First published in 2012 as EPILOGUE to Heart to Heart Parenting, by Robin Grille 🙏🏼
A question to consider while reading:
How does this apply today?
A letter to US parents, grandparents and teachers
In today’s world, it is increasingly true that no one can thrive unless all are thriving together. Our communities are becoming more and more interconnected and interdependent. Malaise in one corner will inevitably, sooner or later, affect the whole. On the other hand, a burst of happiness anywhere in the world sends ripples that touch all of humanity eventually, if only subtly. As we strive to create a loving environment for our own children, we should pause to think how the children around us are faring. The babies and children of other families will one day be the leaders of our children’s world. They will be our children’s doctors, lawyers, senators, and community leaders. Every one of us has a stake in the wellbeing of all children; and so it is well worth “taking the temperature” of childhood in our nations and around the world."
"A new society is eminently possible—one that is driven by love rather than greed, fear, or suspicion. All that is needed is a collective commitment to giving more children an emotionally healthy environment in which to grow, play, love, learn, and feel secure. This requires giving all parents a chance, support and enough time—that increasingly rare commodity—to enjoy their children."
Link to PDF:
Install local boards specialized in artificial intelligence, imbedded in local human rights committees, led by citizens. For, the line between delusional disorder and parallel reality lies in perception. Tip, re-read John Berger, Ways of Seeing. Free download on monoskop . org Thank you Mattias, for your inspirational writings.
It is altogether far too common, but I’m ashamed of the taxi driver’s filthy mouth. I’m ashamed of much of what America has come to be and represent, the things that have been spread around the world in the name of America and Americans. I find myself very out of place in this country I no longer recognize, where filth on many levels flows freely - language, movies, billboards, advertisements, magazines. The immodesty and the bizarre hair, piercings, and body graffiti.
America deserves to reap the consequences of what has been permitted, and even promoted.
What you did on the plane was heart-warming. Thank you for your kindness, especially considering the hate that Jewish people are facing worldwide.
I work in education. A huge bureaucracy. I didn’t fully understand this fact until recently. This bureaucracy stifles honesty, innovation and critical thinking. I have been a slave to my employer. I didn’t expect this when I went into adult education. My goal was to help people learn. Unfortunately, I have bills to pay, and, so, as many here will probably understand, am beholden. But, as I begin to wake up, and feel good in myself- like who I am, and appreciate the skill that I have, i push back. The system does not want us healthy and clear minded I realise. To survive, one has to repress one’s self . I bring up the tyranny of the employer- employee relationship because I believe that this is what holds us back from the connection of which you are speaking .
Soon, I will be free, but the better I feel, the harder it is to not speak .
As you can imagine, not speaking becomes impossible when you are no longer beholden. Retired this year.
Mr. Mattias,
Remember what you also said, there is 5% of the population who do not succumb to the Indoctrination, I am one of the 5%. I took your message of spreading the truth, keep talking to people (although I was doing that before I heard your interview w Tucker. As of late though, I have come to realize that the mindset of the alt-lfts is UNSAFE for the rest of us.
More People know the truth than ever, YET, they sit in their apathy. There comes a time to stand TF up, and get out of your house.
I'm positive the apathy makes the Puppet Masters clap their 'HOOVED' hands. I'm familiar w the Brownstone Institute because I used to receive International Living. I was headed abroad to find a home base camp, then teach English as a foreign language right up until COVID cm came along.
Well that changed, bc I CHOSE to not get a shot of BS.
We must stand up and fight. Take that any way y'all like.
I agree for the most part. Stand up and fight can be taken many ways and the 'hooved hands' people would like violence so they can rush in with the 'fix'. I believe that is their plan. There are many ways to 'react' that don't involve violence or engaging in their plan. There are so many false dichotomies presented to us when there are an infinite number of options.
I will be presenting a new article later this week that will be a perfect example of alternative ways to 'react'.
Here is the article.
A beautiful, as well as thought-provoking piece of writing - thank you for it!
I know you were early to this theme, but I am struck by how many are now coming to talk about questions of cultural dissolution - and from so many different angles. Indeed, the distinction between political schisms and those which split families is superbly made and crucial.
I can't help flashing on one of Adam Curtis' unusually discerning documentaries, where he has a bit of sport with the new-age movement going after "The policeman inside your head". Like so many popular ideas, it was all too often about destroying bonds of loyalty friendship and love connection (the wellspring of duty, and self-overcoming, we suffer so much for avoiding) in favour of the transcendent unfettered self - an ideal which has indeed proved an utterly purposeless useless thing, if ever there was one. (Experimental results we owe the rest of the world honesty about - lest they displace their still intact cultures in the attempt to mimic ultimately nihilistic consumerism).
And yet - like so many ideas, while mis-used at the time, and socially ruinous, there was a tantalizing clue, which we might yet pick up in our time.
In my own scrawlings about the world, I'm trying hard to blend a big dose of realism, with clues to hope and potential yet untapped. Your opening scene of irritability into profound compassion did that, beautifully (and the torque of the bittersweet loss of what felt deep in the moment, is so sad, and of our times).
The bureaucrat layer is again, crucial to keep in mind. As a mostly poor fellow in a fairly rich town, I've had the working class view of this decrease in simple range of freedoms (self-authority) my whole life. Easier to ignore with comforts, less so for those who provide them! Also invisible to the university class is the extent to which credentialism has raised increasingly steep barriers against any dignified employment for the working class, even as the excluding laptop class celebrate the implosion of "Dirty" old industries and ways of working which once let millions buy houses, and now rent trailers for thousands of security guards for the rotting behemoth hulks, instead.
Sorry - don't mean to go on, just really enjoy your stuff and your range of approaches to inquiry, also. "Never explain ALL as malice..." doesn't give us an excuse to ignore what clearly is, and yet as so often, going all-in with just one explanation leaves us clueless and frustrated by the more complicated reality.
Thank you so much for what you do!
PS - just in case you find yourself with a bored moment on your travels, you might find this oddball Canadian's take on the state of our decline, amusing.
(I cannot claim your intellect, but I know you'll hear my heart)
Greetings, God bless and grace to all, What is going on in the USA and the West is another bolshevic revolution in every sense of the word; the kazarian mafia who are pretending to be semetic and are not; Just to be clear this sums it up well: "Zionists are not the original Jews but are actually demon worshipers."
What is the KM? "Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, " .."...[in 2014] Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of [publication Veterans Today] VT delivered a Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. ... Duff explained that what is going on in Iraq and Syria with [Israeli funded] ISIS is not Terrorism, [Israeli funded ISIS] is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of [the Israeli] international Crime Cabal that has gotten control of the American Congress. Yes, this is a large [Israeli] Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause. Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before." "...[Why the KM targets Christians?] "the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty.." https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2014/12/13/historic-speech-in-damascus-sends-shockwaves-around-the-world/
A good lecture on the KM, if you want to start at the beginning, there is loud music randomly so take out your ear buds before around the 18 into the 22 minute mark: